All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAAARLearner<L extends LearningAlgorithm<CM,CI,D> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AM,CM,AI,CI,D> |
Base implementation of the learner presented in "Automata Learning with Automated Alphabet Abstraction Refinement" by
Howar et al.
AbstractAbstractionTree<AI,CI,D> |
AbstractAutomatonLStar<A,I,D,S,T,SP,TP,AI extends net.automatalib.automaton.MutableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<I>> |
Abstract base class for algorithms that produce (subclasses of) MutableDeterministic automata.
AbstractBaseCounterexample<E> |
AbstractBaseDTNode<I,D> |
AbstractBasePTAState<S extends AbstractBasePTAState<S,SP,TP>,SP,TP> |
AbstractBFEmptinessOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.DetOutputAutomaton<?,I,?,D>,I,D> |
AbstractBFInclusionOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.DetOutputAutomaton<?,I,?,D>,I,D> |
AbstractBFOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.DeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?>,I,D> |
AbstractBFOracleTest<D> |
AbstractBlueFringePTA<S extends AbstractBlueFringePTAState<S,SP,TP>,SP,TP> |
AbstractBlueFringePTAState<S extends AbstractBlueFringePTAState<S,SP,TP>,SP,TP> |
AbstractBlueFringeRPNI<I,D,SP,TP,M> |
Abstract base class for Blue-Fringe-RPNI algorithms.
AbstractContextExecutableInputSUL<I extends ContextExecutableInput<? extends O,? super C>,O,C> |
AbstractCounterexample<E> |
AbstractDecisionTree<I,D> |
AbstractDFALearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for DFA learning algorithms.
AbstractDFAPassiveLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for passive DFA learning algorithms.
AbstractDiscriminationTree<DSCR,I,O,D,N extends AbstractDTNode<DSCR,O,D,N>> |
An abstract super class for aggregating some information/functionality for discrimination trees.
AbstractDTNode<I,D> |
AbstractDTNode<DSCR,O,D,N extends AbstractDTNode<DSCR,O,D,N>> |
An abstract super class (DAO) for aggregating some information stored in a node of a discrimination tree.
AbstractDynamicBatchProcessor<Q,P extends BatchProcessor<Q>> |
A batch processor that dynamically distributes queries to worker threads.
AbstractDynamicBatchProcessorBuilder<Q,P extends BatchProcessor<Q>,OR> |
AbstractExplicitAAARLearner<L extends LearningAlgorithm<CM,CI,D> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AM,CM,AI,CI,D> |
AbstractExtensibleAutomatonLStar<A,I,D,S,T,SP,TP,AI extends net.automatalib.automaton.MutableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<I>> |
AbstractExtensibleAutomatonLStar.BuilderDefaults |
AbstractGenericAAARLearner<L extends LearningAlgorithm<CM,CI,D> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AM,CM,AI,CI,D> |
AbstractGrowingAlphabetDFATest<L extends net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<Character> & LearningAlgorithm<net.automatalib.automaton.fsa.DFA<?,Character>,Character,Boolean>> |
AbstractGrowingAlphabetMealyTest<L extends net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<Character> & LearningAlgorithm<net.automatalib.automaton.transducer.MealyMachine<?,Character,?,Character>,Character,net.automatalib.word.Word<Character>>> |
AbstractGrowingAlphabetMooreTest<L extends net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<Character> & LearningAlgorithm<net.automatalib.automaton.transducer.MooreMachine<?,Character,?,Character>,Character,net.automatalib.word.Word<Character>>> |
AbstractGrowingAlphabetTest<L extends net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<I> & LearningAlgorithm<M,I,D>,M extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,OR,I,D> |
Simple (abstract super) test class that checks the basic workflow of a learning algorithm that implements SupportsGrowingAlphabet .
AbstractHypTrans<I> |
Abstract hypothesis transition.
AbstractIntrusiveListEntryImpl<T> |
Abstraction<AI,CI> |
An interface for mapping concrete symbols to their abstraction, and abstractions to their representatives,
AbstractLStar<A,I,D> |
An abstract base class for L*-style algorithms.
AbstractMealyLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for Mealy machine learning algorithms.
AbstractMealyPassiveLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for passive Mealy machine learning algorithms.
AbstractMealySymLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for Mealy machine learning algorithms.
AbstractMooreLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for Moore machine learning algorithms.
AbstractMoorePassiveLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for passive Moore machine learning algorithms.
AbstractMooreSymLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for Moore machine learning algorithms.
AbstractNamedAcexAnalyzer |
An abstract counterexample analyzer that carries a name.
AbstractObservationTableWriter<I,D> |
AbstractOneSEVPALearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for OneSEVPA learning algorithms.
AbstractOPLearner<M extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.SuffixOutput<I,D>,I,D,SP,TP> |
AbstractOPLearner.BuilderDefaults |
AbstractQuery<I,D> |
AbstractResumableLearnerDFATest<L extends Resumable<T> & LearningAlgorithm<net.automatalib.automaton.fsa.DFA<?,Character>,Character,Boolean>,T> |
AbstractResumableLearnerMealyTest<L extends Resumable<T> & LearningAlgorithm<net.automatalib.automaton.transducer.MealyMachine<?,Character,?,Character>,Character,net.automatalib.word.Word<Character>>,T> |
AbstractResumableLearnerMooreTest<L extends Resumable<T> & LearningAlgorithm<net.automatalib.automaton.transducer.MooreMachine<?,Character,?,Character>,Character,net.automatalib.word.Word<Character>>,T> |
AbstractResumableLearnerTest<L extends Resumable<T> & LearningAlgorithm<M,I,D>,M extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,OR,I,D,T> |
Test class that checks the workflow of a learning algorithm that implements Resumable .
AbstractSBALearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for SBA learning algorithms.
AbstractSPALearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for SPA learning algorithms.
AbstractSPMMLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for SPMM learning algorithms.
AbstractSSTPassiveLearnerIT |
Abstract integration test for passive SubsequentialTransducer s learning algorithms.
AbstractStaticBatchProcessor<Q,P extends BatchProcessor<Q>> |
A batch processor that statically distributes a set of queries among several threads.
AbstractStaticBatchProcessorBuilder<Q,P extends BatchProcessor<Q>,OR> |
AbstractStatisticData |
Common interface for statistical data.
AbstractSULOmegaOracle<S,I,O,Q> |
AbstractTemporaryIntrusiveDTNode<DSCR,O,D,T,N extends AbstractTemporaryIntrusiveDTNode<DSCR,O,D,T,N>> |
An extension of the AbstractDTNode that adds the concept of temporary splitters as well as linking
discrimination tree nodes outside their regular tree structure.
AbstractTestWordEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
AbstractTTTHypothesis<S extends TTTState<I,D>,I,D,T> |
AbstractTTTHypothesis.TTTEdge<I,D> |
AbstractTTTLambda<M extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.SuffixOutput<I,D>,I,D> |
AbstractTTTLearner<A,I,D> |
The TTT learning algorithm for generic automata.
AbstractTTTLearner.BuilderDefaults |
AbstractTTTLearner.Splitter<I,D> |
Data structure for representing a splitter.
AbstractVPALearner<I> |
AbstractVPALearner.BuilderDefaults |
AbstractWordBasedDiscriminationTree<I,O,D> |
Convenient class for word-based discrimination trees that already binds certain generics.
AbstractWordBasedDTNode<I,O,D> |
Convenient class for word-based discrimination tree nodes that already binds certain generics.
AccessSequenceProvider<I> |
Common interface for objects that have an access sequence associated with them (e.g., states and transitions of a
AccessSequenceTransformer<I> |
AcexAnalysisAlgorithms |
AcexAnalyzer |
AcexAnalyzers |
AcexAnalyzers.Direction |
AcexLocalSuffixFinder |
AdaptiveMembershipOracle<I,O> |
AdaptiveQuery<I,O> |
An adaptive query is a variation of the (regular) Query that allows one to dynamically select the symbols to
query based on responses to previous symbols.
AdaptiveQuery.Response |
The different types of responses when processing outputs from the system under learning.
AdaptiveQueryCache<I,O> |
AdaptiveQueryCache.AdaptiveQueryCacheState<I,O> |
ADS<I,O> |
ADSNode<I,O> |
ADSTree<S extends Comparable<S>,I,O> |
ADT<S,I,O> |
The adaptive discrimination tree class.
ADT.LCAInfo<S,I,O> |
ADTExtender |
Interface for configuration objects that specify how to finalize the temporary splitter given by regular
counterexample decomposition.
ADTExtenders |
ADTHypothesis<I,O> |
Hypothesis model.
ADTLeafNode<S,I,O> |
Leaf node implementation.
ADTLearner<I,O> |
The main learning algorithm.
ADTLearnerBuilder<I,O> |
ADTLearnerState<S,I,O> |
Utility class that captures all essential state of a ADTLearner run.
ADTNode<S,I,O> |
The ADT equivalent of ADSNode .
ADTNode.NodeType |
Utility enum to distinguish the 3 possible types of ADT nodes.
ADTResetNode<S,I,O> |
Reset node implementation.
ADTState<I,O> |
Hypothesis state model.
ADTSymbolNode<S,I,O> |
Symbol node implementation.
ADTTransition<I,O> |
Hypothesis transition model.
ADTUtil |
Utility class, that offers some operations revolving around adaptive distinguishing sequences.
ApartnessUtil |
ArenaNode<T,P> |
ArenaTree<T,P> |
ATManager<I> |
A manager of access sequences and terminating sequences of SBA s during the learning process.
ATManager<I,O> |
A manager of access sequences and terminating sequences of SPMM s during the learning process.
ATRManager<I> |
A manager of access sequences, terminating sequences, and return sequences of SPA s during the learning
AutomatonLStarState<I,D,AI,S> |
Class that contains all data that represent the internal state of the AbstractAutomatonLStar learner and its
DFA and Mealy implementations.
AutomatonOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.DeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?>,I,D> |
Finds counterexamples (to particular claims) to a hypothesis, while generating words that are in the given
AutomatonOracle.DFAOracle<I> |
AutomatonOracle.MealyOracle<I,O> |
BasePTA<S extends AbstractBasePTAState<S,SP,TP>,SP,TP> |
Base class for prefix tree acceptors.
BaseTTTDiscriminationTree<I,D> |
The discrimination tree data structure.
BatchInterruptedException |
Exception that is thrown if a parallel batch is interrupted during processing.
BatchProcessor<T> |
BatchProcessorDefaults |
BinaryDTNode<I,D> |
Binary discrimination tree node specialization.
BinaryDTree<I,D> |
Binary discrimination tree specialization.
BlackBoxOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
BlackBoxOracle.DFABlackBoxOracle<I> |
BlackBoxOracle.MealyBlackBoxOracle<I,O> |
BlueFringeEDSMDFA<I> |
A state-merging learning algorithm based on the evidence principle.
BlueFringeMDLDFA<I> |
A state-merging learning algorithm based on the minimal description length principle.
BlueFringePTA<SP,TP> |
BlueFringePTAState<SP,TP> |
BlueFringeRPNIDFA<I> |
A Blue Fringe version of RPNI for learning DFAs.
BlueFringeRPNIMealy<I,O> |
Blue-fringe version of RPNI for inferring Mealy machines.
BlueFringeRPNIMoore<I,O> |
Blue-fringe version of RPNI for inferring Moore machines.
BlueFringeVisualizationHelper<S extends AbstractBlueFringePTAState<S,SP,TP>,SP,TP> |
BooleanMap<V> |
Primitive implementation for boolean maps.
BoundedDeque<E> |
A generic deque-derived container which transparently acts either as a stack or a queue, and optionally
a capacity restriction with a configurable policy which element is evicted (or reject) if the maximum capacity is
BoundedDeque.AccessPolicy |
The policy which determines in which order elements are accessed.
BoundedDeque.EvictPolicy |
The policy which determines in which order elements are removed if the maximum capacity is reached.
BuilderDefaults |
Category |
A set of markers that allow one to categorize logging output.
CExFirstOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
The strategy of this black-box oracle is to first try out a property, to see if it can be disproved.
Children<I,D> |
ClassicLStarDFA<I> |
Implementation of the L* algorithm by Dana Angluin.
ClassicLStarDFABuilder<I> |
ClassicLStarMealy<I,O> |
An implementation of the L*Mealy algorithm for inferring Mealy machines, as described by Oliver Niese in his Ph.D.
ClassicLStarMealyBuilder<I,O> |
ClassicLStarMoore<I,O> |
A MooreMachine -based specialization of the classic L* learner.
ClassicLStarMooreBuilder<I,O> |
ClassicPrefixTransformAcex<I,D> |
An abstract counterexample based on prefix transformations.
CloseRandomStrategy |
ClosingStrategies |
Collection of predefined observation table closing strategies.
ClosingStrategy<I,D> |
A closing strategy, determining how to proceed when an observation table needs to be closed.
Color |
Indicates the coloring of states of the prefix-tree acceptor during merging.
CompleteExplorationEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
Implements an equivalence check by complete exploration up to a given depth, i.e., by testing all possible sequences
of a certain length within a specified range.
ContextExecutableInput<O,C> |
A context executable input is an input that performs a specific action on a SUL itself, given a specific
execution context.
ContextExecutableInputSUL<I extends ContextExecutableInput<? extends O,? super C>,O,C> |
ContextHandler<C> |
ContextPair<I> |
A context pair of prefix and suffix to discriminate a hypothesis state.
Counter |
A simple counter.
CounterAdaptiveQueryOracle<I,O> |
CounterCollection |
A collection of counters.
CounterObservableSUL<S,I,O> |
CounterOracle<I,D> |
A MembershipOracle that counts both the number of queries and the total number of symbols occurring in all
those queries.
CounterStateLocalInputSUL<I,O> |
CounterSUL<I,O> |
DefaultATManager<I> |
A default ATManager that only extracts initial access sequences and terminating sequences from positive
DefaultATManager<I,O> |
A default ATManager that only extracts initial access sequences and terminating sequences from positive
DefaultATRManager<I> |
A default ATRManager that only extracts initial access sequences, terminating sequences, and return sequences
from positive counterexamples.
DefaultLearningExample<I,D,A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.SuffixOutput<I,D>> |
A learning example that directly stores the alphabet and the reference automaton in its
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultDFALearningExample<I> |
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultMealyLearningExample<I,D> |
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultMooreLearningExample<I,D> |
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultOneSEVPALearningExample<I> |
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultSBALearningExample<I> |
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultSPALearningExample<I> |
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultSPMMLearningExample<I,O> |
DefaultLearningExample.DefaultSSTLearningExample<I,D> |
DefaultPassiveLearningExample<I,D> |
Default implementation for a passive learning example.
DefaultPassiveLearningExample.DefaultDFAPassiveLearningExample<I> |
DefaultPassiveLearningExample.DefaultMealyPassiveLearningExample<I,O> |
DefaultPassiveLearningExample.DefaultMoorePassiveLearningExample<I,O> |
DefaultPassiveLearningExample.DefaultSSTPassiveLearningExample<I,O> |
DefaultProcessingOrders |
Standard processing orders that can be used for the RPNI algorithm.
DefaultQuery<I,D> |
A query is a container for tests a learning algorithms performs, containing the actual test and the corresponding
DefensiveADS<S,I,O> |
A variant of the backtracking ADS search (see ADS , BacktrackingSearch ), that works on partially
defined automata.
DFABenchmarks |
DFABFEmptinessOracle<I> |
DFABFInclusionOracle<I> |
DFACacheOracle<I> |
DFA cache.
DFACacheOracle.DFACacheOracleState<I> |
DFACaches |
DFACExFirstOracle<I> |
DFACompleteExplorationEQOracle<I> |
DFACounterOracle<I> |
DFADisproveFirstOracle<I> |
DFAEQOracleChain<I> |
DFAFinitePropertyOracle<I,P> |
A property oracle for DFAs where it is fine to only check finite words from the model checker.
DFAHashCacheOracle<I> |
DFAHashCacheOracle.DFAHashCacheOracleState<I> |
DFAHistogramOracle<I> |
DFAIncrementalWMethodEQOracle<I> |
DFALassoEmptinessOracleImpl<S,I> |
DFALassoPropertyOracle<I,P> |
A property oracle for DFAs that can check lassos from the model checker.
DFAPropertyOracleChain<I,P> |
DFARandomWMethodEQOracle<I> |
DFARandomWordsEQOracle<I> |
DFARandomWpMethodEQOracle<I> |
DFARefinementCounterLearner<I> |
DFASimulatorEQOracle<I> |
DFASimulatorOracle<I> |
DFAWMethodEQOracle<I> |
DFAWpMethodEQOracle<I> |
DFAWrapper<S extends AbstractBasePTAState<S,Boolean,Void>,I> |
DiscriminationTreeIterators |
Factory methods for several kinds of discrimination tree node iterators.
DisproveFirstOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
The strategy of this black-box oracle is to first try to disprove all properties before finding a counter example to
the given hypothesis.
DTInnerNode<I,D> |
DTLeaf<I,D> |
DTNode<I> |
Specific discrimination tree node implementation.
DTree<I> |
Specific discrimination tree implementation.
DynamicParallelAdaptiveOracle<I,O> |
DynamicParallelAdaptiveOracleBuilder<I,O> |
DynamicParallelOmegaOracle<S,I,D> |
DynamicParallelOmegaOracleBuilder<S,I,D> |
DynamicParallelOracle<I,D> |
DynamicParallelOracleBuilder<I,D> |
DynamicSymbolComparator<I> |
EmptinessOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
Decides whether the intersection of the language of a given hypothesis and some other language (e.g., from a SUL ) is empty.
EmptinessOracle.DFAEmptinessOracle<I> |
EmptinessOracle.MealyEmptinessOracle<I,O> |
EQOracleChain<A,I,D> |
EquivalenceOracle<A,I,D> |
An equivalence oracle, which checks hypothesis automata against the (possibly unknown) system under learning (SUL).
EquivalenceOracle.DFAEquivalenceOracle<I> |
EquivalenceOracle.MealyEquivalenceOracle<I,O> |
EquivalenceOracle.MooreEquivalenceOracle<I,O> |
Error |
ExampleAngluin |
This class provides the example used in the paper ''Learning Regular Sets from Queries and Counterexamples'' by Dana
Angluin that consists of an automaton that accepts ''all strings over {0,1} with an even number of 0's and an even
number of 1's''.
ExampleCoffeeMachine |
This example represents the Coffee Machine example from Steffen et al.
ExampleCoffeeMachine.Input |
ExampleGrid |
This class generates a Mealy machine consisting of a two-dimensional grid of states.
ExampleKeylock |
ExamplePalindrome |
ExamplePalindrome |
ExamplePalindrome |
ExamplePaulAndMary |
This class implements a sad love story - DFA style.
ExampleRandomDFA |
ExampleRandomMealy<I,O> |
ExampleRandomMoore<I,O> |
ExampleRandomOneSEVPA<I> |
ExampleRandomSBA<I> |
ExampleRandomSPA<I> |
ExampleRandomSPMM<I,O> |
ExampleRandomSST<I,O> |
ExampleRandomStateLocalInputMealy<I,O> |
ExampleShahbazGroz |
This class provides the example used in the paper ''Inferring Mealy Machines'' by Muzammil Shahbaz and Roland Groz
(see Figure 1).
