All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAlphabet<I> |
AbstractAutomatonGraphView<S,A extends Automaton<S,?,?>,E> |
AbstractBasicLinkedListEntry<E,T extends AbstractBasicLinkedListEntry<E,T>> |
Abstract base class for entries in a linked list.
AbstractBinaryFormulaNode<L,AP> |
Abstract super-class for binary (sub-) formulas.
AbstractBricsAutomaton |
Base class for Brics automata adapters.
AbstractClassPathFileSource |
AbstractCompact<I,T,SP,TP> |
Abstract super class for compact automata representations.
AbstractCompact.Payload |
A utility class that encapsulates necessary information for performing an update of the stored automata data.
AbstractCompactBidiGraph<NP,EP> |
AbstractCompactDeterministic<I,T,SP,TP> |
Abstract super class that refines AbstractCompact for deterministic automata.
AbstractCompactGraph<E extends CompactEdge<EP>,NP,EP> |
AbstractCompactMTS<I,T,TP extends MutableModalEdgeProperty> |
AbstractCompactSimpleDeterministic<I,SP> |
AbstractCompactSimpleNondet<I,SP> |
Abstract super class that refines AbstractCompact for transition-property-less automata.
AbstractDefaultSEVPA<I> |
Basic functionality for Location -based SEVPA implementations.
AbstractETFWriter<I,A extends Automaton<?,I,?>> |
This class provides methods to write automata in LTSmin's ETF format.
AbstractFastMutable<S extends AbstractFastState<?>,I,T,SP,TP> |
Shared functionality for (non-) deterministic mutable automata.
AbstractFastMutableDet<S extends AbstractFastState<T>,I,T,SP,TP> |
AbstractFastMutableNondet<S extends AbstractFastState<Collection<T>>,I,T,SP,TP> |
AbstractFastState<T> |
AbstractFixedPointFormulaNode<L,AP> |
Abstract super-class for fix-point (sub-) formulas.
AbstractFormulaNode<L,AP> |
Abstract super-class for (sub-) formulas.
AbstractFSM2MealyParser<I,O> |
An FSM parser for Mealy machines.
AbstractFSMParser<I> |
This class provides methods to parse automata in FSM format.
AbstractFSMParser.Part |
An enumeration for the three parts in the FSM file.
AbstractIncrementalDFABuilder<I> |
AbstractLasso<I,D> |
AbstractLinkedList<E,T extends LinkedListEntry<E,T>> |
Abstract base class for linked lists.
AbstractLowLevelAutomatonCopier<S1,I1,T1,S2,I2,T2,SP2,TP2,TS1 extends TransitionSystem<S1,? super I1,T1>> |
AbstractLTSmin<I,A,R> |
An LTL model checker using LTSmin.
AbstractLTSminLTL<I,A,L extends Lasso<I,?>> |
An LTSmin model checker for full LTL.
AbstractLTSminLTLMealy<I,O> |
An LTL model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines.
AbstractLTSminMonitor<I,A,R> |
An LTSmin model checker for monitors.
AbstractLTSminMonitorMealy<I,O> |
A monitor model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines.
AbstractModalFormulaNode<L,AP> |
Abstract super-class for modal (sub-) formulas.
AbstractMutableNumericID |
AbstractPrintable |
Abstract base class for printables.
AbstractPropertyTransformer<T extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<T,L,AP>,L,AP> |
Base class used to represent a property transformer, i.e., a function which maps a subset of formulas to a subset of
AbstractRecursiveADSLeafNode<S,I,O,N extends RecursiveADSNode<S,I,O,N>> |
An abstract implementation of a leaf node, that may be used by other ADS-extending classes.
AbstractRecursiveADSSymbolNode<S,I,O,N extends RecursiveADSNode<S,I,O,N>> |
An abstract implementation of a symbol node, that may be used by other ADS-extending classes.
AbstractSEVPA<L,I> |
Abstract class for k-SEVPAs that implements functionality shared across different subtypes.
AbstractSmartCollection<E> |
AbstractSymbol<S extends AbstractSymbol<S>> |
AbstractSystemPropertiesSource |
AbstractThreeLevelIterator<L1,L2,L3,O> |
AbstractTwoLevelIterator<L1,L2,O> |
AbstractUnaryFormulaNode<L,AP> |
Abstract super-class for unary (sub-) formulas.
AbstractUnfoldingModelChecker<I,A,P,L extends Lasso<I,?>> |
AbstractVisualizationHelper<S,I,T,A extends Automaton<S,I,T>> |
AbstractVPAlphabet<I> |
Abstract utility class that implements functionality shared across different subtypes.
Acceptance |
Tri-state acceptance value.
AcceptanceCombiner |
AcceptanceGraph<N,E> |
Interface for finite graphs that embody the concept of node acceptance.
Acceptors |
AcceptorTS<S,I> |
A transition system whose semantics are defined by whether a state is "accepting" or not.
AdaptiveMealyBuilder<I,O> |
AdaptiveMealyTreeBuilder<I,O> |
ADDSolver<L,AP> |
Implementation based on property transformers being represented by ADDs (Algebraic Decision Diagrams).
ADDTransformer<L,AP> |
An ADDTransformer represents a property transformer for a single ADD (Algebraic Decision Diagram).
ADDTransformerSerializer<L,AP> |
General purpose facade for computing adaptive distinguishing sequences.
ADSLeafNode<S,I,O> |
An ADS-specific implementation of a leaf node.
