Class NLStarLearner<I>

    • Constructor Detail

      • NLStarLearner

        public NLStarLearner​(Alphabet<I> alphabet,
                             MembershipOracle<I,​Boolean> oracle)
        alphabet - the input alphabet
        oracle - the membership oracle
    • Method Detail

      • startLearning

        public void startLearning()
        Description copied from interface: LearningAlgorithm
        Starts the model inference process, creating an initial hypothesis in the provided model object. Please note that it should be illegal to invoke this method twice.
        Specified by:
        startLearning in interface LearningAlgorithm<NFA<?,​I>,​I,​Boolean>
      • refineHypothesis

        public boolean refineHypothesis​(DefaultQuery<I,​Boolean> ceQuery)
        Description copied from interface: LearningAlgorithm
        Triggers a refinement of the model by providing a counterexample. A counterexample is a query which exposes different behavior of the real SUL compared to the hypothesis. Please note that invoking this method before an initial invocation of LearningAlgorithm.startLearning() should be illegal.
        Specified by:
        refineHypothesis in interface LearningAlgorithm<NFA<?,​I>,​I,​Boolean>
        ceQuery - the query which exposes diverging behavior, as posed to the real SUL (i.e. with the SULs output).
        true if the counterexample triggered a refinement of the hypothesis, false otherwise (i.e., it was no counterexample).