static <I> Pair<Map<I,Word<I>>,Map<I,Word<I>>> |
SPAs.computeAccessAndReturnSequences(SPA<?,I> spa,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet,
Map<I,Word<I>> terminatingSequences) |
Computes for a given SPA a set of access sequences and return sequences using the given
alphabet .
static <I> Map<I,Word<I>> |
SBAs.computeAccessSequences(SBA<?,I> sba,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet,
Map<I,Word<I>> terminatingSequences) |
Computes for a given SBA a set of access sequences using the given
alphabet .
static <I,O> Map<I,Word<I>> |
SPMMs.computeAccessSequences(SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet,
Map<I,Word<I>> terminatingSequences) |
Computes for a given SPMM a set of access sequences using the SPMM
alphabet .
static <I> ATRSequences<I> |
SPAs.computeATRSequences(SPA<?,I> spa,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes a set of access sequences, terminating sequences, and return sequences for a given SPA limited
to the symbols of the given ProceduralInputAlphabet .
static <I> ATSequences<I> |
SBAs.computeATSequences(SBA<?,I> sba,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes a set of access sequences and terminating sequences for a given SBA limited to the symbols of
the given ProceduralInputAlphabet .
static <I,O> ATSequences<I> |
SPMMs.computeATSequences(SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
static <I> Map<I,Word<I>> |
SBAs.computeTerminatingSequences(SBA<?,I> sba,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes for a given SBA a set of terminating sequences using the given
alphabet .
static <I> Map<I,Word<I>> |
SPAs.computeTerminatingSequences(SPA<?,I> spa,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes for a given SPA a set of terminating sequences using the given
alphabet .
static <I,O> Map<I,Word<I>> |
SPMMs.computeTerminatingSequences(SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes for a given SPMM the set of terminating sequences using the given
alphabet .
static <I> @Nullable Word<I> |
SBAs.findSeparatingWord(SBA<?,I> sba1,
SBA<?,I> sba2,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes a separating word for the two given SBA s, if existent.
static <I> @Nullable Word<I> |
SPAs.findSeparatingWord(SPA<?,I> spa1,
SPA<?,I> spa2,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes a separating word for the two given SPA s, if existent.
static <I,O> @Nullable Word<I> |
SPMMs.findSeparatingWord(SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm1,
SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm2,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Computes a separating word for the two given SPMM s, if existent.
static <I> boolean |
SPAs.isMinimal(ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet,
ATRSequences<I> atrSequences) |
static <I> boolean |
SPAs.isMinimal(SPA<?,I> spa,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Checks if a given SPA is redundancy-free, i.e. if for all procedures there
exists an access sequence, terminating sequence, and return sequence.
static <I> boolean |
SBAs.isValid(SBA<?,I> sba,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Checks whether the given SBA is valid with respect to the given ProceduralInputAlphabet , i.e.,
whether its procedures are prefix-closed, return-closed, and call-closed.
static <I,O> boolean |
SPMMs.isValid(SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Checks whether the given SPMM is valid with respect to the given ProceduralInputAlphabet , i.e.,
whether its procedures are error-closed, return-closed, and call-closed.
static <I> SPA<?,I> |
SBAs.reduce(SBA<?,I> sba,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
static <I> boolean |
SBAs.testEquivalence(SBA<?,I> sba1,
SBA<?,I> sba2,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Checks if the two given SBA s are equivalent, i.e. whether there exists a
separating word for them.
static <I> boolean |
SPAs.testEquivalence(SPA<?,I> spa1,
SPA<?,I> spa2,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Checks if the two given SPA s are equivalent, i.e. whether there exists a
separating word for them.
static <I,O> boolean |
SPMMs.testEquivalence(SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm1,
SPMM<?,I,?,O> spmm2,
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet) |
Checks if the two given SPMM s are equivalent, i.e. whether there exists a
separating word for them.