ADSNode<S,I,O> |
A (simplified) node in an adaptive distinguishing sequence.
ADSSymbolNode<S,I,O> |
An ADS-specific implementation of a symbol node.
ADSUtil |
Utility class, that offers some operations revolving around adaptive distinguishing sequences.
AFNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "AF" (sub-)formula.
AggregateDOTVisualizationHelper<N,E> |
AggregateVisualizationHelper<N,E> |
AGNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "AG" (sub-)formula.
AllDefinedInputsIterator<S,I> |
AllUndefinedInputsIterator<S,I> |
Alphabet<I> |
Class implementing an (indexed) alphabet.
Alphabets |
Utility methods concerning alphabets.
AndNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "&&" (sub-)formula.
APSPResult<N,E> |
Result interface for the all pairs shortest paths problem.
ArrayAlphabet<I> |
ArrayMapping<K extends NumericID,V> |
ArrayStorage<T> |
A thin wrapper around a simple Object[] array.
ArrayUtil |
Utility methods for arrays.
ArrayWritable<T> |
Unified interface for (collection) classes that allow writing their contents to an array.
AtomicNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of an "atomic proposition" (sub-)formula.
ATRSequences<I> |
A data class for aggregating access sequences, terminating sequences, and return sequences.
ATSequences<I> |
A data class for aggregating access sequences and terminating sequences.
AUNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "AU" (sub-)formula.
Automata |
AutomataLibLocalPropertiesSource |
AutomataLibPropertiesSource |
AutomataLibProperty |
An enum of all the system properties currently used by AutomataLib.
AutomataLibSettings |
AutomataLibSettingsSource |
AutomataLibSystemPropertiesSource |
Automaton<S,I,T> |
Basic interface for an automaton.
AutomatonBuilder<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends MutableAutomaton<S,? super I,T,? super SP,? super TP>> |
AutomatonBuilders |
Fluent interface automaton builders.
AutomatonCopyMethod |
AutomatonCreator<A,I> |
AutomatonGraphView<S,I,T,A extends Automaton<S,I,T>> |
AutomatonInitialPartitioning |
This enum allows to conveniently specify how the states of a deterministic automaton are initially partitioned when
initializing the partition refinement data structure.
AutomatonLowLevelCopy |
AutomatonType |
AutomatonVisualizationHelper<S,I,T,A extends Automaton<S,I,T>> |
AUTParser |
AUTSerializationProvider |
AUTWriter |
AWUNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of an "AWU" (sub-)formula.
AWUtil |
Utility class for writing containers to arrays.
BackedGeneralPriorityQueue<E,K extends Comparable<K>> |
BackedGeneralPriorityQueue.Entry<E,K extends Comparable<K>> |
Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals.
BacktrackingSearch |
A class containing methods for computing adaptive distinguishing sequences (for arbitrary sets of states) by means of
a backtracking approach.
BacktrackingSearch.CostAggregator |
Utility enum, that allows to specify the optimization criterion when performing and optimal ADS search.
BDDSolver<L,AP> |
Implementation based on property transformers being represented by BDDs (Binary Decision Diagrams).
BDDTransformer<L,AP> |
A BDDTransformer represents a property transformer for a list of BDDs (Binary Decision Diagrams), one per subformula.
BDDTransformerSerializer<L,AP> |
BidirectionalGraph<N,E> |
Interface for bidirectional graph.
BidirectionalGraph.IntAbstraction<E> |
BiIntFunction<R> |
BinaryHeap<E> |
Bisimulation |
BitSetIterator |
Iterator for iterating over a BitSet like over a normal collection.
Block<S,L> |
A block in the partition calculated during minimization.
Block |
A block (i.e., partition class) that is maintained during the Paige/Tarjan partition refinement algorithm (see PaigeTarjan ).
BlockAutomaton<S,L> |
A "block automaton", i.e. an automaton-style representation of the minimization result in which each block forms a
BlockEdge<S,L> |
BlockMap<V> |
Class for associating arbitrary values with the blocks of a minimization result.
BlockPropertyDecoder<P> |
BlockPropertyEncoder<P> |
BoxNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "[]" (sub-)formula.
BricsDFA |
Adapter class for wrapping a Brics automaton as a DFA .
BricsNFA |
Adapter class for wrapping a Brics automaton as an NFA .
BricsTransitionProperty |
The properties of an edge in a Brics automaton.
CapacityManagement |
Control interface for collections supporting a capacity management, i.e., reserving space in advance in order to
avoid repeated reallocations.
CFMPSGraphView<N,L,E,AP> |
Graph representation of a ContextFreeModalProcessSystem that displays all nodes of its sub-procedures once,
i.e., without incorporating execution semantics such as expansion.
CFMPSVisualizationHelper<N,L,E> |
CharacterizingSets |
Operations for calculating characterizing sets.
CharRange |
CharRangeIterator |
CharStringRange |
CharStringRangeIterator |
CmpUtil |
Various methods for dealing with the comparison of objects.
CollectionsUtil |
Various methods for operating on collections.
ColorVisualizationHelper |
CompactBidiEdge<EP> |
CompactBidiGraph<NP,EP> |
CompactDFA<I> |
CompactDFA.Creator<I> |
CompactEdge<EP> |
CompactGraph<NP,EP> |
CompactMealy<I,O> |
CompactMealy.Creator<I,O> |
CompactMoore<I,O> |
CompactMoore.Creator<I,O> |
CompactMTS<I> |
CompactNFA<I> |
CompactNFA.Creator<I> |
CompactPMPG<L,AP> |
CompactPMPGEdge<L,EP> |
CompactSimpleBidiGraph<EP> |
CompactSimpleGraph<EP> |
CompactSST<I,O> |
CompactTransition<TP> |
ConflictException |
Conflict exception.
