- AbstractAcceptorTS<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl
- AbstractAcceptorTS() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractAcceptorTS
- AbstractAlphabet<I> - Class in net.automatalib.words.abstractimpl
- AbstractAlphabet() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.abstractimpl.AbstractAlphabet
- AbstractAutomaton<S,I,T> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl
Abstract base class for automata.
- AbstractAutomaton() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractAutomaton
- AbstractAutomatonGraph<S,I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.graphs
- AbstractAutomatonGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- AbstractBricsAutomaton - Class in net.automatalib.brics
Base class for Brics automata adapters.
- AbstractBricsAutomaton(Automaton) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- AbstractCompactDeterministic<I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base.compact
- AbstractCompactDeterministic(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- AbstractCompactDeterministic(Alphabet<I>, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- AbstractCompactDeterministic(Alphabet<I>, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- AbstractCompactDeterministic(Alphabet<I>, int, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- AbstractCompactGraph<E extends CompactEdge<EP>,NP,EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- AbstractCompactGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- AbstractCompactGraph(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- AbstractCompactNPGraph<E extends CompactEdge<EP>,NP,EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- AbstractCompactNPGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactNPGraph
- AbstractCompactSimpleDet<I,SP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base.compact
- AbstractCompactSimpleDet(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- AbstractCompactSimpleDet(Alphabet<I>, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- AbstractCompactSimpleDet(Alphabet<I>, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- AbstractCompactSimpleDet(Alphabet<I>, int, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- AbstractCompactSimpleGraph<E extends CompactEdge<EP>,EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- AbstractCompactSimpleGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleGraph
- AbstractCompactSimpleGraph(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleGraph
- AbstractDeterministicAcceptorTS<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl
- AbstractDeterministicAcceptorTS() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAcceptorTS
- AbstractDeterministicAutomaton<S,I,T> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl
Abstract base class for deterministic automata.
- AbstractDeterministicAutomaton() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAutomaton
- AbstractDFA<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl
- AbstractDFA() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- AbstractDTS<S,I,T> - Class in net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl
- AbstractDTS() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- AbstractFSA<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl
- AbstractFSA() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- AbstractGraph<N,E> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl
- AbstractGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractGraph
- AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder<I> - Class in net.automatalib.incremental.dfa
- AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- AbstractIndefiniteGraph<N,E> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl
- AbstractIndefiniteGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractIndefiniteGraph
- AbstractLinkedList<E,T extends LinkedListEntry<E,T>> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
Abstract base class for linked lists.
- AbstractLinkedList() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- AbstractMealyMachine - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl
- AbstractMealyMachine() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMealyMachine
- AbstractMooreMachine - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl
- AbstractMutableAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl
Abstract base class for mutable automata.
- AbstractMutableAutomaton() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- AbstractMutableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl
Abstract base class for mutable deterministic automata.
- AbstractMutableDeterministic() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- AbstractMutableDFA<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl
- AbstractMutableDFA() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- AbstractMutableFSA<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl
- AbstractMutableFSA() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- AbstractMutableGraph<N,E,NP,EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl
- AbstractMutableGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableGraph
- AbstractMutableNFA<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl
- AbstractMutableNFA() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- AbstractMutableNumericID - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.nid
- AbstractMutableNumericID() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.AbstractMutableNumericID
- AbstractNFA<S,I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl
- AbstractNFA() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractNFA
- AbstractPrintable - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.strings
Abstract base class for printables.
- AbstractPrintable() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.AbstractPrintable
- AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends MutableAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP>> - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata.random
- AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator(Random, Collection<? extends I>, Collection<? extends SP>, Collection<? extends TP>, A) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- AbstractShrinkableAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl
- AbstractShrinkableAutomaton() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractShrinkableAutomaton
- AbstractShrinkableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl
- AbstractShrinkableDeterministic() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractShrinkableDeterministic
- AbstractSmartCollection<E> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
- AbstractSmartCollection() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- AbstractSymbol<S> - Class in net.automatalib.words.abstractimpl
- AbstractSymbol() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.abstractimpl.AbstractSymbol
- AbstractTransOutAutomaton - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl
- AbstractTransOutAutomaton() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractTransOutAutomaton
- AbstractTS<S,I,T> - Class in net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl
- AbstractTS() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- Acceptance - Enum in net.automatalib.incremental.dfa
Tri-state acceptance value.
- acceptance(AcceptorTS<S, ?>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.Acceptors
- AcceptanceCombiner - Interface in net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors
- AcceptanceGraph<N,E> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
Interface for finite graphs that embody the concept of node acceptance.
- Acceptors - Class in net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors
- AcceptorTS<S,I> - Interface in net.automatalib.ts.acceptors
A transition system whose semantics are defined by whether a state is "accepting"
or not.
- accepts(DFA<S, I>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- accepts(NFA<S, I>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractNFA
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractNFA
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- accepts(Iterable<Character>) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- accepts(Iterable<Character>) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsNFA
- accepts(AcceptorTS<S, I>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractAcceptorTS
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractAcceptorTS
- accepts(DeterministicAcceptorTS<S, I>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAcceptorTS
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAcceptorTS
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.AcceptorTS
Determines whether the given input word is accepted by this acceptor.
- accepts(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.DetAcceptorComposition
- add(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- add(E, K) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- add(E, K) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartGeneralPriorityQueue
Inserts an element with the specified key.
- add(Character) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- add(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- add(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- add(GraphDOTHelper<N, ? super E>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.AggregateDOTHelper
- add(S, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetState
- add(I, SuffixTrieNode<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SharedSuffixTrie
- add(I, SuffixTrieNode<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
Adds a word to the trie.
- add(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- add(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
- addAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- addAll(T[]) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- addAll(Iterable<? extends E>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Adds all elements from a given iterable.
- addAll(T[]) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Adds all elements from the specified array.
- addAll(T[]) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- addAll(Collection<E>, Iterable<? extends E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
Adds all elements from an iterable to a collection.
- addCompletely(AbstractLinkedList<? extends E, ? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- addGraph(String, Reader) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTFrame
- addGraph(String, String) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTFrame
- addGraph(String, Reader) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- addGraph(String, String) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- addInitialState(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, SP) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addInitialState(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addInitialState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addInitialState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- addInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- addInitialState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- addInitialState(MutableFSA<S, I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addInitialState(MutableFSA<S, I>, Boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addInitialState(MutableFSA<S, I>, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addInitialState(Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addInitialState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addInitialState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- addInitialState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- addInitialState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- addInitialState(boolean) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.fsa.MutableFSA
- addInitialState(SP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- addInitialState() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- addInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- addInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- addIntNode() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- addIntNode(NP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- addIntNode(NP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactNPGraph
- addIntNode(Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- addIntState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- addIntState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- addListener(IDChangeListener<T>, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.IDChangeNotifier
- addNode() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableGraph
- addNode(NP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- addNode() - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.MutableGraph
Adds a new node with default properties to the graph.
- addNode(NP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.MutableGraph
Adds a new node to the graph.
- addState(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- addState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- addState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- addState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- addState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- addState(Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- addState(MutableFSA<S, I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addState(MutableFSA<S, I>, Boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addState(Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- addState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- addState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- addState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- addState(boolean) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.fsa.MutableFSA
- addState(SP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
Adds a state to the automaton.
- addState() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- addState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- addState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- addStates(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- addSymbol(I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.words.GrowingAlphabet
Adds a new symbol to the alphabet.
- addSymbol(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.FastAlphabet
- addSymbol(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- addTransition(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addTransition(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, S, TP) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addTransition(S, I, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addTransition(S, I, S, TP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addTransition(MutableDeterministic<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- addTransition(S, I, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- addTransition(S, I, S, TP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- addTransition(S, I, T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- addTransition(S, I, S, TP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- addTransition(FastProbMealyState<O>, I, FastProbMealyState<O>, O, float) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- addTransitions(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addTransitions(S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- addTransitions(S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- addTransitions(S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- addTransitions() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.RandomDeterministicAutomatonGenerator
- advance() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.TwoLevelIterator
- AggregateDOTHelper<N,E> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.dot
- AggregateDOTHelper() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.AggregateDOTHelper
- AggregateDOTHelper(List<? extends GraphDOTHelper<N, ? super E>>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.AggregateDOTHelper
- AGHelper - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph
- AGHelper() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AGHelper
- allCombinations(Iterable<T>...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- allDefinedTransitions(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- allDefinedTransitions(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, ?>, Iterable<? extends S>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS
- allDefinedTransitionsIterator(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- allDefinedTransitionsIterator(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, ?>, Iterator<? extends S>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS
- allTransitions(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>, S, Collection<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS
- allTuples(Iterable<T>, int, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- allTuples(Iterable<T>, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- allUndefinedTransitions(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- allUndefinedTransitions(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, ?>, Iterable<? extends S>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS
- allUndefinedTransitionsIterator(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- allUndefinedTransitionsIterator(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, ?>, Iterator<? extends S>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS
- alphabet - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- Alphabet<I> - Interface in net.automatalib.words
Class implementing an (indexed) alphabet.
- Alphabets - Class in net.automatalib.words.impl
- alphabetSize - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- alphabetSize - Variable in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- and(DFA<?, I>, DFA<?, I>, Collection<? extends I>, A) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- and(DFA<?, I>, DFA<?, I>, Alphabet<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- AND - Static variable in interface net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.AcceptanceCombiner
- and(TS1, TS2) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.Acceptors
- append(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Appends a symbol to this word and returns the result as a new word.
- append(List<? extends I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
- append(Word<? extends I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Appends a word to the contents of the internal storage.
- append(Word<? extends I>...) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Appends several words to the contents of the internal storage.
- append(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Appends a symbol to the contents of the internal storage.
- append(I...) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Appends several symbols to the contents of the internal storage.
- appendArray(Appendable, Object[], String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringUtil
- appendArrayEnquoted(Appendable, Object[], String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringUtil
- appendIterable(Appendable, Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringUtil
- appendIterableEnquoted(Appendable, Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringUtil
- appendObject(Appendable, Object) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringUtil
- appendStringIndex(Appendable, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringIndexGenerator
- appendStringIndex(StringBuilder, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringIndexGenerator
- appendSuffix(SuffixTrieNode<I>, List<? super I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- appendSuffix(List<? super I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- apply(Mapping<? super D, R>, Collection<? extends D>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
Applies a mapping to a collection, resulting in a collection containing
the result of applying the specified mapping to each element in the
- apply(Mapping<? super D, R>, List<? extends D>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
Applies a mapping to a list, resulting in a list containing the result
of applying the specified mapping to each element in the list.
