Interface LearnerConstructor<L extends LearningAlgorithm<?,​I,​D>,​I,​D>

  • Type Parameters:
    L - learner type
    I - input symbol type
    D - output domain type

    public interface LearnerConstructor<L extends LearningAlgorithm<?,​I,​D>,​I,​D>
    A simplified view on the constructor of a LearningAlgorithm, that only requires an Alphabet definition and a MembershipOracle.
    • Method Detail

      • constructLearner

        L constructLearner​(Alphabet<I> alphabet,
                           MembershipOracle<I,​D> oracle)
        Construct the learner instance.
        alphabet - the (initial) alphabet for the learner
        oracle - the oracle for answering queries
        the learner instance