ExampleStack |
This example encodes a small stack with a capacity of three elements and "push" and "pop" operations as Mealy
ExampleStack.Input |
ExampleStack.Output |
ExampleTinyDFA |
Tiny DFA with language (ab)*.
ExampleTinyMealy |
Tiny machine with the language (a1a2)^*.
ExecutableInput<O> |
An executable input is an input that performs a specific action on a SUL itself.
ExecutableInputSUL<I extends ExecutableInput<? extends O>,O> |
Experiment<A> |
Runs a learning experiment.
Experiment.DFAExperiment<I> |
Experiment.MealyExperiment<I,O> |
Experiment.MooreExperiment<I,O> |
ExplicitAAARLearnerDFA<L extends LearningAlgorithm.DFALearner<CI> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AI,CI> |
ExplicitAAARLearnerMealy<L extends LearningAlgorithm.MealyLearner<CI,O> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AI,CI,O> |
ExplicitAAARLearnerMoore<L extends LearningAlgorithm.MooreLearner<CI,O> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AI,CI,O> |
ExplicitAbstractionTree<AI,CI,D> |
ExplicitInitialAbstraction<AI,CI> |
This interface denotes an Abstraction that additionally provides an initial classification of abstract input
ExtensibleLStarDFA<I> |
An implementation of Angluin's L* algorithm for learning DFAs, as described in the paper "Learning Regular Sets from
Queries and Counterexamples".
ExtensibleLStarDFABuilder<I> |
ExtensibleLStarMealy<I,O> |
A MealyMachine -based specialization of the extensible L* learner.
ExtensibleLStarMealyBuilder<I,O> |
ExtensibleLStarMoore<I,O> |
A MooreMachine -based specialization of the extensible L* learner.
ExtensibleLStarMooreBuilder<I,O> |
ExtensionResult<S,I,O> |
A class that describes the possible result an ADTExtender can return.
GenericAAARLearnerDFA<L extends LearningAlgorithm.DFALearner<CI> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AI,CI> |
GenericAAARLearnerMealy<L extends LearningAlgorithm.MealyLearner<CI,O> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AI,CI,O> |
GenericAAARLearnerMoore<L extends LearningAlgorithm.MooreLearner<CI,O> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,AI,CI,O> |
GenericAbstractionTree<AI,CI,D> |
GenericObservationTable<I,D> |
Observation table class.
GlobalSuffixFinder<I,D> |
Interface for a global suffix finder.
GlobalSuffixFinders |
A collection of suffix-based global counterexample analyzers.
GlobalSuffixLearner<M,I,D> |
Common interface for learning algorithms that use a global suffix set.
GlobalSuffixLearner.GlobalSuffixLearnerDFA<I> |
GlobalSuffixLearner.GlobalSuffixLearnerMealy<I,O> |
HistogramDataSet |
A simple histogram data set.
HistogramOracle<I,D> |
Collects a histogram of passed query lengths.
HState<I,O,SP,TP> |
HTransition<I,O,SP,TP> |
HypIntTrans<I> |
Internal transition.
HypLoc<I> |
Hypothesis location.
HypothesisChangedException |
Exception to indicate structural changes of the hypothesis during counterexample analysis, thus possibly invalidating
the counterexample.
HypRetTrans<I> |
Return transition.
InclusionOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
Decides whether the language of a given hypothesis is included in some other language (e.g., from a SUL ).
InclusionOracle.DFAInclusionOracle<I> |
InclusionOracle.MealyInclusionOracle<I,O> |
Inconsistency<I> |
Inconsistency<I> |
IncrementalWMethodEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
InterningMealyMembershipOracle<I,O> |
InterningMembershipOracle<I,D> |
InterningMooreMembershipOracle<I,O> |
IntrusiveList<T extends IntrusiveListEntry<T>> |
A list that stores elements which directly expose information about their predecessor and successor elements.
IntrusiveListEntry<T> |
A LinkedListEntry refinement specialized for the use in IntrusiveList s.
KearnsVaziraniAdapterDFA<I> |
KearnsVaziraniAdapterMealy<I,O> |
KearnsVaziraniDFA<I> |
The Kearns/Vazirani algorithm for learning DFA, as described in the book "An Introduction to Computational Learning
Theory" by Michael Kearns and Umesh Vazirani.
KearnsVaziraniDFABuilder<I> |
KearnsVaziraniDFAState<I> |
Class that contains all data that represent the internal state of the KearnsVaziraniDFA learner.
KearnsVaziraniMealy<I,O> |
An adaption of the Kearns/Vazirani algorithm for Mealy machines.
KearnsVaziraniMealyBuilder<I,O> |
KearnsVaziraniMealyState<I,O> |
Class that contains all data that represent the internal state of the KearnsVaziraniMealy learner.
LassoEmptinessOracle<L extends net.automatalib.modelchecking.Lasso<I,D>,I,D> |
An emptiness oracle for lassos.
LassoEmptinessOracle.DFALassoEmptinessOracle<I> |
LassoEmptinessOracle.MealyLassoEmptinessOracle<I,O> |
LassoEmptinessOracleImpl<L extends net.automatalib.modelchecking.Lasso<I,D>,S,I,D> |
LassoOracle<L extends net.automatalib.modelchecking.Lasso<I,D>,I,D> |
An automaton oracle for lassos.
LassoOracle.DFALassoOracle<I> |
LassoOracle.MealyLassoOracle<I,O> |
LCAInfo<O,N> |
DAO for aggregating information about the least common ancestor of two subtrees in a discrimination tree.
LeafSplitter |
Interface for configuration objects that specify how to split the ADT leaf of a hypothesis state that needs
LeafSplitters |
LearnerConstructor<L,I,D> |
A simplified view on the constructor of a learning algorithm that only requires an Alphabet definition and a
MembershipOracle .
LearnerITUtil |
Utility class for integration tests for a learning algorithm (or "learner").
LearnerVariant<M,I,D> |
LearnerVariantList<M,I,D> |
A write-only list to store multiple variants of a learning algorithm.
LearnerVariantList.DFALearnerVariantList<I> |
LearnerVariantList.MealyLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
LearnerVariantList.MealySymLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
LearnerVariantList.MooreLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
LearnerVariantList.MooreSymLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
LearnerVariantList.OneSEVPALearnerVariantList<I> |
LearnerVariantList.SBALearnerVariantList<I> |
LearnerVariantList.SPALearnerVariantList<I> |
LearnerVariantList.SPMMLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
LearnerVariantListImpl<M,I,D> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.DFALearnerVariantListImpl<I> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.MealyLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.MealySymLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.MooreLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.MooreSymLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.OneSEVPALearnerVariantListImpl<I> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.SBALearnerVariantListImpl<I> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.SPALearnerVariantListImpl<I> |
LearnerVariantListImpl.SPMMLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
LearningAlgorithm<M,I,D> |
Basic interface for a model inference algorithm.