- apply(Mapping<? super D, R>, Iterable<? extends D>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
Applies a mapping to an iterable.
- apply(Mapping<? super D, R>, Iterator<? extends D>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
Applies a mapping to an iterator.
- APSPResult<N,E> - Interface in net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp
Result interface for the all pairs shortest paths problem.
- array - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingArrayStorage
- array - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingIntArray
The storage array.
- array - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingObjectArray
The storage array.
- ArrayAlphabet<I> - Class in net.automatalib.words.impl
- ArrayAlphabet(I...) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.impl.ArrayAlphabet
- ArrayMapping<K extends NumericID,V> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings
- ArrayMapping() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.ArrayMapping
- ArrayMapping(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.ArrayMapping
- ArrayWritable<T> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.util.array
Unified interface for (collection) classes that allow writing their contents to an array.
- asBlockAutomaton() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.MinimizationResult
- asGraph(Automaton<S, I, T>, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- asList() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves a
view on the contents of this word.
- asPair1() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- asPair2() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- asUniversalGraph(UniversalAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- Automata - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata
- Automata() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- Automaton<S,I,T> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata
Basic interface for an automaton.
- automaton - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.dot.DefaultDOTHelperAutomaton
- automaton - Variable in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- automaton - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- automaton - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- AutomatonAsGraph<S,I,T,A extends Automaton<S,I,T>> - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph
- AutomatonAsGraph(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- AutomatonCopy - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata.copy
- AWUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.array
Utility class for writing containers to arrays.
- calculateNext() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.SimplifiedIterator
- canonicalNext(Alphabet<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves the next word after this in canonical order.
- CapacityManagement - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
Control interface for collections supporting a capacity management, i.e., reserving
space in advance in order to avoid repeated reallocations.
- castRef(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Helper function for casting a general
to the specific linked list entry type.
- changeKey(ElementReference, K) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- changeKey(ElementReference, K) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartGeneralPriorityQueue
Changes the key of an element in the priority key.
- characterizingSet(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>, Collection<? super Word<I>>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
Computes a characterizing set for the given automaton.
- characterizingSet(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
Computes a characterizing set, and returns it as a
- CharacterizingSets - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence
Operations for calculating characterizing sets.
- CharacterizingSets() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.CharacterizingSets
- characters(char, char) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Alphabets
- charGet(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- CharRange - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.collections
- CharRange(char, char) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- CharRange(char, char, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- CharRange(IntRange) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- charRange(char, char) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- CharRangeIterator - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.collections
- CharRangeIterator(char, int, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- CharRangeIterator(char, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- CharRangeIterator(IntRangeIterator) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- charValue(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- choose() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- choose() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- choose() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- choose() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Retrieves an arbitrary element from the collection.
- choose() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- choose(List<? extends T>, Random) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- choose(List<? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- chooseInitial() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- chooseIntials(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- chooseRef() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- chooseRef() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- chooseRef() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- chooseRef() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Retrieves the reference to an arbitrary element from the collection.
- chooseRef() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.UniversalCompactSimpleDet
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- clear() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
Removes all states and transitions.
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- clear() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
- clearTransitions() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastDetState
- clearTransitions() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastNondetState
- clone(State, Acceptance) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
Clones a state, changing the signature.
- clone(State, int, State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
Clones a state, changing the signature.
- clone(State, Acceptance, int, State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- CmpUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.comparison
Various methods for dealing with the comparison of objects.
- CmpUtil.NullOrdering - Enum in net.automatalib.commons.util.comparison
- CollectionsUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.collections
Various methods for operating on collections.
- collectSCCs(Graph<N, E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Collects all strongly-connected components in a graph.
- collectSCCs(Graph<N, E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.SCCs
Collects all strongly-connected components in a graph.
- Color - Enum in net.automatalib.util.traversal
Enum to use for coloring nodes/states during traversal.
- combine(L1, L2, L3) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.ThreeLevelIterator
- combine(L1, L2) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.TwoLevelIterator
- combine(DFA<?, I>, DFA<?, I>, Collection<? extends I>, A, AcceptanceCombiner) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- combine(DFA<?, I>, DFA<?, I>, Alphabet<I>, AcceptanceCombiner) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- combine(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.AcceptanceCombiner
Combine two acceptance values.
- combine(TS1, TS2, AcceptanceCombiner) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.Acceptors
- CompactBidiEdge<EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- CompactBidiEdge(int, int, EP) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactBidiEdge
- CompactDFA<I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact
- CompactDFA(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- CompactDFA(Alphabet<I>, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- CompactDFA(Alphabet<I>, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- CompactDFA(Alphabet<I>, int, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- CompactEdge<EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- CompactEdge(int, EP) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactEdge
- CompactGraph<NP,EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- CompactGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactGraph
- CompactGraph(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactGraph
- CompactMealy<I,O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact
- CompactMealy(Alphabet<I>, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- CompactMealy(Alphabet<I>, int, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- CompactMealy(Alphabet<I>, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- CompactMealy(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- CompactMealyTransition<O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact
- CompactMealyTransition(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealyTransition
- CompactMealyTransition(int, O) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealyTransition
- CompactSimpleBidiGraph<EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- CompactSimpleBidiGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- CompactSimpleBidiGraph(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- CompactSimpleGraph<EP> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact
- CompactSimpleGraph() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleGraph
- CompactSimpleGraph(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleGraph
- compare(I, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.abstractimpl.AbstractAlphabet
- compare(E, E) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.EnumAlphabet
- compare(I, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.FastAlphabet
- compare(I, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- compareTo(Symbol) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Symbol
- complement(DFA<?, I>, Collection<? extends I>, A) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- complement(DFA<?, I>, Alphabet<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- compose(Mapping<D, ? extends I>, Mapping<? super I, R>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
Retrieves the composition of two mappings, i.e., that mapping that
results from applying the
- compose(TS1, TS2) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.TSCompositions
- compose(TS1, TS2) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.TSCompositions
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.Output
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- computeOutput(FiniteStateAcceptor<S, I>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- computeOutput(TransitionOutputAutomaton<S, I, T, O>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractTransOutAutomaton
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- computeOutput(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.SuffixOutput
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- computeSuffixOutput(FiniteStateAcceptor<S, I>, Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- computeSuffixOutput(TransitionOutputAutomaton<S, I, T, O>, Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractTransOutAutomaton
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- computeSuffixOutput(Iterable<I>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- concat(AbstractLinkedList<? extends E, ? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Concatenates two linked lists.
- concat(Iterator<? extends T>...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IterableUtil
- concat(Iterable<? extends T>...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IterableUtil
- concat(Word<I>...) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Concatenates this word with several other words and returns the result
as a new word.
- ConcatIterator<T> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.collections
- ConcatIterator(Iterator<? extends T>...) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.ConcatIterator
- ConflictException - Exception in net.automatalib.incremental
Conflict exception.
- ConflictException() - Constructor for exception net.automatalib.incremental.ConflictException
Default constructor.
- ConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.automatalib.incremental.ConflictException
- ConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception net.automatalib.incremental.ConflictException
- ConflictException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.automatalib.incremental.ConflictException
- conflicts(boolean) - Method in enum net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.Acceptance
- connect(N, N) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableGraph
- connect(Integer, Integer, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- connect(int, int, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- connect(int, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- connect(int, int, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- connect(N, N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.MutableGraph
Inserts an edge in the graph, with the default property.
- connect(N, N, EP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.MutableGraph
Inserts an edge in the graph.
- copy(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.IOUtil
Copies all data from the given input stream to the given output stream.
- copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.IOUtil
Copies all data from the given input stream to the given output stream
and closes the streams.
- copy(Reader, Writer, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.IOUtil
Copies all text from the given reader to the given writer.
- copy(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.IOUtil
Copies all text from the given reader to the given writer and closes
both afterwards.
- copyDfs(TransitionSystem<S1, I1, T1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, ?, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super S1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super T1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyPlain(Automaton<S1, I1, T1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, T2, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super I1, ? extends I2>, Mapping<? super S1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super T1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyPlain(Automaton<S1, I1, T1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, ?, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super S1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super T1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyPlain(Graph<N1, E1>, MutableGraph<N2, E2, NP2, EP2>, Mapping<? super N1, ? extends NP2>, Mapping<? super E1, ? extends EP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy.GraphCopy
- copyPlain(UniversalGraph<N1, E1, ? extends NP2, ? extends EP2>, MutableGraph<N2, E2, NP2, EP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy.GraphCopy
- copyTransition(T, Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- copyTransition(T, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- copyTransition(Integer, Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- copyTransition(S, S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- copyTransition(MutableFSA<S, I>, S, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- copyTransition(S, S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- copyTransition(S, S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- copyTransition(FastDFAState, FastDFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- copyTransition(FastNFAState, FastNFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- copyTransition(T, S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- copyTransition(MutableMealyMachine<S, I, T, O>, T, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMealyMachine
- copyTransition(MutableMooreMachine<S, I, T, O>, T, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMooreMachine
- copyTransition(CompactMealyTransition<O>, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- copyTransition(MealyTransition<FastMealyState<O>, O>, FastMealyState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- copyTransition(FastMooreState<O>, FastMooreState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- copyTransition(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>, FastProbMealyState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- copyTraversal(TraversalOrder, int, TransitionSystem<S1, I1, T1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, T2, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super I1, ? extends I2>, Mapping<? super S1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super T1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyTraversal(IndefiniteGraph<N1, E1>, MutableGraph<N2, E2, NP2, EP2>, TraversalOrder, int, Collection<? extends N1>, Mapping<? super N1, ? extends NP2>, Mapping<? super E1, ? extends EP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy.GraphCopy
- copyTraversal(UniversalIndefiniteGraph<N1, E1, ? extends NP2, ? extends EP2>, MutableGraph<N2, E2, NP2, EP2>, TraversalOrder, int, Collection<? extends N1>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy.GraphCopy
- copyUniversalDfs(UniversalTransitionSystem<S1, I1, T1, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, ?, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super I1, ? extends I2>, Mapping<? super SP1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super TP1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalDfs(UniversalTransitionSystem<S1, I1, ?, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, ? super I1, ?, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super SP1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super TP1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalDfs(UniversalTransitionSystem<S1, I1, T1, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, ?, ? super SP1, ? super TP1>, Mapping<? super I1, ? extends I2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalDfs(UniversalTransitionSystem<S1, I1, T1, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, ? super I1, ?, ? super SP1, ? super TP1>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalPlain(UniversalAutomaton<S1, I1, T1, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, ?, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super I1, ? extends I2>, Mapping<? super SP1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super TP1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalPlain(UniversalAutomaton<S1, I1, ?, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, ? super I1, ?, SP2, TP2>, Mapping<? super SP1, ? extends SP2>, Mapping<? super TP1, ? extends TP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalPlain(UniversalAutomaton<S1, I1, T1, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, I2, ?, ? super SP1, ? super TP1>, Mapping<? super I1, ? extends I2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalPlain(UniversalAutomaton<S1, I1, T1, SP1, TP1>, Collection<? extends I1>, MutableAutomaton<S2, ? super I1, ?, ? super SP1, ? super TP1>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.copy.AutomatonCopy
- copyUniversalPlain(UniversalGraph<N1, E1, NP1, EP1>, MutableGraph<N2, E2, NP2, EP2>, Mapping<? super NP1, ? extends NP2>, Mapping<? super EP1, ? extends EP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy.GraphCopy
- copyUniversalTraversal(UniversalIndefiniteGraph<N1, E1, NP1, EP1>, MutableGraph<N2, E2, NP2, EP2>, TraversalOrder, int, Collection<? extends N1>, Mapping<? super NP1, ? extends NP2>, Mapping<? super EP1, ? extends EP2>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy.GraphCopy
- cover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?>, Collection<? extends I>, Collection<? super Word<I>>, Collection<? super Word<I>>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- create() - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- create(int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- create(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- create(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- create(Map<D, R>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.MapMapping
- createCmp(Comparator<? super E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- createCmp(Comparator<? super E>, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- createCmp(Comparator<? super E>, Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- createCmp(Comparator<? super E>, int, Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- createDOTComponent(Reader) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Creates a
that displays the result of rendering a DOT description
read from a
- createDotWriter(boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Creates a Writer that can be used to write a DOT description to.