ContextFreeModalProcessSystem<L,AP> |
Covers |
CTLToMuCalc<L,AP> |
A visitor that transforms a given CTL formula to an equivalent mu-calculus formula.
DefaultCFMPS<L,AP> |
DefaultDOTVisualizationHelper<N,E> |
DefaultLinkedList<E> |
A simple linked list implementation that allows storing arbitrary elements.
DefaultLinkedListEntry<E> |
The default linked list entry.
DefaultNSEVPA<I> |
Default implementation for n-SEVPAs.
DefaultOneSEVPA<I> |
Default implementation for 1-SEVPAs.
DefaultProceduralInputAlphabet<I> |
DefaultProceduralOutputAlphabet<O> |
DefaultVisualizationHelper<N,E> |
DefaultVPAlphabet<I> |
An alphabet-based, fixed size implementation of a VPAlphabet .
DefinedInputsIterator<S,I> |
DependencyGraph<L,AP> |
A dependency graph is used to represent a hierarchical equational system.
DeterministicAbstractions |
DeterministicAbstractions.FullIntAbstraction<I,T,A extends DeterministicAutomaton.StateIntAbstraction<I,T>> |
DeterministicAbstractions.StateIntAbstraction<S,I,T,A extends DeterministicAutomaton<S,I,T>> |
DeterministicAcceptorTS<S,I> |
A deterministic acceptor transition system.
DeterministicAutomaton<S,I,T> |
Basic interface for a deterministic automaton.
DeterministicAutomaton.FullIntAbstraction<T> |
DeterministicAutomaton.IntAbstraction<T> |
DeterministicAutomaton.StateIntAbstraction<I,T> |
DeterministicEquivalenceTest |
DeterministicOutputTS<S,I,T,O> |
DeterministicPowersetView<S,I,T> |
DeterministicStateOutputTS<S,I,T,O> |
DeterministicTransitionOutputTS<S,I,T,O> |
DeterministicTransitionSystem<S,I,T> |
Deterministic transition system.
DetOutputAutomaton<S,I,T,D> |
An automaton which deterministically produces an output for an input word.
DetSuffixOutputAutomaton<S,I,T,D> |
DFA<S,I> |
Deterministic finite state acceptor.
DFA2ETFWriter<I> |
Write a DFA to ETF.
DFABuilder<S,I,A extends MutableDFA<S,? super I>> |
DFALassoImpl<I> |
A DFALasso is a lasso for DFA s.
DFAs |
DFRecord<S,I,T,D> |
DFRecord.LastTransition<S,I,T,D> |
DiamondNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "<>" (sub-)formula.
DiamondOperation<AP> |
Implementation of the diamond function.
DiamondOperationDeadlock<AP> |
Implementation of the diamond function when the node has exactly one successor.
DijkstraSSSP<N,E> |
Implementation of Dijkstras algorithm for the single-source shortest path problem.
DirectPowersetDTS<S,I,T> |
Utility class to simplify operating the GraphVIZ "dot" utility.
DOTGraphParser<NP,EP,G extends MutableGraph<?,?,NP,EP>> |
DOTInputModelData<S,I,M extends SimpleTS<S,I>> |
A utility data class, that extends InputModelData by labeling information of the model's states.
DOTInputModelDeserializer<S,I,M extends SimpleTS<S,I>> |
DOTMutableAutomatonParser<S,I,SP,TP,A extends MutableAutomaton<S,I,?,SP,TP>> |
DOTParsers |
An aggregation of factory methods for obtaining DOT parsers for several types of automata / graphs.
DOTSerializationProvider<N,E> |
DOTVisualizationHelper<N,E> |
DTSComposition<S1,S2,I,T1,T2,TS1 extends DeterministicTransitionSystem<S1,I,T1>,TS2 extends DeterministicTransitionSystem<S2,I,T2>> |
DummyVP |
DynamicIncrementalMealyTreeBuilder<I,O> |
DynamicList<T extends MutableNumericID> |
Edge |
A utility class to aggregate information of an edge of a DOT graph.
EdgeLabels<E,L> |
Edge label context, for Graph s with labeled edges.
EdgeVisualizationHelper |
EdgeWeights<E> |
Edge weights concepts.
EFNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "EF" (sub-)formula.
EGNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "EG" (sub-)formula.
ElementReference |
Marker interface for element reference.
EmptySBA<I> |
A utility implementation of an SBA that rejects all inputs, i.e., which describes the empty language.
EmptySPA<I> |
A utility implementation of an SPA that rejects all inputs, i.e., describes the empty language.
EmptySPMM<I,O> |
A utility implementation of an SPMM that transduces all input words to a sequence of the given erroneous
output symbol.
EnumAlphabet<E extends Enum<E>> |
EquationalBlock<L,AP> |
Represents an equational block that aggregates its reference formula nodes.
EUNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "EU" (sub-)formula.
EWUNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "EWU" (sub-)formula.
FalseNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "false" (sub-)formula.
FastAlphabet<I extends MutableNumericID> |
A fast alphabet implementation, that assumes identifiers are stored directly in the input symbols.
