Class GenericAAARLearnerMoore<L extends LearningAlgorithm.MooreLearner<CI,​O> & SupportsGrowingAlphabet<CI>,​AI,​CI,​O>

    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericAAARLearnerMoore

        public GenericAAARLearnerMoore​(LearnerConstructor<L,​CI,​Word<O>> learnerConstructor,
                                       MembershipOracle<CI,​Word<O>> oracle,
                                       CI initialConcrete,
                                       Function<CI,​AI> abstractor)
        learnerConstructor - the provider for constructing the internal (concrete) learner
        oracle - the (concrete) membership oracle
        initialConcrete - the initial (concrete) input symbol used for starting the learning process
        abstractor - the function for creating new abstract input symbols given concrete one. This function only receives input symbols from the provided (concrete) counterexamples