- createDotWriter(String) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- createDynamicNodeMapping(Automaton<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- createDynamicNodeMapping(IndefiniteGraph<N, E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractIndefiniteGraph
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractIndefiniteGraph
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.IndefiniteGraph
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- createDynamicNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- createDynamicStateMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- createDynamicStateMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- createDynamicStateMapping(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- createDynamicStateMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- createDynamicStateMapping() - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleTS
Creates a
allowing to associate arbitrary data
with this transition system's states.
- createEdge(int, int, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- createEdge(int, int, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactGraph
- createEdge(int, int, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- createEdge(int, int, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleGraph
- createOutgoingEdges(Automaton<S, I, T>, Collection<? extends I>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- createState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- createState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- createState(SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- createState(Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- createState(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- createState(Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- createState(Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- createState(O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- createState(Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- createStaticNodeMapping(Automaton<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- createStaticNodeMapping(IndefiniteGraph<N, E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractIndefiniteGraph
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractIndefiniteGraph
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.IndefiniteGraph
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- createStaticNodeMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- createStaticStateMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- createStaticStateMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- createStaticStateMapping(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- createStaticStateMapping() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- createStaticStateMapping() - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleTS
Creates a
allowing to associate arbitrary data
with this transition system's states.
- createTransition(int, TP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- createTransition(Integer, TP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- createTransition(Integer, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- createTransition(S, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- createTransition(MutableFSA<S, I>, S, Void) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- createTransition(S, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- createTransition(S, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- createTransition(FastDFAState, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- createTransition(FastNFAState, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- createTransition(S, TP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- createTransition(int, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- createTransition(FastMealyState<O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- createTransition(FastMooreState<O>, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- createTransition(FastProbMealyState<O>, ProbabilisticOutput<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- crossEdge(N, Void, E, N, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.MyDFSVisitor
- crossEdge(N, D, E, N, D) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.BaseDFSVisitor
- crossEdge(N, D, E, N, D) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DFSVisitor
- FastAlphabet<I extends MutableNumericID> - Class in net.automatalib.words.impl
A fast alphabet implementation, that assumes identifiers are stored directly in the
input symbols.
- FastAlphabet() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.impl.FastAlphabet
- FastAlphabet(List<? extends I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.impl.FastAlphabet
- FastAlphabet(I...) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.impl.FastAlphabet
- FastDetState<S extends FastDetState<S,T>,T> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base.fast
- FastDetState(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastDetState
- FastDFA<I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl
- FastDFA(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- FastDFAState - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl
- FastDFAState(int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFAState
- FastMealy<I,O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl
A fast implementation of a Mealy machine.
- FastMealy(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- FastMealyState<O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl
- FastMealyState(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealyState
- FastMoore<I,O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl
A fast implementation of a Moore automaton.
- FastMoore(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- FastMooreState<O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl
- FastMooreState(int, O) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMooreState
- FastMutableDet<S extends FastDetState<S,T>,I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base.fast
- FastMutableDet(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- FastMutableNondet<S extends FastNondetState<S,T>,I,T,SP,TP> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base.fast
- FastMutableNondet(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- FastNFA<I> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl
- FastNFA(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- FastNFAState - Class in net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl
- FastNFAState(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFAState
- FastNFAState(int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFAState
- FastNondetState<S extends FastNondetState<S,T>,T> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base.fast
- FastNondetState(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastNondetState
- FastPowersetDTS<S extends NumericID,I,T> - Class in net.automatalib.ts.powerset
- FastPowersetDTS(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetDTS
- FastPowersetState<S> - Class in net.automatalib.ts.powerset
- FastPowersetState() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetState
- FastProbMealy<I,O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl
- FastProbMealy(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- FastProbMealyState<O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl
- FastProbMealyState(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealyState
- find(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- find(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- find(Object) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Retrieves the reference for a given element.
- find(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.combinatorics.DisjointSetForestInt
- find(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.UnionFind
Finds the set of a given element, and compresses the path to the root node.
- findAPSP(Graph<N, E>, EdgeWeights<E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp.FloydWarshallAPSP
- findAPSP() - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp.FloydWarshallAPSP
- findAPSP(Graph<N, E>, EdgeWeights<E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Computes the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes in a graph, using the
Floyd-Warshall dynamic programming algorithm.
- findCharacterizingSet(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, T, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>, S, Collection<? super Word<I>>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.CharacterizingSets
Computes a characterizing set for a specified state in the given automaton.
- findCharacterizingSet(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, T, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>, Collection<? super Word<I>>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.CharacterizingSets
Computes a characterizing set for the given automaton.
- findConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.ReflectUtil
- findMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.ReflectUtil
- findMethodRT(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.ReflectUtil
- findSCCs(Graph<N, E>, SCCListener<N>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Find all strongly-connected components in a graph.
- findSCCs(Graph<N, E>, SCCListener<N>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.SCCs
Find all strongly-connected components in a graph.
- findSeparatingWord(DFA<?, I>, Collection<? extends I>, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- findSeparatingWord(A, Collection<? extends I>, boolean) - Method in interface net.automatalib.incremental.IncrementalConstruction
Checks the current state of the construction against a given target model,
and returns a word exposing a difference if there is one.
- findSeparatingWord(MealyMachine<?, I, ?, O>, Collection<? extends I>, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- findSeparatingWord(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?, ?, ?>, UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
Finds a separating word for two automata.
- findSeparatingWord(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?, ?, ?>, S, S, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
Finds a separating word for two states in an automaton.
- findSeparatingWord(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.DeterministicEquivalenceTest
- findSeparatingWord(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, T, ?, ?>, UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S2, I, T2, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.DeterministicEquivalenceTest
- findSeparatingWord(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.NearLinearEquivalenceTest
- findSeparatingWord(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, T, ?, ?>, UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S2, I, T2, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.NearLinearEquivalenceTest
- findSeparatingWord(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, T, ?, ?>, S, S, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.equivalence.NearLinearEquivalenceTest
- findShortestPath(IndefiniteGraph<N, E>, int, N, Collection<? extends N>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Graphs
- findSSSP(Graph<N, E>, N, EdgeWeights<E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Computes the shortest paths between a single source node and all other nodes in a graph,
using Dijkstra's algorithm.
- findSSSP(Graph<N, E>, N, EdgeWeights<E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.DijkstraSSSP
Search for the shortest paths from a single source node in a graph.
- findSSSP() - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.DijkstraSSSP
Start the search.
- finish(N, D) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.BaseDFSVisitor
- finish(N, D) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DFSVisitor
- finishExploration(N, TarjanSCCRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.TarjanSCCVisitor
- finishExploration(N, D) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DefaultGraphTraversalVisitor
- finishExploration(N, D) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.GraphTraversalVisitor
Called when the exploration of a node is finished.
- FiniteAlphabetAutomaton<S,I,T> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata
- FiniteKripkeStructure<N,E,AP> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
A Kripke structure is a graph which has sets of atomic properties assigned to its nodes.
- FiniteKTS<N,E,AP,L> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
A finite Kripke Transition System combines the properties of both a labeled transition system
and a Kripke structure.
- FiniteLTS<N,E,L> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
- FiniteStateAcceptor<S,I> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.fsa
s accept regular languages.
- first - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
- first - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- firstEdge() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path
- firstNode() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path
- firstNullResult - Variable in enum net.automatalib.commons.util.comparison.CmpUtil.NullOrdering
Value that determines the result of the comparison, when
only the first value is a null
- firstSymbol() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves the first symbol of this word.
- flatten() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves a "flattened" version of this word, i.e., without any hierarchical structure
- flipAcceptance() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- flipAcceptance(MutableFSA<S, I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- flipAcceptance() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- flipAcceptance() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- flipAcceptance() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- flipAcceptance() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- flipAcceptance() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- flipAcceptance() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.fsa.MutableFSA
- floatValue(Float, float) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.WrapperUtil
- floatValue(Float) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.WrapperUtil
- FloydWarshallAPSP<N,E> - Class in net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp
Implementation of the Floyd-Warshall dynamic programming algorithm for the
all pairs shortest paths problem.
- FloydWarshallAPSP(Graph<N, E>, EdgeWeights<E>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp.FloydWarshallAPSP
- forwardEdge(N, Void, E, N, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.MyDFSVisitor
- forwardEdge(N, D, E, N, D) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.BaseDFSVisitor
- forwardEdge(N, D, E, N, D) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DFSVisitor
- foundSCC(Collection<? extends N>) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.SCCCollector
- foundSCC(Collection<? extends N>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.SCCListener
- fromArray(T...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Alphabets
- fromArray(I[], int, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Creates a word from a subrange of an array of symbols.
