Package net.automatalib.serialization.fsm.parser
Class Summary Class Description AbstractFSM2MealyParser<I,O> An FSM parser for Mealy machines.AbstractFSMParser<I> This class provides methods to parse automata in FSM format.FSM2DFAParser<I> Parses an FSM to a DFA.FSM2MealyParserAlternating<I,O> Parses a Mealy machine with alternating edge semantics from an FSM source.FSM2MealyParserIO<I,O> Parse a Mealy machine from an FSM source, with straightforward edge semantics. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AbstractFSMParser.Part An enumeration for the three parts in the FSM file. -
Exception Summary Exception Description FSMFormatException Exception that may be thrown whenever an FSM is illegal.