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AbstractQuery<I,​D> - Class in de.learnlib.query
AbstractQuery(Query<I, ?>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
AbstractQuery(Word<I>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
AbstractQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
accepts(A, Iterable<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Returns whether the given input is accepted by the given hypothesis.
accepts(DFA<?, I>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle.DFAOracle
accepts(MealyMachine<?, I, ?, O>, Iterable<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle.MealyOracle
AccessSequenceProvider<I> - Interface in de.learnlib
Common interface for objects that have an access sequence associated with them (e.g., states and transitions of a hypotheses).
AccessSequenceTransformer<I> - Interface in de.learnlib
addGlobalSuffixes(Collection<? extends Word<I>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.GlobalSuffixLearner
Add the provided suffixes to the collection of global suffixes.
addNegativeSample(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner
addNegativeSamples(Collection<? extends Word<I>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner
addNegativeSamples(Word<I>...) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner
addPositiveSample(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner
addPositiveSamples(Collection<? extends Word<I>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner
addPositiveSamples(Word<I>...) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner
addSample(DefaultQuery<I, D>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm
addSample(Word<I>, D) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm
addSamples(DefaultQuery<I, D>...) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm
addSamples(D, Collection<? extends Word<I>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm
addSamples(D, Word<I>...) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm
addSamples(Collection<? extends DefaultQuery<I, D>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm
addWord(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Add a new input word.
addWords(A, Collection<? extends I>, Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Adds words to a datastructure.
answer(D, int) - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
answer(D) - Method in class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
answer(D) - Method in class de.learnlib.query.Query
Answers the query.
answerQuery(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.MembershipOracle
answerQuery(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.QueryAnswerer
answerQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.MembershipOracle
answerQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.QueryAnswerer
answerQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SingleQueryOracle
answerQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>, int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle
answerQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>, int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaQueryAnswerer
asDefaultQuery() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
asOracle() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.MembershipOracle
asOracle() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle
asOracle() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaQueryAnswerer
asOracle() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.QueryAnswerer
AutomatonOracle<A extends DeterministicAutomaton<?,​I,​?>,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Finds counterexamples (to particular claims) to a hypothesis, while generating words that are in the given hypothesis.
AutomatonOracle.DFAOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
AutomatonOracle.MealyOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle


BatchInterruptedException - Exception in de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism
Exception that is thrown if a parallel batch is interrupted during processing.
BatchInterruptedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.BatchInterruptedException
BatchProcessor<T> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism
A markup interface for classes that can process a batch of work in a parallel environment (e.g. a MembershipOracle when used by a ParallelOracle).
BlackBoxOracle<A extends Output<I,​D>,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Decides whether some words that do not satisfy properties evaluated by BlackBoxOracle.getPropertyOracles() on a given hypothesis, are included in a language.
BlackBoxOracle.DFABlackBoxOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
BlackBoxOracle.MealyBlackBoxOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle


CACHED - de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.ThreadPool.PoolPolicy
Maintain a "cached" thread pool.
canFork() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SUL
Returns whether this SUL is capable of forking.
canFork() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SULMapper
Checks whether it is possible to fork this mapper.
Category - Class in de.learnlib.logging
A set of markers that allow one to categorize logging output.
computeModel() - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.PassiveLearningAlgorithm
Computes the model given the previously added samples.
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for config-related properties.
constructLearner(Alphabet<I>, MembershipOracle<I, D>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.LearnerConstructor
Construct the learner instance.
ContextExecutableInput<O,​C> - Interface in de.learnlib.sul
A context executable input is an input that performs a specific action on a SUL itself, given a specific execution context.
ContextHandler<C> - Interface in de.learnlib.sul
Facility for creating and disposing of contexts on which ContextExecutableInputs operate.
COUNTEREXAMPLE - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for counterexample-related properties.
createContext() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.ContextHandler
currentlyEnabledInputs() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.StateLocalInputSUL
Returns the enabled symbols for the current state of the SUL.