- fromBoolean(boolean) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.Acceptance
- fromEnum(Class<E>, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Alphabets
- fromEnum(Class<E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Alphabets
- fromLetter(I) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Constructs a word from a single letter.
- fromList(List<? extends T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Alphabets
- fromList(List<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Creates a word from a list of symbols
- fromMap(Map<D, R>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
- fromPair1(Pair<T1, Pair<T2, T3>>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- fromPair2(Pair<Pair<T1, T2>, T3>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- fromString(String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
- fromSymbols(I...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Creates a word from an array of symbols.
- get(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDDynamicMapping
- get(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDGrowingMapping
- get(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDStaticMapping
- get(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- get(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- get(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- get(ElementReference) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Retrieves an element by its reference.
- get(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- get(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- get(K) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.ArrayMapping
- get(D) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.MapMapping
- get(D) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mapping
Get the range object elem
maps to.
- get(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- get() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.ref.Ref
Retrieves the referent.
- get() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.ref.StrongRef
- get() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.ref.WeakRef
- get(N) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.OutEdgesMapping
- get(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path
- get(Block<?, ?>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockMap
Retrieves a value.
- get(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.abstractimpl.AbstractAlphabet
- get(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ListAlphabet
- get(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- get(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
- getAtomicPropositions(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.KripkeInterpretation
Retrieves the atomic propositions holding at the given node.
- getAutomaton() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- getBack() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves the last element in the list.
- getBack() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Retrieves the element at the end of the sequence, or
if the sequence is empty.
- getBackEntry() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves the last entry in the list, or null
if the list is empty.
- getBackReference() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves a reference to the last element in the list.
- getBackReference() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Retrieves the reference to the element at the end of the sequence,
or null
if the sequence is empty.
- getBlockForState(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.MinimizationResult
Retrieves the block to which a given original state belongs.
- getBlocks() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.MinimizationResult
Retrieves all blocks in the final partition.
- getBricsAutomaton() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
Retrieves the Brics automaton object.
- getClearAction() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- getDfsNumbers() - Method in class net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.MyDFSVisitor
- getDot() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTComponent
- getDOTHelper() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.dot.DOTPlottableAutomaton
- getDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- getDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- getDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- getDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- getEdgeLabel(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.EdgeLabels
Retrieves the label for an edge.
- getEdgeProperties(S, TransitionEdge<I, T>, S, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.dot.DefaultDOTHelperAutomaton
- getEdgeProperties(S, TransitionEdge<I, T>, S, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.dot.DOTHelperMealy
- getEdgeProperties(UniversalAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getEdgeProperties(N, E, N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.DFSResultDOTHelper
- getEdgeProperties(N, E, N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.AggregateDOTHelper
- getEdgeProperties(N, E, N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DefaultDOTHelper
- getEdgeProperties(N, E, N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DelegateDOTHelper
- getEdgeProperties(N, E, N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.EmptyDOTHelper
- getEdgeProperties(N, E, N, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.dot.GraphDOTHelper
Retrieves the GraphVIZ properties for rendering a single edge.
- getEdgeProperty(TransitionEdge<I, Integer>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getEdgeProperty(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getEdgeProperty(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getEdgeProperty(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getEdgeProperty(Transition) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getEdgeProperty(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getEdgeProperty(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.UniversalIndefiniteGraph
Retrieves the property of a given edge.
- getEdgeProperty(EdgeRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getEdgeProperty(TransitionRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getEdgeProperty(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.UniversalAutomatonAsGraph
- getEdgeTypes() - Method in class net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.MyDFSVisitor
- getEdgeWeight(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.EdgeWeights
Retrieves the weight of an edge.
- getEdgeWeight(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.concepts.PropertyEdgeWeights
- getElement() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.DefaultLinkedListEntry
- getElement() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.LinkedListEntry
Retrieves the element stored at this position in the list.
- getElement() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Block
- getFirst() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
Getter for the first member.
- getFirst() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- getFirstTS() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.DTSComposition
- getFront() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves the first element in the list.
- getFront() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Retrieves the element at the beginning of the sequence, or
if the sequence is empty.
- getFrontEntry() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves the first entry in the list, or null
if the list is empty.
- getFrontReference() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves a reference to the first element in the list.
- getFrontReference() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Retrieves the reference to the element at the beginning of the
sequence, or null
if the sequence is empty.
- getGraphDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getGraphDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getGraphDOTHelper() - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DOTPlottableGraph
- getGraphDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getGraphDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getGraphDOTHelper() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
- getId(Integer) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getId() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.AbstractMutableNumericID
- getId() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.NumericID
- getId() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Block
Retrieves the ID of this block.
- getIdentifierPattern() - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringUtil
- getImage() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.ImageComponent
Retrieves the image to be displayed
- getIncomingEdges(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- getIncomingEdges(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- getIncomingEdges(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.BidirectionalGraph
Retrieves the incoming edges of a given node.
- getInEdgeList(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- getInitialNode() - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.DijkstraSSSP
- getInitialNode() - Method in interface net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.SSSPResult
Retrieves the node the source was started from.
- getInitialNode() - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.InitialNode
Retrieves the initial node.
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.DTSComposition
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetDTS
- getInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.PowersetDTS
- getInitialState() - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleDTS
Retrieves the initial state of this transition system.
- getInitialStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getInitialStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getInitialStates(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getInitialStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getInitialStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.TSComposition
- getInitialStates() - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleTS
Retrieves the set of initial states of the transition system.
- getInput() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.TransitionEdge
- getInput() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.TransitionEdge.Property
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.InputAlphabetHolder
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in interface net.automatalib.incremental.IncrementalConstruction
Retrieves the input alphabet of this construction.
- getInputAlphabet() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getInstance() - Static method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DefaultDOTHelper
- getIntegerIndex(String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringIndexGenerator
- getIntInitialState() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getIntSource(CompactBidiEdge<EP>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- getIntSuccessor(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getIntSuccessor(CompactMealyTransition<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- getLabel() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockEdge
Retrieves the transition label.
- getLocalInstance() - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Minimizer
Retrieves the local instance of this minimizer.
- getMax() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsTransitionProperty
Retrieves the upper bound of the character range.
- getMin() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsTransitionProperty
Retrieves the lower bound of the character range.
- getNext() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BasicLinkedListEntry
- getNext() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.LinkedListEntry
Retrieves the next entry in the list, or null
this is the last entry.
- getNode(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getNode(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getNode(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getNode(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.StateAsNodeIDs
- getNode(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.SimpleNodeIDs
- getNode(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getNode(int) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.NodeIDs
- getNodeId(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getNodeId(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getNodeId(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getNodeId(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.StateAsNodeIDs
- getNodeId(N) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.SimpleNodeIDs
- getNodeId(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getNodeId(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.NodeIDs
- getNodeProperties(S, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.dot.DOTHelperFSA
- getNodeProperties(UniversalAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getNodeProperties(N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.DFSResultDOTHelper
- getNodeProperties(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getNodeProperties(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactNPGraph
- getNodeProperties(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleGraph
- getNodeProperties(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactGraph
- getNodeProperties(N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.AggregateDOTHelper
- getNodeProperties(N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DefaultDOTHelper
- getNodeProperties(N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DelegateDOTHelper
- getNodeProperties(N, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.EmptyDOTHelper
- getNodeProperties(N, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.dot.GraphDOTHelper
Retrieves the GraphVIZ properties for rendering a single node.
- getNodeProperty(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getNodeProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getNodeProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getNodeProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getNodeProperty(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getNodeProperty(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getNodeProperty(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.UniversalIndefiniteGraph
Retrieves the property of a given node.
- getNodeProperty(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getNodeProperty(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getNodeProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.UniversalAutomatonAsGraph
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getNodes(Automaton<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getNodes() - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.Graph
Retrieves an (unmodifiable) collection of the nodes in this graph.
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- getNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
- getNumBlocks() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.MinimizationResult
Retrieves the number of blocks in the final partition.
- getNumIncoming() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.State
- getOutEdgeList(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getOutgoingEdgeArray(Block<S, L>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockAutomaton
Retrieves an array of outgoing edges of a block (state).
- getOutgoingEdges(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getOutgoingEdges(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getOutgoingEdges(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getOutgoingEdges(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getOutgoingEdges(FiniteAlphabetAutomaton<S, I, T>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getOutgoingEdges(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getOutgoingEdges(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getOutgoingEdges(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getOutgoingEdges(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getOutgoingEdges(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.IndefiniteGraph
Retrieves the outgoing edges of a given node.
- getOutgoingEdges(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getOutgoingEdges(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getOutgoingEdges(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- getOutgoingEdges(Block<S, L>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockAutomaton
Retrieves a list of outgoing edges of a block (state).
- getOutgoingEdges(SuffixTrieNode<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
- getOutput(TransitionOutputAutomaton<S, I, T, O>, S, I) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractTransOutAutomaton
- getOutput(Integer, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- getOutput() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealyTransition
- getOutput(FastMealyState<O>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- getOutput(FastMooreState<O>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- getOutput() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMooreState
Retrieves the output symbol generated by this state.
- getOutput() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.MealyTransition
Retrieves the output symbol.
- getOutput() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.probabilistic.ProbabilisticOutput
- getOutput(S, I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.transout.TransitionOutputAutomaton
Retrieves the output for the given input symbol in the given state.
- getOutput(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.State
- getParent() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- getPrev() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BasicLinkedListEntry
- getPrev() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.LinkedListEntry
Retrieves the previous entry in the list, or null
this is the first entry.
- getProbability() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.ProbMealyTransition
- getProbability() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.probabilistic.ProbabilisticOutput
- getProperty() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.TransitionEdge.Property
- getProperty() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactEdge
- getRandom() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- getRenameAction() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- getRepresentative(Block<S, L>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.MinimizationResult
Chooses a representative (i.e., an arbitrary element of the
set of states) from a block.
- getRoot() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
Returns the root of this trie.
- getSaveDotAction() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTComponent
- getSaveDotAction() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- getSavePngAction() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- getSavePngAction() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.ImageComponent
Retrieves an
to save the image in a PNG file.
- getSCCList() - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.SCCCollector
- getSecond() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
Getter for the second member.
- getSecond() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- getSecondTS() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.DTSComposition
- getShortestPath(N, N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp.APSPResult
Retrieves the shortest path between the given nodes, or null if there
exists no such path.
- getShortestPath(N, N) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp.FloydWarshallAPSP
- getShortestPath(N) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.DijkstraSSSP
- getShortestPath(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.SSSPResult
Retrieves the shortest path from the initial node to the given one (as a sequence of edges),
or null if there exists no such path.
