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AbstractBaseCounterexample<E> - Class in de.learnlib.acex
AbstractBaseCounterexample(int) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractBaseCounterexample
AbstractCounterexample<E> - Interface in de.learnlib.acex
AbstractNamedAcexAnalyzer - Class in de.learnlib.acex
An abstract counterexample analyzer that carries a name.
AbstractNamedAcexAnalyzer(String) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractNamedAcexAnalyzer
AcexAnalysisAlgorithms - Class in de.learnlib.acex
AcexAnalyzer - Interface in de.learnlib.acex
AcexAnalyzers - Class in de.learnlib.acex
This is a utility class, acting as a container for several AbstractNamedAcexAnalyzers.
AcexAnalyzers.Direction - Enum in de.learnlib.acex
AcexLocalSuffixFinder - Class in de.learnlib.counterexample
AcexLocalSuffixFinder(AcexAnalyzer, boolean, String) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.counterexample.AcexLocalSuffixFinder
ALL_ANALYZERS - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
analyzeAbstractCounterexample(AbstractCounterexample<?>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzer
Analyzes an abstract counterexample.
analyzeAbstractCounterexample(AbstractCounterexample<?>, int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzer
analyzeAbstractCounterexample(AbstractCounterexample<?>, int, int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzer


BACKWARD - de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers.Direction
BINARY_SEARCH_BWD - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
Analyzer that searches for a suffix index using binary search.
BINARY_SEARCH_FWD - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
binarySearchLeft(AbstractCounterexample<E>, int, int) - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalysisAlgorithms
binarySearchRight(AbstractCounterexample<E>, int, int) - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalysisAlgorithms
Search for a suffix index using a binary search.
BWD_ANALYZERS - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers


checkEffects(D, D) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex
checkEffects(E, E) - Method in interface de.learnlib.acex.AbstractCounterexample
checkEffects(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.ClassicPrefixTransformAcex
checkEffects(Word<O>, Word<O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.MealyOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex
checkEffects(Word<O>, Word<O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.MooreOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex
ClassicPrefixTransformAcex<I,​D> - Class in de.learnlib.acex
An abstract counterexample based on prefix transformations.
ClassicPrefixTransformAcex(Word<I>, int, MembershipOracle<I, D>, SuffixOutput<I, D>, Function<Word<I>, Word<I>>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.ClassicPrefixTransformAcex
ClassicPrefixTransformAcex(Word<I>, MembershipOracle<I, D>, SuffixOutput<I, D>, Function<Word<I>, Word<I>>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.ClassicPrefixTransformAcex
computeEffect(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractBaseCounterexample
computeEffect(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.ClassicPrefixTransformAcex
computeEffect(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex


de.learnlib.acex - package de.learnlib.acex
This package provides interfaces and classes for the abstract counterexample analysis framework described in the paper An Abstract Framework for Counterexample Analysis in Active Automata Learning by Malte Isberner and Bernhard Steffen.
de.learnlib.counterexample - package de.learnlib.counterexample
This package contains a collection of standard algorithms for handling counterexamples in automata learning.


effect(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractBaseCounterexample
effect(int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.acex.AbstractCounterexample
EXPONENTIAL_BWD - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
Analyzer that searches for a suffix index using exponential search.
EXPONENTIAL_FWD - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
exponentialSearchBwd(AbstractCounterexample<E>, int, int) - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalysisAlgorithms
Search for a suffix index using an exponential search.
exponentialSearchFwd(AbstractCounterexample<E>, int, int) - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalysisAlgorithms


FIND_LINEAR - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds the single suffix found by the access sequence transformation in ascending linear order.
FIND_LINEAR - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinders
Searches for a distinguishing suffixes by checking for counterexample yielding access sequence transformations in linear ascending order.
FIND_LINEAR_ALLSUFFIXES - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds the suffix found by the access sequence transformation in ascending linear order, and all of its suffixes.
FIND_LINEAR_REVERSE - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds the single suffix found by the access sequence transformation in descending linear order.
FIND_LINEAR_REVERSE - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinders
Searches for a distinguishing suffixes by checking for counterexample yielding access sequence transformations in linear descending order.
FIND_LINEAR_REVERSE_ALLSUFFIXES - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds the suffix found by the access sequence transformation in descending linear order, and all of its suffixes.
findLinear(Query<I, D>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>, SuffixOutput<I, D>, MembershipOracle<I, D>) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinders
Searches for a distinguishing suffixes by checking for counterexample yielding access sequence transformations in linear ascending order.
findLinear(Query<I, D>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>, SuffixOutput<I, D>, MembershipOracle<I, D>, boolean) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Returns the suffix (plus all of its suffixes, if allSuffixes is true) found by the access sequence transformation in ascending linear order.
findLinearReverse(Query<I, D>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>, SuffixOutput<I, D>, MembershipOracle<I, D>) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinders
Searches for a distinguishing suffixes by checking for counterexample yielding access sequence transformations in linear descending order.
findLinearReverse(Query<I, D>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>, SuffixOutput<I, D>, MembershipOracle<I, D>, boolean) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Returns the suffix (plus all of its suffixes, if allSuffixes is true) found by the access sequence transformation in descending linear order.
findMalerPnueli(Query<I, D>) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Returns all suffixes of the counterexample word as distinguishing suffixes, as suggested by Maler & Pnueli.
findRivestSchapire(Query<I, D>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>, SuffixOutput<I, D>, MembershipOracle<I, D>) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinders
Searches for a distinguishing suffixes by checking for counterexample yielding access sequence transformations using a binary search, as proposed by Rivest & Schapire.
findRivestSchapire(Query<I, O>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>, SuffixOutput<I, O>, MembershipOracle<I, O>, boolean) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Returns the suffix (plus all of its suffixes, if allSuffixes is true) found by the binary search access sequence transformation.
findShahbaz(Query<I, D>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Returns all suffixes of the counterexample word as distinguishing suffixes, after stripping a maximal one-letter extension of an access sequence, as suggested by Shahbaz.
findSuffixes(Query<RI, RD>, AccessSequenceTransformer<RI>, SuffixOutput<RI, RD>, MembershipOracle<RI, RD>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinder
Finds a set of distinguishing suffixes which will allow to expose at least one additional state in the hypothesis.
findSuffixIndex(AcexAnalyzer, boolean, Query<RI, RO>, AccessSequenceTransformer<RI>, SuffixOutput<RI, RO>, MembershipOracle<RI, RO>) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.AcexLocalSuffixFinder
findSuffixIndex(Query<RI, RD>, AccessSequenceTransformer<RI>, SuffixOutput<RI, RD>, MembershipOracle<RI, RD>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinder
Finds, for a given counterexample, a "split index", such that: - the part of the query word before this index leads to the state being split - the part of the query word from this index on is a suffix capable of splitting this state.
findSuffixIndex(Query<RI, RO>, AccessSequenceTransformer<RI>, SuffixOutput<RI, RO>, MembershipOracle<RI, RO>) - Method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.AcexLocalSuffixFinder
FORWARD - de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers.Direction
fromLocalFinder(LocalSuffixFinder<I, D>) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Transforms a LocalSuffixFinder into a global one.
fromLocalFinder(LocalSuffixFinder<I, D>, boolean) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Transforms a LocalSuffixFinder into a global one.
FWD_ANALYZERS - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers


getAllAnalyzers() - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
getAnalyzers(AcexAnalyzers.Direction) - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
getBackwardAnalyzers() - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
getForwardAnalyzers() - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
getLength() - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractBaseCounterexample
Retrieves the length of the abstract counterexample.
getLength() - Method in interface de.learnlib.acex.AbstractCounterexample
getName() - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractNamedAcexAnalyzer
Retrieves the name of this analyzer.
GlobalSuffixFinder<I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.counterexample
Interface for a global suffix finder.
GlobalSuffixFinders - Class in de.learnlib.counterexample
A collection of suffix-based global counterexample analyzers.


LINEAR_BWD - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
Analyzer that linearly scans through the abstract counterexample in descending order.
LINEAR_FWD - Static variable in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers
Analyzer that linearly scans through the abstract counterexample in ascending order.
linearSearchBwd(AbstractCounterexample<E>, int, int) - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalysisAlgorithms
Scan linearly through the counterexample in descending order.
linearSearchFwd(AbstractCounterexample<E>, int, int) - Static method in class de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalysisAlgorithms
Scan linearly through the counterexample in ascending order.
LocalSuffixFinder<I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.counterexample
Suffix-based local counterexample analyzer.
LocalSuffixFinders - Class in de.learnlib.counterexample
A collection of suffix-based local counterexample analyzers.


MALER_PNUELI - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds all suffixes of the input word, as suggested by Maler & Pnueli.
MealyOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.acex
MealyOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex(Word<I>, MembershipOracle<I, Word<O>>, Function<Word<I>, Word<I>>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.MealyOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex
MooreOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.acex
MooreOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex(Word<I>, MembershipOracle<I, Word<O>>, Function<Word<I>, Word<I>>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.MooreOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex


OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I,​D> - Class in de.learnlib.acex
An abstract counterexample for output inconsistencies, based on prefix transformations.
OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex(Word<I>, int, MembershipOracle<I, D>, Function<Word<I>, Word<I>>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex
OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex(Word<I>, MembershipOracle<I, D>, Function<Word<I>, Word<I>>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.acex.OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex


RIVEST_SCHAPIRE - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds the single suffix found by the access sequence transformation using binary search.
RIVEST_SCHAPIRE - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinders
Searches for a distinguishing suffixes by checking for counterexample yielding access sequence transformations using a binary search, as proposed by Rivest & Schapire.
RIVEST_SCHAPIRE_ALLSUFFIXES - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds the suffix found by the access sequence transformation using binary search, and all of its suffixes.


setEffect(int, E) - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractBaseCounterexample
SHAHBAZ - Static variable in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Adds all suffixes of the remainder of the input word, after stripping a maximal one-letter extension of an access sequence.
suffixesForLocalOutput(Query<I, D>, int) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Transforms a suffix index returned by a LocalSuffixFinder into a list containing the single distinguishing suffix.
suffixesForLocalOutput(Query<I, D>, int, boolean) - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
Transforms a suffix index returned by a LocalSuffixFinder into a list of distinguishing suffixes.


testEffects(int, int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.acex.AbstractCounterexample
toString() - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractBaseCounterexample
toString() - Method in class de.learnlib.acex.AbstractNamedAcexAnalyzer
toString() - Method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.AcexLocalSuffixFinder


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.learnlib.acex.AcexAnalyzers.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.GlobalSuffixFinders
values() - Static method in class de.learnlib.counterexample.LocalSuffixFinders
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