LearningAlgorithm.DFALearner<I> |
LearningAlgorithm.MealyLearner<I,O> |
LearningAlgorithm.MooreLearner<I,O> |
LearningAlgorithm.NFALearner<I> |
LearningCache<A,I,O> |
Interface for a cache used in automata learning.
LearningCache.DFALearningCache<I> |
LearningCache.MealyLearningCache<I,O> |
Specialization of the LearningCache interface for Mealy machine learning.
LearningCache.MooreLearningCache<I,O> |
Specialization of the LearningCache interface for Moore machine learning.
LearningCacheOracle<A,I,D> |
LearningCacheOracle.DFALearningCacheOracle<I> |
LearningCacheOracle.MealyLearningCacheOracle<I,O> |
LearningCacheOracle.MooreLearningCacheOracle<I,O> |
LearningExample<I,A> |
LearningExample.DFALearningExample<I> |
LearningExample.MealyLearningExample<I,O> |
LearningExample.MooreLearningExample<I,O> |
LearningExample.OneSEVPALearningExample<I> |
LearningExample.SBALearningExample<I> |
LearningExample.SPALearningExample<I> |
LearningExample.SPMMLearningExample<I,O> |
LearningExample.SSTLearningExample<I,O> |
LearningExample.StateLocalInputMealyLearningExample<I,O> |
LearningExample.UniversalDeterministicLearningExample<I,A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?>> |
LearningExamples |
LearnLibLocalPropertiesAutomataLibSettingsSource |
LearnLibLocalPropertiesSource |
LearnLibPropertiesAutomataLibSettingsSource |
LearnLibPropertiesSource |
LearnLibProperty |
An enum of all the system properties currently used by LearnLib.
LearnLibSettings |
LearnLibSettingsSource |
LearnLibSystemPropertiesAutomataLibSettingsSource |
LearnLibSystemPropertiesSource |
LLambdaAdapterDFA<I> |
Adapter for using LLambdaDFA as a procedural learner.
LLambdaAdapterMealy<I,O> |
LLambdaDFA<I> |
LLambdaMealy<I,O> |
LLambdaState<I,D> |
LocalSuffixFinder<I,D> |
Suffix-based local counterexample analyzer.
LocalSuffixFinders |
A collection of suffix-based local counterexample analyzers.
LoggingPropertyOracle<I,A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,P,D> |
A PropertyOracle that performs logging.
LoggingPropertyOracle.DFALoggingPropertyOracle<I,P> |
LoggingPropertyOracle.MealyLoggingPropertyOracle<I,O,P> |
LSharpMealy<I,O> |
Implementation of the L# algorithm for MealyMachine s.
LSharpMealyBuilder<I,O> |
LSOracle<I,O> |
LStarBaseAdapterDFA<I> |
LStarBaseAdapterMealy<I,O> |
LStarDFAUtil |
LStarMealyUtil |
LStarMooreUtil |
MalerPnueliDFA<I> |
A DFA -based specialization of the L* learner which uses the counterexample analysis strategy proposed by
Maler & Pnueli.
MalerPnueliDFABuilder<I> |
MalerPnueliMealy<I,O> |
A MealyMachine -based specialization of the L* learner which uses the counterexample analysis strategy
proposed by Maler & Pnueli.
MalerPnueliMealyBuilder<I,O> |
MalerPnueliMoore<I,O> |
A MooreMachine -based specialization of the L* learner which uses the counterexample analysis strategy
proposed by Maler & Pnueli.
MalerPnueliMooreBuilder<I,O> |
MappedException<O> |
A mapped exception allows one to gracefully handle exceptions thrown, e.g., during a
SUL's step method by providing information about the output symbol that should be emitted
instead and subsequent outputs.
MappedOracle<AI,AO,CI,CO> |
A utility class that allows to lift a membership oracle of concrete input/output symbols to a membership oracle of
abstract input/output symbols, given a corresponding mapper.
MappedSUL<AI,AO,CI,CO> |
Mapper<AI,AO,CI,CO> |
Mapper.AsynchronousMapper<AI,AO,CI,CO> |
A mapper refinement to establish the contract of an asynchronous, query-wise translation of input words.
Mapper.SynchronousMapper<AI,AO,CI,CO> |
A mapper refinement to establish the contract of a synchronized, symbol-wise translation of input words for
reactive systems.
Mappers |
Utility methods for manipulating mappers.
MapTransitions<I,O> |
MealyBFEmptinessOracle<I,O> |
MealyBFInclusionOracle<I,O> |
MealyCacheConsistencyTest<I,O> |
MealyCacheOracle<I,O> |
Mealy cache.
MealyCacheOracle.MealyCacheOracleState<I,O> |
MealyCaches |
MealyCExFirstOracle<I,O> |
MealyCompleteExplorationEQOracle<I,O> |
MealyCounterOracle<I,O> |
MealyDHC<I,O> |
The DHC learner.
MealyDHCBuilder<I,O> |
A builder for constructing MealyDHC instances.
MealyDHCState<I,O> |
Class that contains all data that represent the internal state of the MealyDHC learner.
MealyDisproveFirstOracle<I,O> |
MealyEQOracleChain<I,O> |
MealyFinitePropertyOracle<I,O,P> |
A property oracle for Mealy Machines where it is fine to only check finite words from the model checker.
MealyHistogramOracle<I,O> |
MealyIncrementalWMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MealyLassoEmptinessOracleImpl<S,I,O> |
MealyLassoPropertyOracle<I,O,P> |
A property oracle for Mealy machines that can check lassos from the model checker.
MealyOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I,O> |
MealyPropertyOracleChain<I,O,P> |
MealyRandomWMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MealyRandomWordsEQOracle<I,O> |
MealyRandomWpMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MealyRefinementCounterLearner<I,O> |
MealySimulatorEQOracle<I,O> |
MealySimulatorOracle<I,O> |
MealySimulatorSUL<I,O> |
A SUL that implements steps by stepping through a MealyMachine .
MealyUtil |
Utility class helping to unify various approaches to actively learning Mealy machines.
MealyWMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MealyWpMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MealyWrapper<S extends AbstractBasePTAState<S,Void,O>,I,O> |
MembershipOracle<I,D> |
Membership oracle interface.
