Package de.learnlib

Interface Resumable<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of the learner state.

    public interface Resumable<T>
    Data structures that implement this interface can be "suspended" by means of exposing a state object that contains all data that is necessary to resume from this state at a later point in time.

    Note: Objects returned by this interface are not guaranteed to be binary compatible across versions (like a Serializable object). Only use them for short-lived scopes in the same learning setup. For persistent storage of e.g. hypotheses models, use the model serializers of AutomataLib.

    • Method Detail

      • suspend

        T suspend()
        Expose the state object.
        The state.
      • resume

        void resume​(T state)
        Resume the datastructure from a previously suspended point in time.
        state - The learner state.