DATASTRUCTURE - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for data structure-related properties.
de.learnlib - package de.learnlib
de.learnlib.algorithm - package de.learnlib.algorithm
This package (including sub-packages) contains the basic interfaces and classes of learning algorithms of LearnLib.
de.learnlib.exception - package de.learnlib.exception
de.learnlib.logging - package de.learnlib.logging
de.learnlib.oracle - package de.learnlib.oracle
This package (including sub-packages) contains the basic interfaces and classes for describing and implementing various types of oracles used throughout LearnLib.
de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism - package de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism
de.learnlib.query - package de.learnlib.query
de.learnlib.statistic - package de.learnlib.statistic
de.learnlib.sul - package de.learnlib.sul
This package (and related packages) contains interfaces and classes for formalizing access to systems under learning (SULs).
deepCopies() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.ObservableSUL
Returns whether each state retrieved with ObservableSUL.getState() is a deep copy.
DefaultQuery<I,​D> - Class in de.learnlib.query
A query is a container for tests a learning algorithms performs, containing the actual test and the corresponding result.
DefaultQuery(Query<I, ?>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
DefaultQuery(Word<I>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
DefaultQuery(Word<I>, D) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
DefaultQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
DefaultQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>, D) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
disposeContext(C) - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.ContextHandler
disprove(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.PropertyOracle
Try to disprove the property with the given hypothesis.
doFindCounterExample(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.PropertyOracle
Unconditionally find a counterexample, i.e. regardless of whether the property can be disproved.


EmptinessOracle<A extends Output<I,​D>,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Decides whether the intersection of the language of a given hypothesis and some other language (e.g., from a SUL) is empty.
EmptinessOracle.DFAEmptinessOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
EmptinessOracle.MealyEmptinessOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
equals(Object) - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class de.learnlib.query.Query
EquivalenceOracle<A,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
An equivalence oracle, which checks hypothesis automata against the (possibly unknown) system under learning (SUL).
EquivalenceOracle.DFAEquivalenceOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
A specialization of the EquivalenceOracle interface for a DFA learning scenario.
EquivalenceOracle.MealyEquivalenceOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
A specialization of the EquivalenceOracle interface for a Mealy learning scenario.
EquivalenceOracle.MooreEquivalenceOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
A specialization of the EquivalenceOracle interface for a Moore learning scenario.
EVENT - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for event-related properties.
ExecutableInput<O> - Interface in de.learnlib.sul
An executable input is an input that performs a specific action on a SUL itself.
execute() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.ExecutableInput
Executes this input symbol.
execute(C) - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.ContextExecutableInput
Executes this input symbol with a given context.


findCounterExample(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Finds a counter example to the given hypothesis.
findCounterExample(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.EmptinessOracle
findCounterExample(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.EquivalenceOracle
Searches for a counterexample disproving the subjected hypothesis.
findCounterExample(A, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.PropertyOracle
Try to find a counterexample to the given hypothesis if the property can not be disproved.
findCounterExample(A, Collection<? extends I>, int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Find a counterexample for a given hypothesis.
findCounterExample(L, Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.LassoOracle
FIXED - de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.ThreadPool.PoolPolicy
Maintain a fixed thread pool.
fork() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.ObservableSUL
fork() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.StateLocalInputSUL
fork() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SUL
Forks this SUL, if possible.
fork() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SULMapper
Forks this mapper, i.e., returns a mapper that behaves in exactly the same way as this mapper, but allows for being used independently of this mapper.