FastDFA<I> |
FastDFAState |
FastMealy<I,O> |
A fast implementation of a Mealy machine.
FastMealyState<O> |
FastMoore<I,O> |
A fast implementation of a Moore automaton.
FastMooreState<O> |
FastNFA<I> |
FastNFAState |
FastPowersetDTS<S extends NumericID,I,T> |
FastPowersetState<S> |
FastProbMealy<I,O> |
FastProbMealyState<O> |
FinalNode<N> |
FiniteAlphabetAutomaton<S,I,T> |
FiniteKripkeStructure<N,E,AP> |
A Kripke structure is a graph which has sets of atomic properties assigned to its nodes.
FiniteKTS<S,I,T,AP> |
FiniteLabeledGraph<N,E,L> |
FiniteRepresentation |
This interface marks automata types that have a finite representation, i.e. can be represented by a finite number of
FiniteStateAcceptor<S,I> |
FiniteStateAcceptor s accept regular languages.
FiniteStateAcceptor.FSAGraphView<S,I,A extends FiniteStateAcceptor<S,I>> |
FloydWarshallAPSP<N,E> |
Implementation of the Floyd-Warshall dynamic programming algorithm for the all pairs shortest paths problem.
FormatException |
FormulaNode<L,AP> |
Generic interface for formulas return by M3CParser s.
FormulaNodeVisitor<T,L,AP> |
FSABuilder<S,I,A extends MutableFSA<S,? super I>> |
FSAVisualizationHelper<S,I> |
FSM2DFAParser<I> |
Parses an FSM to a DFA.
FSM2MealyParserAlternating<I,O> |
Parses a Mealy machine with alternating edge semantics from an FSM source.
FSM2MealyParserIO<I,O> |
Parse a Mealy machine from an FSM source, with straightforward edge semantics.
FSMFormatException |
Exception that may be thrown whenever an FSM is illegal.
FunctionsUtil |
This class provides utility methods for Java 8 Function objects (and for the corresponding primitive
GfpNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "nu" (sub-)formula.
Graph<N,E> |
Graph interface.
Graph.IntAbstraction<E> |
GraphCopy |
GraphDOT |
Methods for rendering a Graph or Automaton in the GraphVIZ DOT format.
Graphs |
GraphTraversal |
GraphTraversalAction |
GraphTraversalVisitor<N,E,D> |
Visitor interface for graph traversals.
GraphViewable |
GraphVizBrowserVisualizationProvider |
GraphVizSwingVisualizationProvider |
GrowingAlphabet<I> |
Alphabet class that supports adding new symbols.
GrowingAlphabetNotSupportedException |
An exception to be thrown when functionality revolving around GrowingAlphabet.addSymbol(Object) is accessed
(e.g. by trying to add an alphabet symbol to an automaton) but the given data structure was not properly set up (e.g.
GrowingMapAlphabet<I> |
An extension of the MapAlphabet that also allows adding new symbol after construction.
GrowingVPAlphabet<I> |
A VPAlphabet implementation that allows to add new symbols after its construction.
Holder<T> |
HopcroftMinimization |
Versions of Hopcroft's minimization algorithm for deterministic finite automata.
HopcroftMinimization.PruningMode |
Allows for controlling how automata are pruned during minimization.
HTMLVisualizationHelper |
IDChangeListener<T extends NumericID> |
IDChangeNotifier<T extends NumericID> |
IllegalConjunctionException |
IncrementalConstruction<A,I> |
Basic interface for incremental automata constructions.
IncrementalDFABuilder<I> |
General interface for incremental DFA builders.
IncrementalDFADAGBuilder<I> |
Incrementally builds an (acyclic) DFA, from a set of positive and negative words.
IncrementalDFATreeBuilder<I> |
Incrementally builds a tree, from a set of positive and negative words.
IncrementalMealyBuilder<I,O> |
General interface for incremental Mealy builders.
IncrementalMealyDAGBuilder<I,O> |
Incrementally builds an (acyclic) Mealy machine, from a set of input and corresponding output words.
IncrementalMealyTreeBuilder<I,O> |
Incrementally builds a tree with transition outputs from a set of input and corresponding output words.
IncrementalMooreBuilder<I,O> |
General interface for incremental Moore builders.
IncrementalMooreDAGBuilder<I,O> |
Incrementally builds an (acyclic) Moore machine from a set of input and corresponding output words.
IncrementalMooreTreeBuilder<I,O> |
Incrementally builds a (tree-based) Moore machine from a set of input and corresponding output words.
IncrementalPCDFADAGBuilder<I> |
IncrementalPCDFATreeBuilder<I> |
IncrementalWMethodTestsIterator<I> |
An iterator that enumerates the test cases as obtained through the W method conformance test in an incremental
IndefiniteGraph<N,E> |
Interface for an (indefinite) graph structure.
IndefiniteSimpleGraph<N> |
A simplified interface for indefinite graphs, exposing only adjacency information, but no further information about
edge objects.
InitialNode<N> |
Initial node concept.
InputAlphabetHolder<I> |
InputModelData<I,M extends SimpleTS<?,I>> |
A utility data class, that allows to pair a model that can react to input symbols with a corresponding alphabet.
InputModelDeserializer<I,M extends SimpleTS<?,I>> |
A refinement of the ModelDeserializer interface for arbitrary models that can react to inputs.
InputModelSerializationProvider<I,OUT extends SimpleTS<?,I>,IN extends SimpleTS<?,I>> |
InputModelSerializer<I,M extends SimpleTS<?,I>> |
A refinement of the ModelSerializer interface for arbitrary models that can react to inputs.
