Class IncrementalPCDFADAGBuilder<I>

    • Constructor Detail

      • IncrementalPCDFADAGBuilder

        public IncrementalPCDFADAGBuilder​(Alphabet<I> inputAlphabet)
    • Method Detail

      • lookup

        public Acceptance lookup​(Word<? extends I> word)
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalDFABuilder
        Looks up the tri-state acceptance value for a given word.
        word - the word
        the tri-state acceptance value for this word.
      • insert

        public void insert​(Word<? extends I> word,
                           boolean accepting)
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalDFABuilder
        Inserts a new word into the automaton, with a given acceptance value.
        word - the word to insert
        accepting - whether this word should be marked as accepting
      • addAlphabetSymbol

        public void addAlphabetSymbol​(I symbol)
        Description copied from interface: SupportsGrowingAlphabet
        Notifies the data structure that a new symbol should be added to the alphabet. Behavior depends on the implementation:
        • After adding a new symbol, the symbol-related data may either be initialized with default values or undefined.
        • Duplicate symbols may: (1) be handled accordingly, (2) be ignored or (3) result in an error.
        Some data structures may need to be properly initialized (e.g. with a GrowingAlphabet) to handle potentially shared state across multiple instances. If the needed requirements are not met, a GrowingAlphabetNotSupportedException can be thrown.
        Specified by:
        addAlphabetSymbol in interface SupportsGrowingAlphabet<I>
        addAlphabetSymbol in class AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder<I>
        symbol - the symbol to add to the alphabet.
      • findSeparatingWord

        public @Nullable Word<I> findSeparatingWord​(DFA<?,​I> target,
                                                    Collection<? extends I> inputs,
                                                    boolean omitUndefined)
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalConstruction
        Checks the current state of the construction against a given target model, and returns a word exposing a difference if there is one.
        target - the target automaton model
        inputs - the set of input symbols to consider
        omitUndefined - if this is set to true, then undefined transitions in the target model will be interpreted as "unspecified/don't know" and omitted in the equivalence test. Otherwise, they will be interpreted in the usual manner (e.g., non-accepting sink in case of DFAs).
        a separating word, or null if no difference could be found.
      • asTransitionSystem

        public UniversalDTS<?,​I,​?,​Acceptance,​Void> asTransitionSystem()
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalConstruction
        Retrieves a transition system view of the current state of the construction. The transition system model should be backed by the construction, i.e., subsequent changes will be reflected in the transition system.
        a transition system view on the current state of the construction
      • asGraph

        public Graph<?,​?> asGraph()
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalConstruction
        Retrieves a graph view of the current state of the construction. The graph model should be backed by the construction, i.e., subsequent changes will be reflected in the graph model.
        a graph view on the current state of the construction