- getShortestPathDistance(N, N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp.APSPResult
Retrieves the length of the shortest path between the given nodes.
- getShortestPathDistance(N, N) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.apsp.FloydWarshallAPSP
- getShortestPathDistance(N) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.DijkstraSSSP
- getShortestPathDistance(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.SSSPResult
Retrieves the length of the shortest path from the initial node
to the given one.
- getShortestPathEdge(N) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.DijkstraSSSP
- getShortestPathEdge(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp.SSSPResult
Retrieves the incoming edge via which the given node is reached on the shortest path.
- getSignature() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.State
- getSource() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactBidiEdge
- getSource(CompactBidiEdge<EP>) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactSimpleBidiGraph
- getSource(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.BidirectionalGraph
Retrieves the source node of a given edge.
- getSource() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockEdge
Retrieves the source block.
- getState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.SimpleStateIDs
- getState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getState(int) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.StateIDs
- getState(Iterable<Character>) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- getState(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getState(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.IncrementalDFABuilder
Retrieves the state reached by a given word.
- getState(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.IncrementalPCDFABuilder
- getState(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, T>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getState(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getState(Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleDTS
Retrieves the state reachable by the given sequence of input symbols
from the initial state.
- getStateId(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.SimpleStateIDs
- getStateId(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getStateId(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getStateId(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getStateId(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getStateId(S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.StateIDs
- getStateOutput(S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.StateOutput
- getStateOutput(FastMooreState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- getStateProperty(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getStateProperty(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getStateProperty(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getStateProperty(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getStateProperty(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.UniversalCompactSimpleDet
- getStateProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- getStateProperty(FiniteStateAcceptor<S, I>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- getStateProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- getStateProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- getStateProperty(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- getStateProperty(FastDFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- getStateProperty(FastNFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- getStateProperty(MealyMachine<S, I, T, O>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMealyMachine
- getStateProperty(MooreMachine<S, I, T, O>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMooreMachine
- getStateProperty(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- getStateProperty(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- getStateProperty(FastMealyState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- getStateProperty(FastMooreState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- getStateProperty(FastProbMealyState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- getStateProperty(AcceptorTS<S, I>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractAcceptorTS
- getStateProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractAcceptorTS
- getStateProperty(S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.UniversalTransitionSystem
Retrieves the state property for the given state.
- getStateProperty(Pair<S1, S2>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.DetAcceptorComposition
- getStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getStates() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.simple.SimpleAutomaton
Retrieves all states of the transition system.
- getStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getStates() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getStates(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getStates(Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getStates(Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleTS
Retrieves the set of all states reachable by the given sequence of input
symbols from an initial state.
- getStatesInBlock(Block<S, L>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.MinimizationResult
Retrieves all (original) states in a block.
- getStringIndex(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringIndexGenerator
- getStyle() - Method in enum net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.EdgeType
- getSuccessor(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getSuccessor(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getSuccessor(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- getSuccessor(FiniteStateAcceptor<S, I>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- getSuccessor(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- getSuccessor(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- getSuccessor(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- getSuccessor(FastDFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- getSuccessor(FastNFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- getSuccessor(MealyTransition<FastMealyState<O>, O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- getSuccessor(FastMooreState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- getSuccessor(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- getSuccessor() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.MealyTransition
Retrieves the successor state.
- getSuccessor(State, Character) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- getSuccessor(State, Iterable<Character>) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- getSuccessor(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getSuccessor(TransitionRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getSuccessor(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.State
- getSuccessor(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, T>, S, I) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getSuccessor(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, T>, S, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getSuccessor(S, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getSuccessor(S, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getSuccessor(Pair<T1, T2>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.DTSComposition
- getSuccessor(Pair<T1, T2>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.TSComposition
- getSuccessor(Collection<T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetDTS
- getSuccessor(FastPowersetState<S>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetDTS
- getSuccessor(Collection<T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.PowersetDTS
- getSuccessor(Set<S>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.PowersetDTS
- getSuccessor(S, I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleDTS
Retrieves the successor state reachable by the given input symbol.
- getSuccessor(S, Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleDTS
Retrieves the successor state reachable by the given sequence of
input symbols.
- getSuccessor(T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.TransitionSystem
Retrieves the successor state of a given transition.
- getSuccessors(State, Character) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- getSuccessors(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>, S, I) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getSuccessors(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>, S, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getSuccessors(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>, Collection<S>, Iterable<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getSuccessors(S, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getSuccessors(S, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getSuccessors(Collection<S>, Iterable<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- getSuccessors(S, I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleTS
Retrieves the set of successors for the given input symbol.
- getSuccessors(S, Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleTS
Retrieves the set of successors for the given sequence of input symbols.
- getSuccessors(Collection<S>, Iterable<I>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.simple.SimpleTS
Retrieves the set of all successors that can be reached from any
of the given source states by the specified sequence of input symbols.
- getSuccId() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealyTransition
- getSuffix() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- getSymbol(SuffixTrieNode<I>, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- getSymbol(int) - Method in interface net.automatalib.words.Alphabet
Returns the symbol with the given index in this alphabet.
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ArrayAlphabet
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ExtensionWord
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.FastAlphabet
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ListAlphabet
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Return symbol that is at the specified position
- getSymbol(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Retrieves the symbol at the given index
- getSymbolIndex(I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.words.Alphabet
Returns the index of the given symbol in the alphabet.
- getSymbolIndex(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ArrayAlphabet
- getSymbolIndex(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.EnumAlphabet
- getSymbolIndex(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.FastAlphabet
- getSymbolIndex(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ListAlphabet
- getSymbolIndex(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- getTarget(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getTarget(TransitionEdge<I, Integer>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getTarget(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getTarget(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getTarget(Automaton<S, I, T>, TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getTarget(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph
- getTarget(Transition) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getTarget(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- getTarget() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactEdge
- getTarget(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.IndefiniteGraph
Retrieves, for a given edge, its target node.
- getTarget(EdgeRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getTarget(TransitionRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getTarget(TransitionEdge<I, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- getTarget() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockEdge
Retrieves the target block.
- getTarget(SuffixTrieNode<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
- getThird() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- getTransition(int, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getTransition(int, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getTransition(Integer, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- getTransition(Integer, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getTransition(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastDetState
- getTransition(S, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- getTransition() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.TransitionEdge
- getTransition(State, Character) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- getTransition(State, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- getTransition(State, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getTransition(Pair<S1, S2>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.DTSComposition
- getTransition(S, I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.DeterministicTransitionSystem
Retrieves the transition triggered by the given input symbol.
- getTransition(FastPowersetState<S>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetDTS
- getTransition(Set<S>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.PowersetDTS
- getTransitionOutput(T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.TransitionOutput
- getTransitionOutput(MooreMachine<S, I, T, O>, T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMooreMachine
- getTransitionOutput(CompactMealyTransition<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- getTransitionOutput(MealyTransition<FastMealyState<O>, O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- getTransitionOutput(FastMooreState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- getTransitionOutput(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- getTransitionOutput(TransitionRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- getTransitionProbability(T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.Probabilistic
- getTransitionProbability(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- getTransitionProperty(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- getTransitionProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractDFA
- getTransitionProperty(FiniteStateAcceptor<S, I>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- getTransitionProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractFSA
- getTransitionProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- getTransitionProperty(FastDFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- getTransitionProperty(FastNFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- getTransitionProperty(MealyMachine<S, I, T, O>, T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMealyMachine
- getTransitionProperty(MooreMachine<S, I, T, O>, T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMooreMachine
- getTransitionProperty(CompactMealyTransition<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- getTransitionProperty(MealyTransition<FastMealyState<O>, O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- getTransitionProperty(FastMooreState<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- getTransitionProperty(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- getTransitionProperty(AcceptorTS<S, I>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractAcceptorTS
- getTransitionProperty(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.abstractimpl.AbstractAcceptorTS
- getTransitionProperty(T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.UniversalTransitionSystem
Retrieves the transition property for the given state.
- getTransitionProperty(Pair<S1, S2>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.DetAcceptorComposition
- getTransitions(S, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- getTransitions(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastNondetState
- getTransitions(State, Character) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- getTransitions(State, Character) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsDFA
- getTransitions(DeterministicTransitionSystem<S, I, T>, S, I) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getTransitions(S, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractDTS
- getTransitions(Pair<S1, S2>, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.comp.TSComposition
- getTransitions(S, I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.TransitionSystem
Retrieves the transitions that can be triggered by the given
input symbol.
- getUserObject() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Symbol
- Graph<N,E> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
Graph interface.
- GraphAlgorithms - Class in net.automatalib.algorithms.graph
Convenience entry points and helper methods for various graph algorithms.
- GraphAlgorithms() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.GraphAlgorithms
- GraphCopy - Class in net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy
- GraphCopy() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.graphs.copy.GraphCopy
- GraphDOT - Class in net.automatalib.util.graphs.dot
Methods for rendering a
in the GraphVIZ DOT format.
- GraphDOT() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.graphs.dot.GraphDOT
- GraphDOTHelper<N,E> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs.dot
Helper interface for plotting graphs using the GraphVIZ DOT format.
- Graphs - Class in net.automatalib.util.graphs
- GraphTraversal - Class in net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal
- GraphTraversalAction - Enum in net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal
- GraphTraversalVisitor<N,E,D> - Interface in net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal
Visitor interface for graph traversals.
- grayTarget(N, D, E, N, D) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.BaseDFSVisitor
- GrowingAlphabet<I> - Interface in net.automatalib.words
class that supports adding new symbols.
- id - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.AbstractMutableNumericID
- idChanged(S, int, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDDynamicMapping
- idChanged(K, int, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.ArrayMapping
- idChanged(T, int, int) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.IDChangeListener
- IDChangeListener<T extends NumericID> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.util.nid
- IDChangeNotifier<T extends NumericID> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.nid
- IDChangeNotifier() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.IDChangeNotifier
- identity() - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
Retrieves the identity mapping, which maps each domain value
to itself.
- idGet(Mapping<D, D>, D) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
- ImageComponent - Class in net.automatalib.commons.dotutil
- ImageComponent() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.ImageComponent
Default constructor.
- ImageComponent(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.ImageComponent
- impl(DFA<?, I>, DFA<?, I>, Collection<? extends I>, A) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- impl(DFA<?, I>, DFA<?, I>, Alphabet<I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.fsa.DFAs
- IMPL - Static variable in interface net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.AcceptanceCombiner
- impl(TS1, TS2) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.Acceptors
- incomingEdges(Graph<N, E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Graphs
- increaseIncoming() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.State
- IncrementalConstruction<A,I> - Interface in net.automatalib.incremental
Basic interface for incremental automata constructions.