IntDisjointSets |
Interface for disjoint-set forest implementations that operate on a universe of contiguous integers.
IntRange |
IntRangeIterator |
IntrusiveLinkedList<T extends LinkedListEntry<T,T>> |
An intrusive version of a linked list.
IntSeq |
An IntSeq is an abstract read-only view on a finite, random-access data-structure for primitive integer
InvalidReferenceException |
IOUtil |
Utility methods for operating with* classes.
JungGraphVisualizationProvider |
JungGraphVisualizationProvider.EdgeVisualization |
JungGraphVisualizationProvider.NodeVisualization |
JVMUtil |
Utility class for Java/JVM specific utilities.
KripkeInterpretation<N,AP> |
A Kripke interpretation for a graph.
Lasso<I,D> |
A lasso is a single infinite word.
Lasso.DFALasso<I> |
A DFALasso is a lasso for DFA s.
Lasso.MealyLasso<I,O> |
LearnLibV2Serialization |
LeeYannakakis |
Algorithm of Lee and Yannakakis for computing adaptive distinguishing sequences (of length at most n^2) in O(n^2)
time (where n denotes the number of states of the automaton).
LfpNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "mu" (sub-)formula.
LibLoader |
Utility (singleton) class to manage loading of native libraries.
LinkedListEntry<E,T extends LinkedListEntry<E,T>> |
Basic interface for entries in a linked list.
ListAlphabet<I> |
LoadLibraryException |
Unified exception to signal that loading of a native library has failed.
LoadPolicy |
Specifies in which order a library to be loaded is searched for.
LocalFileSource |
Location |
Location type used for the default 1-SEVPA.
LowLevelAutomatonCopier<S1,S2> |
LTSmin<I,A,R> |
An LTSmin model checker.
LTSminAlternating<I,O,R> |
A model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines using alternating edge semantics.
LTSminDFA<I,R> |
A model checker using LTSmin for DFAs.
LTSminIO<I,O,R> |
A model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines using synchronous edge semantics.
LTSminLTLAlternating<I,O> |
An LTL model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines using alternating edge semantics.
LTSminLTLAlternatingBuilder<I,O> |
An LTL model checker using LTSmin for DFAs.
LTSminLTLDFABuilder<I> |
An LTL model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines using synchronous edge semantics.
LTSminLTLIOBuilder<I,O> |
LTSminLTLParser |
A parser that verifies the syntax of LTL formulae of LTSmin.
LTSminMealy<I,O,R> |
A feature of this ModelChecker , is that one can remove particular output
symbols from the given MealyMachine hypothesis.
LTSminMonitorAlternating<I,O> |
A monitor model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines using alternating edge semantics.
LTSminMonitorAlternatingBuilder<I,O> |
LTSminMonitorDFA<I> |
A monitor model checker using LTSmin for DFAs.
LTSminMonitorDFABuilder<I> |
LTSminMonitorIO<I,O> |
A monitor model checker using LTSmin for Mealy machines using synchronous edge semantics.
LTSminMonitorIOBuilder<I,O> |
LTSminUtil |
A utility class that encapsulates certain technical aspects of LTSmin (e.g. accessibility of the binary, etc.)
LTSminVersion |
A class for describing LTSmin version.
LYResult<S,I,O> |
Utility class that holds some information aggregated during the ADS computation of LeeYannakakis .
M3CParser |
This class can be used to parse formulas in CTL and the mu-calculus.
M3CSolver<F> |
An interface for a generic M3C solver which may need to parse the given formula and thus may throw an exception when
doing so.
M3CSolver.TypedM3CSolver<F> |
A specialized M3CSolver which no longer throws a ParseException when solving a formula, but
requires a type-safe formula object.
M3CSolvers |
MapAlphabet<I> |
A map-based alphabet implementation, that does not impose any restriction on the input symbol class.
MapMapping<D,R> |
Mapping<D,R> |
An interface for mapping objects of a certain domain type to objects of a certain range type.
Mappings |
Collection of various methods dealing with Mapping s.
Mealy2ETFWriterAlternating<I,O> |
Write a Mealy machine with alternating edge semantics.
Mealy2ETFWriterIO<I,O> |
Write a Mealy machine with straightforward IO semantics.
MealyBuilder<I,O> |
MealyBuilder<S,I,T,O,A extends MutableMealyMachine<S,? super I,T,? super O>> |
MealyFilter |
Various utility methods to filter Mealy machines.
MealyLassoImpl<I,O> |
MealyMachine<S,I,T,O> |
MealyMachine.MealyGraphView<S,I,T,O,A extends MealyMachine<S,I,T,O>> |
MealyMachines |
MealyTransition<S,O> |
A transition of a mealy machine, comprising a successor state and an output symbol.
MealyTransitionSystem<S,I,T,O> |
MealyVisualizationHelper<S,I,T,O> |
MinimizationResult<S,L> |
The result structure of a minimization process.
Minimizer<S,L> |
Automaton minimizer.
ModalEdgeProperty |
ModalEdgeProperty.ModalType |
ModalEdgePropertyImpl |
ModalRefinement |
ModalTransitionSystem<S,I,T,TP extends ModalEdgeProperty> |
ModalTransitionSystem.MTSGraphView<S,I,T,TP extends ModalEdgeProperty,M extends ModalTransitionSystem<S,I,T,TP>> |
ModelChecker<I,A,P,R> |
A model-checker checks whether a given automaton satisfies a given property.