getAccessSequence() - Method in interface de.learnlib.AccessSequenceProvider
Retrieves the access sequence of this object.
getCounterExample() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.PropertyOracle
Returns the counterexample for the property if PropertyOracle.isDisproved(), null otherwise.
getDetails() - Method in interface de.learnlib.statistic.StatisticData
getGlobalSuffixes() - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.GlobalSuffixLearner
Retrieves the global suffixes of this learner.
getHypothesisModel() - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.LearningAlgorithm
Returns the current hypothesis model.
getInput() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.Query
Retrieves the input word of this query.
getLoop() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
getMembershipOracle() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle.DFAOmegaMembershipOracle
getMembershipOracle() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle
Returns a regular membership oracle.
getMembershipOracle() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle.MealyOmegaMembershipOracle
getMultiplier() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Returns the multiplier used to compute the number of queries this automaton oracle should perform to decide whether a given hypothesis is a counter example.
getName() - Method in interface de.learnlib.statistic.StatisticData
getOutput() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
getOutput() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
getPeriodicity() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
getPrefix() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
getPrefix() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
getPrefix() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.Query
Returns the prefix part of this query.
getProperty() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.PropertyOracle
Returns the property.
getPropertyOracles() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.BlackBoxOracle
Returns the property oracles that this black-box oracle uses to evaluate properties.
getRepeat() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
getState() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.ObservableSUL
Returns the current state of the system.
getStatisticalData() - Method in interface de.learnlib.statistic.StatisticCollector
Returns this statistical data gathered by this collector.
getSubsequentStepsOutput() - Method in class de.learnlib.exception.MappedException
getSuffix() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
getSuffix() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.Query
Returns the suffix part of this query.
getSummary() - Method in interface de.learnlib.statistic.StatisticData
getThisStepOutput() - Method in class de.learnlib.exception.MappedException
getUnit() - Method in interface de.learnlib.statistic.StatisticData
GlobalSuffixLearner<M,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
Common interface for learning algorithms that use a global suffix set.
GlobalSuffixLearner.GlobalSuffixLearnerDFA<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
GlobalSuffixLearner.GlobalSuffixLearnerMealy<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm


hashCode() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
hashCode() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.Query


ignoreAndContinue(O) - Static method in class de.learnlib.exception.MappedException
InclusionOracle<A extends Output<I,​D>,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Decides whether the language of a given hypothesis is included in some other language (e.g., from a SUL).
InclusionOracle.DFAInclusionOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
InclusionOracle.MealyInclusionOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
isAccessSequence(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.AccessSequenceTransformer
isCounterExample(A, Iterable<? extends I>, D) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Returns whether the given input and output is a counter example for the given hypothesis.
isCounterExample(Output<I, D>, Iterable<? extends I>, D) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.EmptinessOracle
isCounterExample(Output<I, D>, Iterable<? extends I>, D) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.InclusionOracle
isCounterExample(Output<I, D>, Iterable<? extends I>, D) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.LassoOracle
Returns whether the given input and output is a counter example for the given hypothesis.
isDisproved() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.PropertyOracle
Returns whether the property is disproved.
isNormalized() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
Checks if the query is normalized, i.e., if all the information is stored in the suffix part of the counterexample.
isSameState(Word<I>, S, Word<I>, S) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle
Returns whether two states are equal, or if both access sequences w1, and w2 end up in the same state.
isUltimatelyPeriodic() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery


LassoEmptinessOracle<L extends Lasso<I,​D>,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
An emptiness oracle for lassos.
LassoEmptinessOracle.DFALassoEmptinessOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
LassoEmptinessOracle.MealyLassoEmptinessOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
LassoOracle<L extends Lasso<I,​D>,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
An automaton oracle for lassos.
LassoOracle.DFALassoOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
LassoOracle.MealyLassoOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
LearnerConstructor<L extends LearningAlgorithm<?,​I,​D>,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
A simplified view on the constructor of a LearningAlgorithm, that only requires an Alphabet definition and a MembershipOracle.
LearningAlgorithm<M,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
Basic interface for a model inference algorithm.
LearningAlgorithm.DFALearner<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
LearningAlgorithm.MealyLearner<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
LearningAlgorithm.MooreLearner<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
LearningAlgorithm.NFALearner<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
longestASPrefix(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.AccessSequenceTransformer


mapInput(AI) - Method in interface de.learnlib.Mapper
Method that maps an abstract input to a corresponding concrete input.
mapOutput(CO) - Method in interface de.learnlib.Mapper
Method that maps a concrete output to a corresponding abstract output.
MappedException<O> - Class in de.learnlib.exception
A mapped exception allows one to gracefully handle exceptions thrown, e.g., during a SUL's step method by providing information about the output symbol that should be emitted instead and subsequent outputs.
Mapper<AI,​AO,​CI,​CO> - Interface in de.learnlib
A mapper that lifts a SUL or MembershipOracle from an "abstract" to a "concrete" level.
Mapper.AsynchronousMapper<AI,​AO,​CI,​CO> - Interface in de.learnlib
A mapper refinement to establish the contract of an asynchronous, query-wise translation of input words.
Mapper.SynchronousMapper<AI,​AO,​CI,​CO> - Interface in de.learnlib
A mapper refinement to establish the contract of a synchronized, symbol-wise translation of input words for reactive systems.
mapUnwrappedException(RuntimeException) - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SULMapper
Maps an unwrapped RuntimeException to an abstract output symbol, or rethrows it if it is unmappable.
mapWrappedException(SULException) - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SULMapper
Maps a wrapped SULException to an abstract output symbol, or rethrows it if it is unmappable.
MembershipOracle<I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Membership oracle interface.
MembershipOracle.DFAMembershipOracle<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
A specialization of the MembershipOracle that binds the output domain to Booleans.
MembershipOracle.MealyMembershipOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
A specialization of the MembershipOracle that binds the output domain to Words of the specified output type.
MembershipOracle.MooreMembershipOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
A specialization of the MembershipOracle that binds the output domain to Words of the specified output type.
MODEL - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for model-related properties.