MembershipOracle.DFAMembershipOracle<I> |
MembershipOracle.MealyMembershipOracle<I,O> |
A specialization of the MembershipOracle that binds the output domain to Word s of the specified
output type.
MembershipOracle.MooreMembershipOracle<I,O> |
A specialization of the MembershipOracle that binds the output domain to Word s of the specified
output type.
MethodInput |
An input symbol that represents a call to a method with a specific set of parameters.
MethodOutput |
Abstract output of a method.
MooreCacheConsistencyTest<I,O> |
MooreCacheOracle<I,O> |
Moore cache.
MooreCacheOracle.MooreCacheOracleState<I,O> |
MooreCaches |
MooreCompleteExplorationEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreCounterOracle<I,O> |
MooreEQOracleChain<I,O> |
MooreHistogramOracle<I,O> |
MooreIncrementalWMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreOutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I,O> |
MooreRandomWMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreRandomWordsEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreRandomWpMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreRefinementCounterLearner<I,O> |
MooreSimulatorEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreSimulatorOracle<I,O> |
MooreUtil |
Utility class helping to unify various approaches to actively learning Moore machines.
MooreWMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreWpMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
MooreWrapper<S extends AbstractBasePTAState<S,O,Void>,I,O> |
MQ2AQWrapper<I,O> |
MQUtil |
MultiDTNode<I,O,D> |
Generic n-ary discrimination tree node specialization.
MultiDTree<I,O,D> |
Generic n-ary discrimination tree specialization.
MutableObservationTable<I,D> |
NFALearnerWrapper<I> |
NFASimulatorOracle<I> |
NLStarLearner<I> |
The NL* learner.
NLStarLearnerBuilder<I> |
NormalObservationTree<I,O> |
ObservableMealySimulatorSUL<S,I,O> |
ObservableSUL<S,I,O> |
A System Under Learning (SUL) where at any point in time the internal state can be observed.
ObservationPackAdapterDFA<I> |
ObservationPackAdapterMealy<I,O> |
ObservationTable<I> |
ObservationTable<I,D> |
An observation table is a common method for learning algorithms to store organize their observations.
ObservationTableASCIIWriter<I,D> |
ObservationTableCEXHandler<I,D> |
ObservationTableCEXHandlers |
ObservationTableFeature<I,D> |
ObservationTableHTMLWriter<I,D> |
Writes an observation table as an HTML table.
ObservationTableReader<I,D> |
ObservationTableWriter<I,D> |
ObservationTree<S,I,O> |
A class, that stores observations of the system under learning in a tree-like structure.
ObservationTree<S extends Comparable<S>,I,O> |
OmegaMembershipOracle<S,I,D> |
OmegaMembershipOracle.DFAOmegaMembershipOracle<S,I> |
OmegaMembershipOracle.MealyOmegaMembershipOracle<S,I,O> |
OmegaQuery<I,D> |
A query that represents information about infinite words in an ultimately periodic pattern.
OmegaQueryAnswerer<S,I,D> |
OneSEVPAHypothesis<I> |
Hypothesis model.
OneSEVPALearnerITCase<I> |
OPLearnerDFA<I> |
OPLearnerDFABuilder<I> |
OPLearnerHypothesis<I,O,SP,TP> |
Basic hypothesis data structure for Discrimination Tree learning algorithms.
OPLearnerMealy<I,O> |
OPLearnerMealyBuilder<I,O> |
OPLearnerMoore<I,O> |
OPLearnerMooreBuilder<I,O> |
OPLearnerState<I,D,SP,TP> |
Class that contains all data that represent the internal state of the OPLearnerState learner and its DFA and
Mealy implementations.
OPLearnerVPA<I> |
A SEVPA -based adoption of the "observation pack" algorithm.
OPLearnerVPABuilder<I> |
OptimizingATManager<I> |
An optimizing ATManager that continuously scans positive counterexamples and procedural models in order to
find shorter access sequences and terminating sequences.
OptimizingATManager<I,O> |
An optimizing ATManager that continuously scans positive counterexamples and procedural models in order to
find shorter access sequences and terminating sequences.
OptimizingATRManager<I> |
An optimizing ATRManager that continuously scans positive counterexamples and procedural models in order to
find shorter access sequences, terminating sequences, and return sequences.
The OSTIA learning algorithm.
OTLearner<M,I,D> |
OTLearner.OTLearnerDFA<I> |
OTLearner.OTLearnerMealy<I,O> |
OTLearner.OTLearnerMoore<I,O> |
OTUtils |
OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I,D> |
An abstract counterexample for output inconsistencies, based on prefix transformations.
OutputInconsistency<I,D> |
Class for representing output inconsistencies within the TTT algorithm.
ParallelAdaptiveOracle<I,O> |
ParallelOmegaOracle<S,I,D> |
ParallelOracle<I,D> |
ParallelOracleBuilders |
Builders for (static and dynamic) parallel oracles.
PartialTransitionAnalyzer<S,I> |
During the refinement process of the hypothesis, ADS/Ts may be computed on partially defined automata.
PartialTransitionAnalyzer.HypothesisModificationException |
A helper exception to interrupt computations on an invalid hypothesis.
PassiveLearnerVariant<M,I,D> |
PassiveLearnerVariantITCase<I,D,M extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.SuffixOutput<I,D>> |
Default test case for a passive learning integration test.
PassiveLearnerVariantList<M,I,D> |
PassiveLearnerVariantList.DFALearnerVariantList<I> |
PassiveLearnerVariantList.MealyLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
PassiveLearnerVariantList.MooreLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
PassiveLearnerVariantList.SSTLearnerVariantList<I,O> |
PassiveLearnerVariantListImpl<M,I,D> |
PassiveLearnerVariantListImpl.DFAPassiveLearnerVariantListImpl<I> |
PassiveLearnerVariantListImpl.MealyLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
PassiveLearnerVariantListImpl.MooreLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
PassiveLearnerVariantListImpl.SSTLearnerVariantListImpl<I,O> |
PassiveLearningAlgorithm<M,I,D> |
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner<M extends net.automatalib.automaton.fsa.FiniteStateAcceptor<?,I>,I> |
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer finite-state acceptors (DFA s or NFA s).
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveDFALearner<I> |
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer DFA s.
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveMealyLearner<I,O> |
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer Mealy machines .
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveMooreLearner<I,O> |
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer Moore machines .