ModelChecker.DFAModelChecker<I,P,R> |
ModelChecker.MealyModelChecker<I,O,P,R> |
A model checker for Mealy machines.
ModelCheckerCache<I,A,P,R> |
ModelCheckerCache.DFAModelCheckerCache<I,P,R> |
ModelCheckerCache.MealyModelCheckerCache<I,O,P,R> |
ModelCheckerLasso<I,A,P,R extends Lasso<I,?>> |
A model checker where the counterexample is a lasso.
ModelCheckerLasso.DFAModelCheckerLasso<I,P> |
ModelCheckerLasso.MealyModelCheckerLasso<I,O,P> |
ModelCheckerLassoCache<I,A,P,R extends Lasso<I,?>> |
ModelCheckerLassoCache.DFAModelCheckerLassoCache<I,P> |
ModelCheckerLassoCache.MealyModelCheckerLassoCache<I,O,P> |
ModelCheckingException |
An Exception that may occur during model checking.
ModelDeserializer<M> |
A generic interface for formalizing an arbitrary deserializer for a given model type.
ModelSerializer<M> |
A generic interface for formalizing an arbitrary serializer for a given model type.
MooreBuilder<S,I,T,O,A extends MutableMooreMachine<S,? super I,T,? super O>> |
MooreBuilderImpl<S,I,T,O,A extends MutableMooreMachine<S,? super I,T,? super O>> |
MooreMachine<S,I,T,O> |
MooreMachine.MooreGraphView<S,I,T,O,A extends MooreMachine<S,I,T,O>> |
MooreTransitionSystem<S,I,T,O> |
MooreVisualizationHelper<S,I,T,O> |
MTSs |
MTSTransition<TP extends MutableModalEdgeProperty> |
MTSVisualizationHelper<S,I,T,TP extends ModalEdgeProperty,M extends ModalTransitionSystem<S,I,T,TP>> |
MutableAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
A mutable automaton.
MutableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
Interface for a mutable deterministic automaton.
MutableDeterministic.FullIntAbstraction<T,SP,TP> |
MutableDeterministic.IntAbstraction<T,SP,TP> |
MutableDeterministic.StateIntAbstraction<I,T,SP,TP> |
MutableDeterministicAbstraction |
MutableDeterministicAbstraction.FullIntAbstraction<I,T,SP,TP,A extends MutableDeterministic.StateIntAbstraction<I,T,SP,TP>> |
MutableDeterministicAbstraction.StateIntAbstraction<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends MutableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP>> |
MutableDFA<S,I> |
MutableDFAs |
MutableEdgeLabels<E,L> |
MutableFSA<S,I> |
MutableGraph<N,E,NP,EP> |
A graph that allows modification.
MutableGraph.IntAbstraction<E,NP,EP> |
MutableKripkeInterpretation<N,AP> |
MutableMapping<D,R> |
Mutable version of a Mapping , which supports setting keys for given values.
MutableMealyMachine<S,I,T,O> |
MutableMealyMachines |
MutableModalEdgeProperty |
MutableModalTransitionSystem<S,I,T,TP extends MutableModalEdgeProperty> |
MutableMooreMachine<S,I,T,O> |
MutableNFA<S,I> |
MutableNumericID |
MutableProbabilistic<T> |
MutableProbabilisticMealy<S,I,T,O> |
MutableProceduralModalEdgeProperty |
MutableProceduralModalProcessGraph<N,L,E,AP,TP extends MutableProceduralModalEdgeProperty> |
MutableStateOutput<S,O> |
MutableSubsequentialTransducer<S,I,T,O> |
MutableTransitionOutput<T,O> |
MutableUniversalBidirectionalGraph<N,E,NP,EP> |
NearLinearEquivalenceTest |
NFA<S,I> |
Nondeterministic finite state acceptor.
NFAs |
NNFVisitor<L,AP> |
A visitor that transforms a given mu-calculus or CTL formula to negation-normal-form.
Node |
A utility class to aggregate information of a node of a DOT graph.
NodeAcceptance<N> |
Node acceptance concept, for Graph s that represent a structure for deciding acceptance or rejection.
NodeIDs<N> |
An interface for translating between graph nodes and their primitive representations as integers.
NodeVisualizationHelper |
NonClosingInputStream |
A delegating input stream that does nothing when being closed.
NonClosingOutputStream |
A delegating output stream that does not close but flush the delegate output stream.
NotNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "!"
NumericID |
A specialized interface for 1-SEVPAs (1-module single entry visibly push-down automata).
OneSEVPAMinimizer |
A Paige/Tarjan partition refinement based minimizer for OneSEVPA s.
OrNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "||" (sub-)formula.
Output<I,D> |
Feature for automata that compute an output.
OutputAutomaton<S,I,T,D> |
PaigeTarjan |
An implementation of the Paige/Tarjan partition refinement algorithm.
PaigeTarjan.WorklistPolicy |
Determines how the worklist is managed, i.e., where newly created blocks are inserted.
PaigeTarjanExtractors |
This class provides methods for translating the result of a PaigeTarjan coarsest stable partition computation
into several common, more usable forms such as automata.
PaigeTarjanInitializers |
This class provides several methods to initialize a PaigeTarjan partition refinement data structure from
common sources, e.g., automata.