nextInput() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Returns the next input word, or null if there is no next input.


ObservableSUL<S,​I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.sul
A System Under Learning (SUL) where at any point in time the internal state can be observed.
OmegaMembershipOracle<S,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Answers OmegaQuerys, similar to a MembershipOracle.
OmegaMembershipOracle.DFAOmegaMembershipOracle<S,​I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
OmegaMembershipOracle.MealyOmegaMembershipOracle<S,​I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
OmegaQuery<I,​D> - Class in de.learnlib.query
A query that represents information about infinite words in an ultimately periodic pattern.
OmegaQuery(Word<I>, Word<I>, int) - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
OmegaQueryAnswerer<S,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Answers OmegaQuerys.


ParallelOmegaOracle<S,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism
ParallelOracle<I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism
Basic interface for MembershipOracles that can process queries in parallel.
pass(SULException) - Static method in class de.learnlib.exception.MappedException
PassiveLearningAlgorithm<M,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveAcceptorLearner<M extends FiniteStateAcceptor<?,​I>,​I> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer finite-state acceptors (DFAs or NFAs).
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveDFALearner<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer DFAs.
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveMealyLearner<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer Mealy machines.
PassiveLearningAlgorithm.PassiveMooreLearner<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.algorithm
Basic interface for passive learning algorithms that infer Moore machines.
PHASE - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for phase-related properties.
post() - Method in interface de.learnlib.Mapper
Method that is invoked after all translation steps on a word are performed.
post() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SUL
shut down SUL.
pre() - Method in interface de.learnlib.Mapper
Method that is invoked before any translation steps on a word are performed.
pre() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Setup method which is called immediately before AutomatonOracle.findCounterExample(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, int) is called.
pre() - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SUL
setup SUL.
prefix - Variable in class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
processBatch(Collection<? extends OmegaQuery<I, D>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle
processBatch(Collection<? extends Query<I, D>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.MembershipOracle
processBatch(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.BatchProcessor
Process the batch.
processInput(A, Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
Processes the given input.
processInput(Word<I>, Word<I>, int) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.LassoOracle
Processes the given omega query.
processQueries(Collection<? extends OmegaQuery<I, D>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle
processQueries(Collection<? extends OmegaQuery<I, D>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SingleQueryOmegaOracle
processQueries(Collection<? extends Query<I, D>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.MembershipOracle
Processes the specified collection of queries.
processQueries(Collection<? extends Query<I, D>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SingleQueryOracle
processQueries(Collection<? extends Query<I, Word<O>>>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SymbolQueryOracle
processQuery(OmegaQuery<I, D>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.OmegaMembershipOracle
processQuery(OmegaQuery<I, D>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SingleQueryOmegaOracle
processQuery(Query<I, D>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.MembershipOracle
Processes a single query.
processQuery(Query<I, D>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SingleQueryOracle
PROFILING - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for profiling-related properties.
PropertyOracle<I,​A extends Output<I,​D>,​P,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
A PropertyOracle can disprove a property, and used to find a counter example to a hypothesis.
PropertyOracle.DFAPropertyOracle<I,​P> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
PropertyOracle.MealyPropertyOracle<I,​O,​P> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle


query(I) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SymbolQueryOracle
Query the system under learning for a new symbol.
Query<I,​D> - Class in de.learnlib.query
A query is the basic form of interaction between a learner and a (membership) oracle, or teacher.
Query() - Constructor for class de.learnlib.query.Query
QUERY - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for query-related properties.
QueryAnswerer<I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle


refineHypothesis(DefaultQuery<I, D>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.LearningAlgorithm
Triggers a refinement of the model by providing a counterexample.
repeatOutput(O) - Static method in class de.learnlib.exception.MappedException
repeatOutput(O, O) - Static method in class de.learnlib.exception.MappedException
reset() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.SymbolQueryOracle
Reset the system under learning.
Resumable<T> - Interface in de.learnlib
Data structures that implement this interface can be "suspended" by means of exposing a state object that contains all data that is necessary to resume from this state at a later point in time.
resume(T) - Method in interface de.learnlib.Resumable
Resume the datastructure from a previously suspended point in time.


setMultiplier(double) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.AutomatonOracle
setProperty(P) - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.PropertyOracle
Set the property.
shutdown() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.ThreadPool
Shuts down all worker threads, but waits for any queued queries to be processed.
shutdownNow() - Method in interface de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.ThreadPool
Shuts down all worker threads, and attempts to abort any query processing currently taking place.
SingleQueryOmegaOracle<S,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
An OmegaMembershipOracle that answers single queries.
SingleQueryOmegaOracle.SingleQueryOmegaOracleDFA<S,​I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
SingleQueryOmegaOracle.SingleQueryOmegaOracleMealy<S,​I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
SingleQueryOracle<I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Base interface for oracles whose semantic is defined in terms of directly answering single queries (like a QueryAnswerer), and that cannot profit from batch processing of queries.
SingleQueryOracle.SingleQueryOracleDFA<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
SingleQueryOracle.SingleQueryOracleMealy<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
SingleQueryOracle.SingleQueryOracleMoore<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
startLearning() - Method in interface de.learnlib.algorithm.LearningAlgorithm
Starts the model inference process, creating an initial hypothesis in the provided model object.
StateLocalInputSUL<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.sul
A System Under Learning (SUL) which can additionally report the inputs that the SUL can process in its current state, i.e. inputs that will not trigger a SULException when used in the next invocation of the SUL.step(Object) method return an otherwise "undefined" behavior.
STATISTIC - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for statistic-related properties.
StatisticCollector - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
A utility interface to indicate that the implementing class collects statistical information that may be obtained via its StatisticCollector.getStatisticalData() method.
StatisticData - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
Common interface for statistical data.
StatisticLearner<M,​I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
Common interface for learners keeping statistics.
StatisticLearner.DFAStatisticLearner<I> - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
StatisticLearner.MealyStatisticLearner<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
StatisticLearner.MooreStatisticLearner<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
StatisticOracle<I,​D> - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
Common interface for oracles keeping statistics.
StatisticSUL<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.statistic
step(I) - Method in interface de.learnlib.sul.SUL
make one step on the SUL.
suffix - Variable in class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
SUL<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.sul
Interface for a system under learning (SUL) that can make single steps.
SULException - Exception in de.learnlib.exception
Unchecked exception class that can be used by implementors of a SUL to wrap any exceptions that occur during the SUL.step(Object) methods.
SULException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.learnlib.exception.SULException
Creates a SULException wrapped around a Throwable.
SULMapper<AI,​AO,​CI,​CO> - Interface in de.learnlib.sul
An extension of the Mapper interface specifically for SULs.
suspend() - Method in interface de.learnlib.Resumable
Expose the state object.
SymbolQueryOracle<I,​O> - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle
Symbol query interface.
SYSTEM - Static variable in class de.learnlib.logging.Category
Marker for system-related properties.


ThreadPool - Interface in de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism
A markup interface for a component that manages a pool of threads that may want to be shut down after usage.
ThreadPool.PoolPolicy - Enum in de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism
The policy for dealing with thread pools.
toString() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.DefaultQuery
toString() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.OmegaQuery
toString() - Method in class de.learnlib.query.Query
Returns the string representation of this query.
toStringWithAnswer(D) - Method in class de.learnlib.query.AbstractQuery
Returns the string representation of this query, including a possible answer.
transformAccessSequence(Word<I>) - Method in interface de.learnlib.AccessSequenceTransformer


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.ThreadPool.PoolPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.learnlib.oracle.parallelism.ThreadPool.PoolPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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