PassiveLearningExample<I,D> |
PassiveLearningExample.DFAPassiveLearningExample<I> |
PassiveLearningExample.MealyPassiveLearningExample<I,O> |
PassiveLearningExample.MoorePassiveLearningExample<I,O> |
PassiveLearningExample.SSTPassiveLearningExample<I,O> |
PrefixTree<I,D> |
PrefixTTTLearnerDFA<I> |
PrefixTTTLearnerDFA.ExtDTNode<I> |
PresetAdaptiveQuery<I,O> |
ProcessingOrder |
Interface for entities that specify the order in which blue states are processed (i.e., considered for merges).
PropertyOracle<I,A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,P,D> |
A PropertyOracle can disprove a property, and used to find a counter example to a hypothesis.
PropertyOracle.DFAPropertyOracle<I,P> |
PropertyOracle.MealyPropertyOracle<I,O,P> |
PropertyOracleChain<I,A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,P,D> |
A chain of property oracles.
PTATransition<S extends AbstractBasePTAState<S,?,?>> |
PTAVisualizationHelper<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP>> |
PTNode<I,D> |
PTNodeImpl<I,D> |
Query<I,D> |
QueryAnswerer<I,D> |
A simple interface for answering Word -based queries.
RandomWalkEQOracle<I,O> |
Performs a random walk over the hypothesis.
RandomWellMatchedWordsEQOracle<I> |
An equivalence oracle based on the generation of random (well-matched) words.
RandomWMethodEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
RandomWordsEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
RandomWpMethodEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
RedBlueMerge<S extends AbstractBlueFringePTAState<S,SP,TP>,SP,TP> |
RefinementCounterLearner<M,I,D> |
Counts the number of hypothesis refinements.
ReplacementResult<S,I,O> |
Resumable<T> |
Data structures that implement this interface can be "suspended" by means of exposing a state object that contains
all data that is necessary to resume from this state at a later point in time.
ResumeUtils |
ReturnValue<T> |
A (non-empty) output of a method call.
ReuseCapableOracle<S,I,O> |
ReuseCapableOracle.QueryResult<S,O> |
ReuseEdge<S,I,O> |
ReuseException |
This exception will be thrown whenever some nondeterministic behavior in the reuse tree is detected when inserting
new queries.
ReuseNode<S,I,O> |
ReuseNode.NodeResult<S,I,O> |
ReuseOracle<S,I,O> |
The reuse oracle is a MembershipOracle.MealyMembershipOracle that is able to Cache queries: Each processed query will
not be delegated again (instead the answer will be retrieved from the ReuseTree ) Pump queries: If
the ReuseTree is configured to know which symbols are model invariant input symbols via ReuseOracleBuilder.withInvariantInputs(Set) (like a read from a database which does not change the SUL) or
configured for failure output symbols via ReuseOracleBuilder.withFailureOutputs(Set) (e.g. a roll back
mechanism exists for the invoked symbol) the oracle could ''pump'' those symbols inside a query once seen.
Reuse system states: There are a lot of situations where a prefix of a query is already known and a system state
is available.
ReuseOracleBuilder<S,I,O> |
ReuseTree<S,I,O> |
ReuseTreeBuilder<S,I,O> |
A builder for constructing ReuseTree instances.
ReverseLexCmp<I> |
RivestSchapireAdapterDFA<I> |
RivestSchapireAdapterMealy<I,O> |
RivestSchapireDFA<I> |
A DFA -based specialization of the L* learner which uses the counterexample analysis strategy proposed by
Rivest & Schapire.
RivestSchapireDFABuilder<I> |
RivestSchapireMealy<I,O> |
A MealyMachine -based specialization of the L* learner which uses the counterexample analysis strategy
proposed by Rivest & Schapire.
RivestSchapireMealyBuilder<I,O> |
RivestSchapireMoore<I,O> |
A MooreMachine -based specialization of the L* learner which uses the counterexample analysis strategy
proposed by Rivest & Schapire.
RivestSchapireMooreBuilder<I,O> |
Row<I> |
Row<I> |
A row in an observation table.
Rule2 |
Rule3 |
SampleSetEQOracle<I,D> |
An equivalence oracle that tests a hypothesis against a fixed set of sample queries.
SBALearner<I,L extends LearningAlgorithm.DFALearner<SymbolWrapper<I>> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<SymbolWrapper<I>> & AccessSequenceTransformer<SymbolWrapper<I>>> |
A learning algorithm for SBA s.
SBALearnerITCase<I> |
SBASimulatorOracle<I> |
SEVPASimulatorOracle<I> |
SimpleObservationTable<I,D> |
This class represents the data structure of an ObservationTable without providing any meaningful
SimplePOJOExceptionMapper |
SimplePOJOTestDriver |
A test driver for plain old java objects.
SimpleProfiler |
Very rudimentary profiler.
SimulatorEQOracle<I> |
SimulatorEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
SimulatorEQOracle<I> |
SimulatorEQOracle<I,O> |
SimulatorEQOracle<I> |
An equivalence oracle based on the computation of a separating word for a given hypothesis and a previously known
target system.
SimulatorOmegaOracle<S,I,D> |
SimulatorOmegaOracle.DFASimulatorOmegaOracle<S,I> |
SimulatorOmegaOracle.MealySimulatorOmegaOracle<S,I,O> |
SimulatorOracle<I,D> |
A membership oracle backed by an automaton.
SingleAdaptiveMembershipOracle<I,O> |
SingleQueryOmegaOracle<S,I,D> |
SingleQueryOmegaOracle.SingleQueryOmegaOracleDFA<S,I> |
SingleQueryOmegaOracle.SingleQueryOmegaOracleMealy<S,I,O> |
SingleQueryOracle<I,D> |
Base interface for oracles whose semantic is defined in terms of directly answering single queries (like a QueryAnswerer ), and that cannot profit from batch processing of queries.
SingleQueryOracle.SingleQueryOracleDFA<I> |
SingleQueryOracle.SingleQueryOracleMealy<I,O> |
SingleQueryOracle.SingleQueryOracleMoore<I,O> |
SPALearner<I,L extends LearningAlgorithm.DFALearner<I> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<I> & AccessSequenceTransformer<I>> |
A learning algorithm for SPA s.
SPALearnerITCase<I> |
SPASimulatorOracle<I> |
SplitData<O,T> |
Data associated with a discrimination tree node while an enclosing subtree is being split.
Splitter<I> |
Data structure for representing a splitter.
Splitter.SplitType |
SPMMLearner<I,O,L extends LearningAlgorithm.MealyLearner<SymbolWrapper<I>,O> & net.automatalib.alphabet.SupportsGrowingAlphabet<SymbolWrapper<I>> & AccessSequenceTransformer<SymbolWrapper<I>>> |
A learning algorithm for SPMM s.