PaigeTarjanMinimization |
A utility class that offers shorthand methods for minimizing automata using the partition refinement approach of
PaigeTarjan .
Pair<T1,T2> |
Immutable pair class.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Path<N,E> |
PlatformProperties |
PMPGVisualizationHelper<N,E,AP> |
PositiveIntSet |
A Set for positive int s that internally stores its elements in a BitSet .
PowersetViewTS<S,I,T,OS,OT> |
PrettyVisualizationHelper<N,E> |
Printable |
PrintStreamDiagnosticListener |
Probabilistic<T> |
ProbabilisticMealyMachine<S,I,T,O> |
ProbabilisticOutput<O> |
ProceduralGraphView<S,I> |
Graph representation of a ProceduralSystem that displays all states of its sub-procedures once, i.e., without
incorporating execution semantics such as stack contents.
ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> |
A specialized version of a VPAlphabet that is tailored towards procedural systems.
ProceduralModalEdgeProperty |
ProceduralModalEdgeProperty.ProceduralType |
ProceduralModalEdgePropertyImpl |
ProceduralModalProcessGraph<N,L,E,AP,TP extends ProceduralModalEdgeProperty> |
ProceduralOutputAlphabet<O> |
A specialized Alphabet for procedural systems that combines a regular output alphabet with a designated error
ProceduralVisualizationHelper<S,I> |
ProcessUtil |
Utility class for invoking system processes.
ProductOneSEVPA<L1,L2,I> |
Production automaton that allows to join two given OneSEVPA s.
PropertyEdgeWeights<E> |
RandomAutomata |
RandomAutomatonGenerator<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends MutableAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP>> |
RandomDeterministicAutomatonGenerator<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends MutableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP>> |
RandomICAutomatonGenerator<SP,TP> |
A random generator for initially connected (IC) deterministic automata.
RandomUtil |
RecursiveADSNode<S,I,O,N extends RecursiveADSNode<S,I,O,N>> |
An interface representing a node in an adaptive distinguishing sequence (which essentially forms a decision tree).
Ref<T> |
An abstraction for (weak or strong) references.
ReflectUtil |
Utility methods for using Java reflection.
ReflexiveMapView<T> |
An immutable, reflexive Map view for a given set of elements.
Refs |
Utility functions for dealing with references.
ResizingArrayStorage<T> |
Class that provides a resizable array storage of a certain type.
ReusableIterator<T> |
A utility class that allows to reuse an Iterator .
SAFOutput |
Serializer for the SAF (simple automaton format).
SAFSerializationDFA |
SAFSerializationNFA |
SBA<S,I> |
A system of behavioral automata.
SBAs |
SBAWMethodTestsIterator<I> |
A conformance test iterator for SBA s that is based on the W-method .
ScalingThreadPoolExecutor |
A ThreadPoolExecutor that internally uses a ScalingThreadPoolExecutor.ScalingLinkedBlockingQueue to manage scheduled tasks.
SCCCollector<N> |
SCCListener<N> |
SCCs |
Algorithms for finding strongly-connected components (SCCs) in a graph.
SerializationProvider<OUT,IN> |
SettingsSource |
Interface for k-SEVPAs (k-module single entry visibly push-down automata), a visibly push-down automaton of specific
structure and semantics.
SEVPAGraphView<L,I> |
SEVPAGraphView.SevpaViewEdge<S,I> |
ShortestPaths |
Unweighted shortest path search in graphs.
ShrinkableAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
A mutable automaton that also supports destructive modifications, i.e., removal of states and transitions.
ShrinkableDeterministic<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
A mutable deterministic automaton that also supports destructive operations, i.e., removal of states and
ShrinkableGraph<N,E> |
A graph that supports (desirably efficient) removal of nodes and edges.
SimpleAutomaton<S,I> |
A simple automaton, i.e., a SimpleTS with a finite number of states.
SimpleAutomatonDeserializer<S,I> |
SimpleAutomatonSerializationProvider<S,I> |
SimpleAutomatonSerializer<I> |
SimpleDeterministicAbstractions |
SimpleDeterministicAbstractions.FullIntAbstraction<I,A extends SimpleDeterministicAutomaton.StateIntAbstraction<I>> |
SimpleDeterministicAbstractions.IntAbstraction<S,A extends SimpleDeterministicAutomaton<S,?>> |
Base class implementing the default way of obtaining an integer abstraction from an automaton, i.e., by mapping
states to integers and vice versa using the StateIDs mapping obtained via SimpleAutomaton.stateIDs() .
SimpleDeterministicAbstractions.StateIntAbstraction<S,I,A extends SimpleDeterministicAutomaton<S,I>> |
SimpleDeterministicAutomaton<S,I> |
A simple deterministic automaton.
SimpleDeterministicAutomaton.FullIntAbstraction |
SimpleDeterministicAutomaton.IntAbstraction |
Basic interface for integer abstractions of automata.
SimpleDeterministicAutomaton.StateIntAbstraction<I> |
Interface for integer abstractions of an automaton that operate on non-abstracted input
symbols (i.e., input symbols are of type I ).
SimpleDTS<S,I> |
A simple deterministic transition system.
SimpleGraph<N> |
SimpleGraph.IntAbstraction |
Basic interface for integer abstractions of graphs.
SimpleMapGraph<N> |
A very simple graph realization, where nodes can be arbitrary Java objects.
SimpleNodeIDs<N> |
SimpleStateIDs<S> |
SimpleTS<S,I> |
A simple transition system.