- IncrementalDFABuilder<I> - Class in net.automatalib.incremental.dfa
Incrementally builds an (acyclic) DFA, from a set of positive and negative words.
- IncrementalDFABuilder(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.IncrementalDFABuilder
- IncrementalMealyBuilder<I,O> - Class in net.automatalib.incremental.mealy
Incrementally builds an (acyclic) Mealy machine, from a set of input and corresponding
output words.
- IncrementalMealyBuilder(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- IncrementalPCDFABuilder<I> - Class in net.automatalib.incremental.dfa
- IncrementalPCDFABuilder(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.IncrementalPCDFABuilder
- IndefiniteGraph<N,E> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
Interface for an (indefinite) graph structure.
- IndefiniteLTS<N,E,L> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
A labeled transition system is a graph with labels attached to its edges.
- indexOf(char) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- inIndex - Variable in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactBidiEdge
- init - Variable in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- initial - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- initialize(N) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.BaseDFSVisitor
- initialize(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DFSVisitor
- InitialNode<N> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs.concepts
Initial node concept.
- initialNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.dot.DefaultDOTHelperAutomaton
- initialNodes() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DefaultDOTHelper
- initState(int, SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- initState(int, SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.UniversalCompactSimpleDet
- initState(int, Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- input - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS.TransRef
- inputAlphabet - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- inputAlphabet - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- inputAlphabet - Variable in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- inputAlphabet - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- InputAlphabetHolder<I> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.concepts
- inputs - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- insert(Word<I>, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- insert(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
Inserts a word into the set of accepted words.
- insert(Word<I>, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.IncrementalDFABuilder
Inserts a word into either the set of accepted or rejected words.
- insert(Word<I>, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.IncrementalPCDFABuilder
- insert(Word<I>, Word<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
Incorporates a pair of input/output words into the stored information.
- insertAfter(E, ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- insertAfter(E, ElementReference) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartSequence
Inserts the given element after the element referenced by
the specified reference.
- insertAfterEntry(T, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Inserts a new entry after a given one.
- insertBefore(E, ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- insertBefore(E, ElementReference) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartSequence
Inserts the given element before the element referenced by
the specified reference.
- insertBeforeEntry(T, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Inserts a new entry before a given one.
- integers(int, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.Alphabets
- intNext() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- intPrevious() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- intRange(int, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- intRange(int, int, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- IntRangeIterator - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.collections
- IntRangeIterator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- IntRangeIterator(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- IntrusiveLinkedList<T extends LinkedListEntry<T,T>> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
An intrusive version of a linked list.
- IntrusiveLinkedList() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.IntrusiveLinkedList
- intValue(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- intValue(Integer, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.WrapperUtil
- intValue(Integer) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.WrapperUtil
- INVALID_DISTANCE - Static variable in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Float value to signal that no valid distance is returned (e.g., when attempting
to retrieve the length of a path that does not exist).
- InvalidReferenceException - Exception in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
- InvalidReferenceException() - Constructor for exception net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.InvalidReferenceException
Default constructor.
- InvalidReferenceException(String) - Constructor for exception net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.InvalidReferenceException
- invasiveMinimize(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- IOUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util
Utility methods for operating with java.io.
- IOUtil() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.IOUtil
- isAccepting(Collection<? extends S>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- isAccepting(NFA<S, I>, Collection<? extends S>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractNFA
- isAccepting(Collection<? extends S>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractNFA
- isAccepting(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- isAccepting(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- isAccepting(FastDFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- isAccepting() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFAState
- isAccepting(Collection<? extends FastNFAState>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- isAccepting(FastNFAState) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- isAccepting() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFAState
- isAccepting(Collection<? extends S>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.fsa.NFA
- isAccepting(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.AbstractBricsAutomaton
- isAccepting(Collection<? extends State>) - Method in class net.automatalib.brics.BricsNFA
- isAccepting(S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.acceptors.AcceptorTS
Checks whether the given state is accepting.
- isAccepting(Pair<S1, S2>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.acceptors.DetAcceptorComposition
- isAcceptingNode(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.NodeAcceptance
Checks whether a node is an accepting node.
- isComplete(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
Checks whether there exists secured information about the output
for the given word.
- isConfluence() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.State
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Block
Checks whether or not this block is empty, i.e., contains no states.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Checks if this word is empty, i.e., contains no symbols.
- isPrefixOf(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ExtensionWord
- isPrefixOf(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Checks if this word is a prefix of another word.
- isRoot() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- isSingleton() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Block
Checks whether or not this block is a singleton, i.e., contains only
a single state.
- isSuffixOf(Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Checks if this word is a suffix of another word
- IterableUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.collections
- iterator(Automaton<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractAutomaton
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractAutomaton
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAutomaton
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- iterator(Graph<N, E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractGraph
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractGraph
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetState
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ExtensionWord
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- iterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.ImageComponent
- Pair<T1,T2> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util
- Pair(T1, T2) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
Constructs a pair with the given members.
- Path<N,E> - Class in net.automatalib.util.graphs
- Path(IndefiniteGraph<N, E>, N, List<? extends E>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path
- Path.PathData<N,E> - Class in net.automatalib.util.graphs
- PathData(N, List<? extends E>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path.PathData
- peekMin() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- peekMin() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- peekMin() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartPriorityQueue
Retrieves, but does not remove the element with the minimum key
in the priority queue.
- performMinimization(UniversalGraph<S, E, ?, L>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Minimizer
- performMinimization(UniversalGraph<S, E, ?, L>, Collection<? extends S>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Minimizer
Performs the minimization of an automaton.
- popBack() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves and removes the last element in the list.
- popBack() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Retrieves and removes the element at the beginning of the sequence.
- popBackEntry() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Removes and returns the last entry in the list.
- popFront() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Retrieves and removes the first element in the list.
- popFront() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Retrieves and removes the element at the beginning of the sequence.
- popFrontEntry() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Removes and returns the first entry in the list.
- PowersetDTS<S,I,T> - Class in net.automatalib.ts.powerset
- PowersetDTS(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.PowersetDTS
- powersetView(TransitionSystem<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- powersetView() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.abstractimpl.AbstractTS
- powersetView() - Method in interface net.automatalib.ts.TransitionSystem
Retrieves a "powerset view" of this transition system.
- pred(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- pred(ElementReference) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartSequence
Retrieves the reference to the preceding element, or null
if the
given reference references the first element in the list.
- prefix(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves a prefix of the given length.
- prefixes(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves the list of all prefixes of this word.
- prepend(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ExtensionWord
- prepend(I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Prepends a symbol to this word and returns the result as a new word.
- previous() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- previous() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- previousIndex() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- previousIndex() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- print(Appendable) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
- print(Appendable) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.Printable
Outputs the current object.
- print(Appendable) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- print(Appendable) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
- Printable - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.util.strings
- Probabilistic<T> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.concepts
- ProbabilisticMealyMachine<S,I,T,O> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.transout
- ProbabilisticOutput<O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.probabilistic
- ProbabilisticOutput(float, O) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.probabilistic.ProbabilisticOutput
- ProbMealyTransition<S,O> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl
- ProbMealyTransition(S, O, float) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.ProbMealyTransition
- processEdge(N, TarjanSCCRecord, E, N, Holder<TarjanSCCRecord>) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.TarjanSCCVisitor
- processEdge(N, D, E, N, Holder<D>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DefaultGraphTraversalVisitor
- processEdge(N, D, E, N, Holder<D>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.GraphTraversalVisitor
Called when an edge is processed.
- processInitial(N, Holder<TarjanSCCRecord>) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.TarjanSCCVisitor
- processInitial(N, Holder<D>) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DefaultGraphTraversalVisitor
- processInitial(N, Holder<D>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.GraphTraversalVisitor
Called when a node is processed initially.
- processInitial(S, Holder<D>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.ts.traversal.TSTraversalVisitor
- processTransition(S, D, I, T, S, Holder<D>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.ts.traversal.TSTraversalVisitor
- property(UniversalTransitionSystem<?, ?, T, ?, TP>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.TransitionEdge
- Property(I, TP) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.TransitionEdge.Property
- PropertyEdgeWeights<E> - Class in net.automatalib.util.graphs.concepts
- PropertyEdgeWeights(UniversalGraph<?, E, ?, ? extends Number>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.graphs.concepts.PropertyEdgeWeights
- pushBack(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Adds an element at the end of the list.
- pushBack(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Adds an element at the end of the sequence.
- pushBackEntry(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Adds an entry at the end of the list.
- pushFront(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Adds an element at the beginning of the list.
- pushFront(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartDeque
Adds an element at the beginning of the sequence.
- pushFrontEntry(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Adds an entry at the beginning of the list.
- put(S, V) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDDynamicMapping
- put(S, V) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDGrowingMapping
- put(S, V) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDStaticMapping
- put(K, V) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.ArrayMapping
- put(D, R) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.MapMapping
Delegates to the underlying
- put(D, R) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.MutableMapping
- put(Block<?, ?>, V) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockMap
Stores a value.
- random - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- randomAccessList(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- RandomAutomata - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata.random
- randomDeterministic(Random, int, Collection<? extends I>, Collection<? extends SP>, Collection<? extends TP>, A) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.RandomAutomata
- randomDeterministic(Random, int, Collection<? extends I>, Collection<? extends SP>, Collection<? extends TP>, A, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.RandomAutomata
- RandomDeterministicAutomatonGenerator<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends MutableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP>> - Class in net.automatalib.util.automata.random
- RandomDeterministicAutomatonGenerator(Random, Collection<? extends I>, Collection<? extends SP>, Collection<? extends TP>, A) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.RandomDeterministicAutomatonGenerator
- randomDistinctState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- randomInput() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- randomState() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- randomStateProperty() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- randomTransProperty() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- RandomUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.random
- RandomUtil() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- RandomUtil(Random) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- Ref<T> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.util.ref
An abstraction for (weak or strong) references.
- referencedAdd(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- referencedAdd(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- referencedAdd(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- referencedAdd(E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Adds an element to the collection, returning a reference to the
newly added element.
- referencedAdd(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- referenceIterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- referenceIterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- referenceIterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- referenceIterator() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Retrieves an iterator for iterating over the references of elements
in this collection.
- referenceIterator() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- references() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- references() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
This is a method provided for convenience, which allows iterating
over the element references using a foreach-style
- references() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- ReflectUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util
- Refs - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.ref
Utility functions for dealing with references.
