Package net.automatalib.serialization
Interface SerializationProvider<OUT,IN>
- Type Parameters:
- The type of objects that should be serializedIN
- The type of objects that should be de-serialized
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface SerializationProvider<OUT,IN> extends ModelSerializer<OUT>, ModelDeserializer<IN>
A utility interface that unionsModelSerializer
.This interface allows to specify two independent types (one for serialization, one for de-serialization) which allows implementing classes to specify types more precise. This may be useful if the respective types hold generics as well (which are invariant).
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface net.automatalib.serialization.ModelDeserializer
readModel, readModel, readModel, readModel
Methods inherited from interface net.automatalib.serialization.ModelSerializer
writeModel, writeModel