SPMMLearnerITCase<I,O> |
SPMMSimulatorOracle<I,O> |
State |
StateInfo<I,D> |
The information associated with a state: it's access sequence (or access string), and the list of incoming
StateLocalInputMealySimulatorEQOracle<I,O> |
StateLocalInputMealySimulatorSUL<I,O> |
StateLocalInputSUL<I,O> |
A System Under Learning (SUL) which can additionally report the inputs that the SUL can process in its current state,
i.e. inputs that will not trigger a SULException when used in the next invocation of the SUL.step(Object) method return an otherwise "undefined" behavior.
StateLocalInputSULAdaptiveOracle<I,O> |
StateLocalInputSULCache<I,O> |
StateLocalInputSULCache.StateLocalInputSULCacheState<I,O> |
StateLocalInputSULOracle<I,O> |
A wrapper around a system under learning (SUL) with state local inputs.
StaticParallelAdaptiveOracle<I,O> |
StaticParallelAdaptiveOracleBuilder<I,O> |
StaticParallelOmegaOracle<S,I,D> |
StaticParallelOmegaOracleBuilder<S,I,D> |
StaticParallelOracle<I,D> |
StaticParallelOracleBuilder<I,D> |
StatisticCollector |
StatisticData |
Common interface for statistical data.
StatisticLearner<M,I,D> |
Common interface for learners keeping statistics.
StatisticLearner.DFAStatisticLearner<I> |
StatisticLearner.MealyStatisticLearner<I,O> |
StatisticLearner.MooreStatisticLearner<I,O> |
StatisticOracle<I,D> |
Common interface for oracles keeping statistics.
StatisticSUL<I,O> |
STNode<I> |
StringMapper<CI> |
SubtreeReplacer |
Interface for configuration objects that specify how nodes of the current ADT should be replaced.
SubtreeReplacers |
SuffixASCIIReader<I,D> |
SuffixASCIIWriter<I,D> |
A de.learnlib.datastructures.writer which stores the suffixes of an ObservationTable in plaintext.
SuffixTrie<I> |
SUL<I,O> |
Interface for a system under learning (SUL) that can make single steps.
SULAdaptiveOracle<I,O> |
SULCache<I,O> |
A cache to be used with a SUL .
SULCaches |
A factory for creating caches for SUL s.
SULException |
Unchecked exception class that can be used by implementors of a SUL to wrap any exceptions that occur during
the SUL.step(Object) methods.
SULMapper<AI,AO,CI,CO> |
An extension of the Mapper interface specifically for SUL s.
SULMappers |
Utility methods for manipulating mappers.
SULOracle<I,O> |
A wrapper around a system under learning (SUL).
SymbolEQOracleWrapper<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.concept.DetSuffixOutputAutomaton<?,I,?,net.automatalib.word.Word<O>>,I,O> |
SymbolWrapper<I> |
A utility class to annotate an input symbol with a (boolean) continuable flag.
SystemStateHandler<S> |
ThreadPool |
A markup interface for a component that manages a pool of threads that may want to be shut down after usage.
ThreadPool.PoolPolicy |
The policy for dealing with thread pools.
ThreadSafeDFACacheOracle<I> |
ThreadSafeDFACaches |
ThreadSafeMealyCacheConsistencyTest<I,O> |
ThreadSafeMealyCacheOracle<I,O> |
ThreadSafeMealyCaches |
A factory for creating thread-safe caches for MealyMachine -based MembershipOracle s.
ThreadSafeMooreCacheConsistencyTest<I,O> |
ThreadSafeMooreCacheOracle<I,O> |
ThreadSafeMooreCaches |
A factory for creating thread-safe caches for MooreMachine -based MembershipOracle s.
ThreadSafeStateLocalInputSULCache<I,O> |
ThreadSafeSULCache<I,O> |
ThreadSafeSULCaches |
A factory for creating thread-safe SUL caches.
TransitionInformation<I,O> |
TranslatingDFA<S,AI,CI> |
TranslatingMealyMachine<S,AI,CI,T,O> |
TranslatingMooreMachine<S,AI,CI,T,O> |
TransList<I> |
A list of transitions.
TTTAdapterDFA<I> |
TTTAdapterMealy<I,O> |
Binary discrimination tree node specialization.
TTTDTNodeMealy<I,D> |
Generic n-ary discrimination tree node specialization.
TTTDTNodeMoore<I,D> |
A MooreMachine -based specialization of the DT node.
TTTHypothesisDFA<I> |
TTTHypothesisMealy<I,O> |
TTTHypothesisMoore<I,O> |
A MooreMachine -based specialization of the TTT hypothesis.
TTTLambdaAdapterDFA<I> |
TTTLambdaAdapterMealy<I,O> |
TTTLambdaDFA<I> |
TTTLambdaMealy<I,O> |
TTTLearnerDFA<I> |
TTTLearnerDFABuilder<I> |
TTTLearnerMealy<I,O> |
TTTLearnerMealyBuilder<I,O> |
TTTLearnerMoore<I,O> |
TTTLearnerMooreBuilder<I,O> |
TTTLearnerState<I,D> |
Class that contains all data that represent the internal state of the AbstractTTTLearner learner and its DFA
and Mealy implementations.
TTTLearnerVPA<I> |
A SEVPA -based adoption of the "TTT" algorithm.
TTTLearnerVPABuilder<I> |
TTTState<I,D> |
TTTStateDFA<I> |
TTTStateMoore<I,O> |
TTTTransition<I,D> |
TTTTransitionMealy<I,O> |
UniversalDeterministicLearnerITCase<I,D,M extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>> |
Unobserved |
An artificial output symbol for a (non-executed) input after an exception has occurred.
VisualizationUtils |
Utility class for running a simple learning setup (cf.
VoidOutput |
The (empty) output of a void method call.
WMethodEQOracle<I> |
An SBA version of WMethodEQOracle which generates test sequences based
on the W-method for each procedure.
WMethodEQOracle<I> |
An SPA version of WMethodEQOracle which generates test sequences based
on the W-method for each procedure.
WMethodEQOracle<I,O> |
Implements an equivalence test by applying the W-method test on the procedures of the given hypothesis SBA ,
as described in "Testing software design modeled by finite state machines" by T.S.
WMethodEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |
WordAdaptiveQuery<I,O> |
WpMethodEQOracle<I> |
An SPA version of WpMethodEQOracle which generates test sequences
based on the partial W-method for each procedure.
WpMethodEQOracle<A extends net.automatalib.automaton.UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,I,?,?,?> & net.automatalib.automaton.concept.Output<I,D>,I,D> |