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addEdge(int, ReuseEdge<S, I, O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
Adds an outgoing ReuseEdge to this ReuseNode.
addSystemState(S) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
answerQuery(Word<I>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle
answerQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle


BoundedDeque<E> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
A generic deque-derived container which transparently acts either as a stack or a queue, and optionally a capacity restriction with a configurable policy which element is evicted (or reject) if the maximum capacity is reached.
BoundedDeque(int, BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy, BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
BoundedDeque(BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy - Enum in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
The policy which determines in which order elements are accessed.
BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy - Enum in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
The policy which determines in which order elements are removed if the maximum capacity is reached.
build() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
build() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder


clear() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
clearSystemStates() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
clearTree() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
Clears the whole tree which means the root will be reinitialized by a new ReuseNode and all existing system states will be disposed.
continueQuery(Word<I>, S) - Method in interface de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseCapableOracle
This method will be invoked whenever a system state s was found for reuse when a new membership query is processed.


de.learnlib.filter.reuse - package de.learnlib.filter.reuse
de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree - package de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
dispose(S) - Method in interface de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.SystemStateHandler
The system state S will be removed from the ReuseTree.
disposeSystemStates() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
This method removes all system states from the tree.


EVICT_NEWEST - de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy
Evict the newest element, that is already *in* the queue (i.e., in any case inserts the new element).
EVICT_OLDEST - de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy
Evict the oldest element, i.e., the one at the head of the queue/bottom of the stack.


fetchSystemState(boolean) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
The system state, may be null.
fetchSystemState(Word<I>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
Returns a reuseable ReuseNode.NodeResult with system state or null if none such exists.
FIFO - de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy
First-in first-out.


getEdges() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
Returns all outgoing ReuseEdges from this ReuseNode.
getEdgeWithInput(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
May be null.
getId() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
getInput() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseEdge
The respective input on this edge, never null.
getNodes() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
getOutgoingEdges(ReuseNode<S, I, O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
getOutput() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseEdge
The respective output on this edge.
getOutput(Word<I>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
Returns the known output for the given query or null if not known.
getPartialOutput(Word<I>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
Returns the known output for "reflexive" edges in the tree for the given query.
getReuseCapableOracle() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle
Returns the ReuseCapableOracle used by this instance.
getReuseTree() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle
Returns the ReuseTree used by this instance.
getRoot() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
Returns the root ReuseNode of the ReuseTree.
getSource() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseEdge
The source node from this edge.
getTarget() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseEdge
The target node from this edge.
getTarget(ReuseEdge<S, I, O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
getTargetNodeForInput(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
getVisualizationHelper() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree


hasSystemStates() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode


insert(E) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
Inserts an element into the deque, and returns the one that had to be evicted in case of a capacity violation.
insert(Word<I>, ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult<S, O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
Inserts the given Word with ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult into the tree starting from the root node of the tree.
insert(Word<I>, ReuseNode<S, I, O>, ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult<S, O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree
Inserts the given Word (suffix of a membership query) with ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult (suffix output) into the tree starting from the ReuseNode (contains prefix with prefix output) in the tree.
isBounded() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
Retrieves whether capacity restriction is in effect.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
iterator() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque


LIFO - de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy
Last-in first-out.


newState - Variable in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult
NodeResult(ReuseNode<S, I, O>, S, int) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode.NodeResult


output - Variable in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult


peek() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
Retrieves, but does not remove the top-most element, i.e., the element that is either the top of the stack or the head of the queue, depending on the configured BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy.
prefixLength - Variable in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode.NodeResult
The prefix length for a membership query that leads to the ReuseNode in the reuse tree.
processQuery(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseCapableOracle
An implementation needs to provide a fresh system state, process the whole query and return a ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult with the resulting system state (ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult.newState) and the SUL output to that query (ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult.output).


QueryResult(Word<O>, S) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult


REJECT_NEW - de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy
Reject the element that is about to be inserted.
retrieve() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
Retrieves and remove the top-most element, i.e., the element that is either the top of the stack or the head of the queue, depending on the configured BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy.
ReuseCapableOracle<S,​I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.filter.reuse
Required interface for the ReuseOracle.
ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult<S,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse
ReuseEdge<S,​I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
A ReuseEdge connects two ReuseNode's in the ReuseTree and is labeled with input and output behavior.
ReuseEdge(ReuseNode<S, I, O>, ReuseNode<S, I, O>, I, O) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseEdge
Default constructor.
ReuseException - Exception in de.learnlib.filter.reuse
This exception will be thrown whenever some nondeterministic behavior in the reuse tree is detected when inserting new queries.
ReuseException(String) - Constructor for exception de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseException
reuseNode - Variable in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode.NodeResult
ReuseNode<S,​I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
A ReuseNode is a vertex in the ReuseTree that contains (a possible empty) set of outgoing ReuseEdges.
ReuseNode(int, int, int, BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy, BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode
ReuseNode.NodeResult<S,​I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
ReuseOracle<S,​I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse
The reuse oracle is a MembershipOracle.MealyMembershipOracle that is able to Cache queries: Each processed query will not be delegated again (instead the answer will be retrieved from the ReuseTree) Pump queries: If the ReuseTree is configured to know which symbols are model invariant input symbols via ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder.withInvariantInputs(Set) (like a read from a database which does not change the SUL) or configured for failure output symbols via ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder.withFailureOutputs(Set) (e.g. a roll back mechanism exists for the invoked symbol) the oracle could ''pump'' those symbols inside a query once seen. Reuse system states: There are a lot of situations where a prefix of a query is already known and a system state is available.
ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder<S,​I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse
ReuseOracleBuilder(Alphabet<I>, Supplier<? extends ReuseCapableOracle<S, I, O>>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
ReuseTree<S,​I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
The ReuseTree is a tree like structure consisting of nodes (see ReuseNode) and edges (see ReuseEdge) that is used by the ReuseOracle: Nodes may contain a system state (see ReuseNode.fetchSystemState(boolean)) that could be used for executing suffixes of membership queries.
ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder<S,​I,​O> - Class in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
ReuseTreeBuilder(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder


size() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque
systemState - Variable in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode.NodeResult
SystemStateHandler<S> - Interface in de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree
AN implementation of this interface that is set to the ReuseTree (see ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder.withSystemStateHandler(SystemStateHandler)) will be informed about all removed system states whenever ReuseTree.disposeSystemStates() gets called.
systemStatesIterator() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseNode


toString() - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseEdge


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withAccessPolicy(BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
withAccessPolicy(BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder
withEnabledSystemstateInvalidation(boolean) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder
withEnabledSystemStateInvalidation(boolean) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
withEvictPolicy(BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
withEvictPolicy(BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder
withFailureOutputs(Set<O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
withFailureOutputs(Set<O>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder
withInvariantInputs(Set<I>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
withInvariantInputs(Set<I>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder
withMaxSystemStates(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
withMaxSystemStates(int) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder
withSystemStateHandler(SystemStateHandler<S>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.ReuseOracle.ReuseOracleBuilder
withSystemStateHandler(SystemStateHandler<S>) - Method in class de.learnlib.filter.reuse.tree.ReuseTree.ReuseTreeBuilder
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