- register - Variable in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- remove(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- remove(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractSmartCollection
- remove(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- remove(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- remove(ElementReference) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Removes an element (by its reference) from the collection.
- remove(Object) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
- remove(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- remove(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- remove() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.BitSetIterator
- remove() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- remove() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.ConcatIterator
- remove() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- remove() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.ThreeLevelIterator
- remove() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.TwoLevelIterator
- remove(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- remove(Object, IDChangeNotifier<T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- remove(int, IDChangeNotifier<T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- remove(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetState
- remove() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.traversal.BFSOrderIterator
- removeAllTransitions(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- removeAllTransitions(S, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- removeAllTransitions(MutableDeterministic<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- removeAllTransitions(S, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- removeAllTransitions(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- removeAllTransitions(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- removeAllTransitions(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- removeAllTransitions(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- removeAllTransitions(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- removeAllTransitions(S, I) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- removeAllTransitions(S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- removeEdge(N, E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.ShrinkableGraph
Removes an outgoing edge from the given node.
- removeEntry(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Removes an entry from the list.
- removeListener(IDChangeListener<T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.IDChangeNotifier
- removeNode(N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.ShrinkableGraph
Removes a node from this graph.
- removeNode(N, N) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.ShrinkableGraph
Removes a node from this graph, and redirects all incoming edges to
the given replacement node (node that outgoing edges are still removed).
- removeReplace(List<E>, int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CollectionsUtil
- removeState(ShrinkableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractShrinkableAutomaton
- removeState(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractShrinkableAutomaton
- removeState(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractShrinkableDeterministic
- removeState(S, S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- removeState(S, S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- removeState(S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.ShrinkableAutomaton
removes a state from the automaton.
- removeState(S, S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.ShrinkableAutomaton
Removes a state from the automaton.
- removeTransition(MutableAutomaton<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- removeTransition(S, I, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableAutomaton
- removeTransition(MutableDeterministic<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- removeTransition(S, I, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- removeTransition(S, I, T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- rename() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- renderDOT(Reader, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Renders a GraphVIZ description and displays it in a Swing window.
- renderDOT(String, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Renders a GraphVIZ description from a string and displays it in a
Swing window.
- renderDOT(File, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Renders a GraphVIZ description from a string and displays it in a
Swing window.
- renderDOTExternal(Reader, String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Renders a GraphVIZ description, using an external program for displaying.
- renderDOTExternal(String, String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Renders a GraphVIZ description from a string, using an external program
for displaying.
- renderDOTExternal(File, String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Renders a GraphVIZ description from a file, using an external program
for displaying.
- renderDOTImage(Reader) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Reads a DOT description from a reader and returns the PNG rendering result as a
- renderDOTImage(String) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Reads a DOT description from a string and returns the PNG rendering result as a
- renderDOTImage(File) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Reads a DOT description from a file and returns the PNG rendering result as a
- repeatAppend(int, Word<I>) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Appends num copies of the given word to the contents
of the initial storage.
- repeatAppend(int, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Appends num copies of a symbol to the contents of the
internal storage.
- replace(ElementReference, E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- replace(ElementReference, E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- replace(ElementReference, E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- replace(ElementReference, E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.DefaultLinkedList
- replace(ElementReference, E) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartCollection
Replaces the element referenced by the given reference with
the specified element.
- replace(ElementReference, E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- replaceEntry(T, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Replaces an entry in the list.
- replaceOrRegister(StateSignature) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
Returns (and possibly creates) the canonical state for the given signature.
- replaceOrRegister(State) - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
Returns the canonical state for the given state's signature, or registers the
state as canonical if no state with that signature exists.
- resizeFactor - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- ResizingArrayStorage<T> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.array
Class that provides a resizable array storage of a certain type.
- ResizingArrayStorage(Class<T[]>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingArrayStorage
- ResizingArrayStorage(Class<T[]>, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingArrayStorage
- ResizingIntArray - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.array
Class that provides a resizable int array storage.
- ResizingIntArray() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingIntArray
- ResizingIntArray(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingIntArray
- ResizingObjectArray - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.array
Class that provides a resizable
array storage.
- ResizingObjectArray() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingObjectArray
- ResizingObjectArray(int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingObjectArray
- reverse() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
- root - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
- runDOT(Reader, String, String...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Invokes the GraphVIZ DOT utility for rendering graphs.
- runDOT(String, String, String...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Invokes the DOT utility on a string.
- runDOT(File, String, String...) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Invokes the DOT utility on a file.
- runDOT(Reader, String, File) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Invokes the GraphVIZ DOT utility for rendering graphs, writing output
to the specified file.
- runDOT(String, String, File) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Invokes the DOT utility on a string, producing an output file.
- runDOT(File, String, File) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOT
Invokes the DOT utility on a file, producing an output file.
- safeComparator(Comparator<T>, CmpUtil.NullOrdering) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.comparison.CmpUtil
Retrieves a safe comparator, which can handle null
element values.
- safeGet(Mapping<? super D, R>, D, R) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.Mappings
Safely retrieves a value from a mapping.
- safeGet(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- safeWrite(ArrayWritable<U>, T[]) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.AWUtil
Writes the complete container data to an array.
- safeWrite(int, ArrayWritable<U>, T[]) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.AWUtil
Writes a given maximum amount of data items from a container to an array.
- safeWrite(int, ArrayWritable<U>, int, T[], int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.AWUtil
- safeWrite(ArrayWritable<U>, T[], int) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.AWUtil
- sample(List<? extends T>, int, Random) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- sample(List<? extends T>, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- sampleUnique(List<? extends T>, int, Random) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- sampleUnique(List<? extends T>, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.random.RandomUtil
- saveDOT() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- savePNG() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.DOTPanel
- SCCCollector<N> - Class in net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc
- SCCCollector() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.SCCCollector
- SCCListener<N> - Interface in net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc
- SCCs - Class in net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc
Algorithms for finding strongly-connected components (SCCs) in a graph.
- second - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
- second - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- set(Character) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRangeIterator
- set(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- set(int, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
- setAccepting(int, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- setAccepting(Integer, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- setAccepting(FastDFAState, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- setAccepting(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFAState
- setAccepting(FastNFAState, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- setAccepting(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFAState
- setAccepting(S, boolean) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.fsa.MutableFSA
- setAll(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingArrayStorage
Sets all the elements in the array to the specified value.
- setAll(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingIntArray
Sets all the elements in the array to the specified value.
- setAll(Object) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingObjectArray
Sets all the elements in the array to the specified value.
- setDefaultKey(K) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- setDefaultKey(K) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartGeneralPriorityQueue
Sets the default key, which is used for elements that are inserted
with no explicit key specified.
- setEdgeProperty(E, EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- setEdgeProperty(E, EP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.MutableGraph
- setElement(E) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.DefaultLinkedListEntry
Sets the stored element to the specified element.
- setFirst(T1) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
Setter for the first member.
- setFirst(T1) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- setId(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.AbstractMutableNumericID
- setId(int) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.MutableNumericID
- setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.ImageComponent
Sets the image to be displayed.
- setInitial(MutableDeterministic<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- setInitial(S, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- setInitial(S, boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- setInitial(S, boolean) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- setInitialState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- setInitialState(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- setInitialState(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setInitialState(Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setInitialState(S) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- setInitialState(S) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableDeterministic
Sets the initial state to the given state
- setNext(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BasicLinkedListEntry
- setNext(T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.LinkedListEntry
Sets the successor of this entry.
- setNodeProperty(int, NP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- setNodeProperty(Integer, NP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- setNodeProperty(int, NP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactNPGraph
- setNodeProperty(int, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleGraph
- setNodeProperty(int, NP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactGraph
- setNodeProperty(N, NP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.MutableGraph
- setOutput(O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealyTransition
- setOutput(O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMooreState
Sets the output symbol generated by this state.
- setOutput(O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.MealyTransition
Sets the output symbol.
- setPrev(T) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BasicLinkedListEntry
- setPrev(T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.LinkedListEntry
Sets the predecessor of this entry.
- setProbability(float) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.ProbMealyTransition
- setProperty(EP) - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.CompactEdge
- setScale(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.dotutil.ImageComponent
- setSecond(T2) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Pair
Setter for the second member.
- setSecond(T2) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- setStateOutput(S, O) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.MutableStateOutput
- setStateOutput(FastMooreState<O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- setStateProperty(int, SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- setStateProperty(Integer, SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- setStateProperty(int, SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setStateProperty(Integer, SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setStateProperty(int, SP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.UniversalCompactSimpleDet
- setStateProperty(S, Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- setStateProperty(MutableFSA<S, I>, S, Boolean) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- setStateProperty(S, Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- setStateProperty(S, Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- setStateProperty(int, Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.compact.CompactDFA
- setStateProperty(FastDFAState, Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- setStateProperty(FastNFAState, Boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- setStateProperty(S, SP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- setStateProperty(MutableMealyMachine<S, I, T, O>, S, Void) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMealyMachine
- setStateProperty(MutableMooreMachine<S, I, T, O>, S, O) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMooreMachine
- setStateProperty(int, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- setStateProperty(FastMealyState<O>, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- setStateProperty(FastMooreState<O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- setStateProperty(FastProbMealyState<O>, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- setSymbol(int, I) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
Sets the symbol at the given index.
- setThird(T3) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Triple
- setTransition(MutableDeterministic<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, S, TP) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- setTransition(S, I, S, TP) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- setTransition(int, int, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- setTransition(Integer, I, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- setTransition(int, int, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setTransition(int, I, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setTransition(Integer, I, Integer) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setTransition(int, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastDetState
- setTransition(S, I, T) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- setTransition(S, I, T) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableDeterministic
Sets the transition for the given state and input symbol.
- setTransition(S, I, S, TP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableDeterministic
Sets the transition for the given state and input symbol to a newly
created one.
- setTransitionOutput(T, O) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.MutableTransitionOutput
- setTransitionOutput(CompactMealyTransition<O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- setTransitionOutput(MealyTransition<FastMealyState<O>, O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- setTransitionOutput(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- setTransitionProbability(T, float) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.concepts.MutableProbabilistic
- setTransitionProbability(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>, float) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- setTransitionProperty(Integer, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- setTransitionProperty(S, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDFA
- setTransitionProperty(MutableFSA<S, I>, S, Void) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- setTransitionProperty(S, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableFSA
- setTransitionProperty(S, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableNFA
- setTransitionProperty(FastDFAState, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastDFA
- setTransitionProperty(FastNFAState, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.fsa.impl.FastNFA
- setTransitionProperty(T, TP) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- setTransitionProperty(MutableMealyMachine<S, I, T, O>, T, O) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMealyMachine
- setTransitionProperty(MutableMooreMachine<S, I, T, O>, T, Void) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.abstractimpl.AbstractMooreMachine
- setTransitionProperty(CompactMealyTransition<O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy
- setTransitionProperty(MealyTransition<FastMealyState<O>, O>, O) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMealy
- setTransitionProperty(FastMooreState<O>, Void) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastMoore
- setTransitionProperty(ProbMealyTransition<FastProbMealyState<O>, O>, ProbabilisticOutput<O>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.FastProbMealy
- setTransitions(MutableDeterministic<S, I, T, SP, TP>, S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- setTransitions(S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractMutableDeterministic
- setTransitions(S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- setTransitions(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastNondetState
- setTransitions(S, I, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.MutableAutomaton
- SHAPE - Static variable in interface net.automatalib.graphs.dot.GraphDOTHelper
- SharedSuffixTrie<I> - Class in net.automatalib.util.tries
- SharedSuffixTrie(Alphabet<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SharedSuffixTrie
- SharedSuffixTrie(Alphabet<I>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SharedSuffixTrie
- shortValue(Short, short) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.WrapperUtil
- shrink(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingArrayStorage
Shrinks the storage to the specified maximum capacity.
- shrink(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingIntArray
- shrink(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingObjectArray
- ShrinkableAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata
A mutable automaton that also supports destructive modifications, i.e., removal
of states and transitions.
- ShrinkableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata
A mutable deterministic automaton that also supports destructive operations, i.e.,
removal of states and transitions.
- ShrinkableGraph<N,E> - Interface in net.automatalib.graphs
A graph that supports (desirably efficient) removal of nodes and edges.
- SimpleAlphabet<I> - Class in net.automatalib.words.impl
A simple alphabet implementation, that does not impose any restriction on the input
symbol class.
- SimpleAlphabet() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- SimpleAutomaton<S,I> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.simple
A simple automaton, i.e., a
with a finite number of states.
- SimpleBricsExample - Class in net.automatalib.examples.brics
- SimpleBricsExample() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.examples.brics.SimpleBricsExample
- SimpleDeterministicAutomaton<S,I> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.simple
A simple deterministic automaton.
- SimpleDTS<S,I> - Interface in net.automatalib.ts.simple
A simple deterministic transition system.
- SimpleNodeIDs<N> - Class in net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl
- SimpleNodeIDs(Graph<N, ?>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.SimpleNodeIDs
- SimpleStateIDs<S> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl
- SimpleStateIDs(Automaton<S, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.SimpleStateIDs
- SimpleTS<S,I> - Interface in net.automatalib.ts.simple
A simple transition system.
- SimplifiedIterator<E> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.collections
- SimplifiedIterator() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.SimplifiedIterator
- sink - Variable in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- size(Automaton<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractAutomaton
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractAutomaton
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAutomaton
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- size() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.simple.SimpleAutomaton
Retrieves the size (number of states) of this transition system.
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BackedGeneralPriorityQueue
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.BinaryHeap
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- size() - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ArrayWritable
The size of this container.
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.CharRange
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.combinatorics.DisjointSetForestInt
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- size(Graph<N, E>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractGraph
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.graphs.abstractimpl.AbstractGraph
- size - Variable in class net.automatalib.graphs.base.compact.AbstractCompactGraph
- size() - Method in interface net.automatalib.graphs.Graph
Retrieves the number of nodes of this graph.
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.IncrementalMealyBuilder
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.ts.powerset.FastPowersetState
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.asgraph.AutomatonAsGraph
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.Block
Retrieves the size of this block, i.e., the number of states it
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ArrayAlphabet
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ListAlphabet
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.impl.SimpleAlphabet
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
- size() - Method in class net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder
- skip(InputStream) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.IOUtil
Skips the content of the stream as long as there is data available.
- SmartCollection<E> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
An extended collection interface.
- SmartDeque<E> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
A double-ended queue (deque), allowing access, removal and insertion
of elements both at the beginning and the end.
- SmartDynamicPriorityQueue<E> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
A priority queue interface.
- SmartGeneralPriorityQueue<E,K extends Comparable<K>> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
A generalized priority queue which allows storing arbitrary elements that
don't have to be comparable, neither by their natural ordering nor by a
- SmartPriorityQueue<E> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
Priority queue interface.
- SmartSequence<E> - Interface in net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections
Sequence interface.
- SODetOutputAutomaton<S,I,T,O> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.concepts
- source - Variable in class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.TransitionRecord
- spList - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- SSSPResult<N,E> - Interface in net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.sssp
Result interface for the single-source shortest path (SSSP) problem.
- start - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.Path.PathData
- START_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DefaultDOTHelper
- startExploration(N, TarjanSCCRecord) - Method in class net.automatalib.algorithms.graph.scc.TarjanSCCVisitor
- startExploration(N, D) - Method in class net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.DefaultGraphTraversalVisitor
- startExploration(N, D) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.GraphTraversalVisitor
Called when the exploration of a node is started.
- startExploration(S, D) - Method in interface net.automatalib.util.ts.traversal.TSTraversalVisitor
- State - Class in net.automatalib.incremental.mealy
- State(StateSignature) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.incremental.mealy.State
- state - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS.TransRef
- STATE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface net.automatalib.automata.fsa.FiniteStateAcceptor
- StateAsNodeIDs<S> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.graphs
- StateAsNodeIDs(StateIDs<S>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.graphs.StateAsNodeIDs
- stateCapacity - Variable in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- stateCharacterizingSet(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>, S, Collection<? super Word<I>>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
Computes a characterizing set for a single state.
- stateCharacterizingSet(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?, ?, ?>, Collection<? extends I>, S) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
Computes a characterizing set for a single state, and returns it as a
- stateCover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?>, Collection<? extends I>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.automata.Automata
- StateIDDynamicMapping<S extends NumericID,V> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base
- StateIDDynamicMapping(Automaton<S, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDDynamicMapping
- StateIDGrowingMapping<S,V> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base
- StateIDGrowingMapping(Automaton<S, ?, ?>, StateIDs<S>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDGrowingMapping
- stateIDs(Automaton<S, I, T>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractAutomaton
- stateIDs() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractAutomaton
- stateIDs() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAutomaton
- stateIDs() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactDeterministic
- stateIDs() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.compact.AbstractCompactSimpleDet
- stateIDs() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableDet
- stateIDs() - Method in class net.automatalib.automata.base.fast.FastMutableNondet
- StateIDs<S> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.concepts
- stateIDs() - Method in interface net.automatalib.automata.simple.SimpleAutomaton
- StateIDStaticMapping<S,V> - Class in net.automatalib.automata.base
- StateIDStaticMapping(StateIDs<S>, int) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.automata.base.StateIDStaticMapping
- StateOutput<S,O> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.concepts
State output concept.
- stateProperties(UniversalTransitionSystem<S, ?, ?, SP, ?>) - Static method in class net.automatalib.util.ts.TS
- states - Variable in class net.automatalib.util.automata.random.AbstractRandomAutomatonGenerator
- StringIndexGenerator - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.strings
Class for transforming integer index values into string values (using
latin characters, therefore effectively realizing a radix-26 representation
of numbers).
- StringIndexGenerator(StringIndexGenerator.Case) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringIndexGenerator
- StringIndexGenerator.Case - Enum in net.automatalib.commons.util.strings
- StringUtil - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.strings
Misceallanous utility functions for
- strong(T) - Static method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.ref.Refs
Creates a strong reference to the given referent.
- StrongRef<T> - Class in net.automatalib.commons.util.ref
A strong reference wrapper, complying to the
- StrongRef(T) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.commons.util.ref.StrongRef
- subWord(int, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves a word representing the specified subrange of this word.
- subWord(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves the subword of this word starting at the given index and extending
until the end of this word.
- succ(ElementReference) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
- succ(ElementReference) - Method in interface net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.SmartSequence
Retrieves the reference to the succeeding element, or null
if the
given reference references the last element in the list.
- suffix(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves a suffix of the given length.
- suffixes(boolean) - Method in class net.automatalib.words.Word
Retrieves the list of all suffixes of this word.
- SuffixOutput<I,O> - Interface in net.automatalib.automata.concepts
- SuffixTrie<I> - Class in net.automatalib.util.tries
- SuffixTrie() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
- SuffixTrie(boolean) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
- SuffixTrie(SuffixTrieNode<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
Internal constructor.
- SuffixTrie(boolean, SuffixTrieNode<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrie
Internal constructor.
- SuffixTrieNode<I> - Class in net.automatalib.util.tries
- SuffixTrieNode() - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
Root constructor.
- SuffixTrieNode(I, SuffixTrieNode<I>) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.util.tries.SuffixTrieNode
- swap(AbstractLinkedList<E, T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.AbstractLinkedList
Swaps the contents of two linked lists with the same entry types.
- swap(UnorderedCollection<E>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.smartcollections.UnorderedCollection
- swap(ResizingArrayStorage<T>) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingArrayStorage
- swap(ResizingIntArray) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingIntArray
- swap(ResizingObjectArray) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.array.ResizingObjectArray
- swap(int, int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.nid.DynamicList
- Symbol - Class in net.automatalib.words.impl
- Symbol(Object) - Constructor for class net.automatalib.words.impl.Symbol
- symbols - Variable in class net.automatalib.words.impl.ArrayAlphabet
- value(int) - Method in class net.automatalib.commons.util.collections.IntRangeIterator
- value - Variable in class net.automatalib.commons.util.Holder
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.commons.util.comparison.CmpUtil.NullOrdering
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringIndexGenerator.Case
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.EdgeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.Acceptance
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.GraphTraversalAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.traversal.Color
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.traversal.TraversalOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.traversal.VisitedState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.ts.traversal.TSTraversalAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.commons.util.comparison.CmpUtil.NullOrdering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.commons.util.strings.StringIndexGenerator.Case
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.examples.graph.DFSExample.EdgeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.incremental.dfa.Acceptance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.graphs.traversal.GraphTraversalAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class net.automatalib.util.minimizer.BlockMap
Retrieves all values that are stored in this map.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.traversal.Color
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.traversal.TraversalOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.traversal.VisitedState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.automatalib.util.ts.traversal.TSTraversalAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- VisitedState - Enum in net.automatalib.util.traversal
Enum to use for indicating if a node/state has been visited.