SinglePropertyDecoder<P> |
SinglePropertyEncoder<P> |
SingletonAlphabet<I> |
A specialized implementation for Alphabet s containing only a single symbol.
SizeDFAModelCheckerCache<I,P,R> |
SizeDFAModelCheckerLassoCache<I,P> |
SizeMealyModelCheckerCache<I,O,P,R> |
SizeMealyModelCheckerLassoCache<I,O,P> |
SmartCollection<E> |
An extended collection interface.
SmartDeque<E> |
A double-ended queue (deque), allowing access, removal and insertion of elements both at the beginning and the end.
SmartDynamicPriorityQueue<E> |
A priority queue interface.
SmartGeneralPriorityQueue<E,K extends Comparable<K>> |
A generalized priority queue which allows storing arbitrary elements that don't have to be comparable, neither by
their natural ordering nor by a provided Comparator .
SmartPriorityQueue<E> |
Priority queue interface.
SmartSequence<E> |
Sequence interface.
SolverData<N,T extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<T,L,AP>,L,AP> |
SolverHistory<T extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<T,L,AP>,L,AP> |
A class used to store internal information produced by AbstractDDSolver.solveAndRecordHistory(net.automatalib.modelchecker.m3c.formula.FormulaNode<L, AP>) while checking
the satisfiability of a formula.
SolverState<N,T extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<T,L,AP>,L,AP> |
Stores internal information produced during the update of a node in AbstractDDSolver .
SPA<S,I> |
A system of procedural automata.
SPAs |
SPATestsIterator<I> |
A conformance test iterator for SPA s that applies a given regular conformance test to each procedure of the
A system of procedural Mealy machines.
SPMMWMethodTestsIterator<I,O> |
A conformance test iterator for SPMM s that is based on the W-method.
SSSPResult<N,E> |
Result interface for the single-source shortest path (SSSP) problem.
SSTVisualizationHelper<S,I,T,O> |
StackContents |
A simplified stack implementation that allows to store integer values.
StackSBA<S,I> |
A stack-based implementation for the (instrumented) language of an SBA .
StackSPA<S,I> |
A stack-based implementation for the (instrumented) language of an SPA .
StackSPMM<S,I,T,O> |
A stack-based implementation for the (instrumented) transductions of an SPMM .
StackState<S,I,P> |
A stack-based state in a procedural system.
State<L> |
Utility class to combine an entity (e.g. a location) with stack information.
StateAsNodeIDs<S> |
StateEquivalence |
A utility class for computing an adaptive distinguishing sequence by means of solving the state equivalence problems,
i.e. computing and ADS for two states only.
StateIDGrowingMapping<S,V> |
StateIDs<S> |
An interface for translating between automaton states and their primitive representations as integers.
StateIDStaticMapping<S,V> |
StateLocalInput<S,I> |
Concept for transition systems, that can for each state return the set of input symbols for which successor states
are defined.
StateLocalInputMealyMachine<S,I,T,O> |
StateOutput<S,O> |
State output concept.
StateOutputAutomaton<S,I,T,O> |
StateSignature |
StringADDSolver |
StringBDDSolver |
StringIndexMapping |
Class for transforming integer index values into string values (using latin characters, therefore effectively
realizing a radix-26 representation of numbers).
StringSymbolMapper<AI> |
A default implementation that maps abstract input symbol to their String representations while adding an
incrementing number to mapped call symbols .
StringUtil |
Miscellaneous utility functions for String s.
StrongRef<T> |
A strong reference wrapper, complying to the Ref interface.
SubsequentialTransducer<S,I,T,O> |
SubsequentialTransducer.SSTGraphView<S,I,T,O,A extends SubsequentialTransducer<S,I,T,O>> |
SubsequentialTransducers |
SuffixOutput<I,D> |
Feature for automata that compute a suffix-observable output function, i.e., they compute an output containing
a part that can be attributed to a suffix of the input.
SupportsGrowingAlphabet<I> |
Interface for declaring that a data structure supports adding new alphabet symbols after its instantiation.
Symbol<I> |
SymbolMapper<AI,CI> |
An interface for mapping (abstract) SEVPA input symbols to concrete SPA input symbols.
TAFFormatException |
Exception to signal fatal errors during parsing TAF inputs.
TAFParseDiagnosticListener |
Diagnostic listener for non-fatal errors and warnings during parsing of a TAF file.
TAFParser |
Facade for TAF parsing.
TAFSerializationDFA |
TAFSerializationMealy |
TAFWriter |
This class provides methods to write automata in the TAF format.
TarjanSCCRecord |
TarjanSCCVisitor<N,E> |
Depth-first traversal visitor realizing Tarjan's algorithm for finding all strongly-connected components (SCCs) in a
Transducers |
TransformerSerializer<T extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<T,L,AP>,L,AP> |
TransitionEdge<I,T> |
TransitionEdge.Property<I,TP> |
TransitionOutput<T,O> |
Transition output concept.
TransitionOutputAutomaton<S,I,T,O> |
TransitionPredicate<S,I,T> |
TransitionPredicates |
TransitionSystem<S,I,T> |
Transition system interface.
TraversalOrder |
Triple<T1,T2,T3> |
Immutable triple class.
TrueNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of a "true" (sub-)formula.
TS |
TS.TransRef<S,I,T> |
TSComposition<S1,S2,I,T1,T2,TS1 extends TransitionSystem<S1,I,T1>,TS2 extends TransitionSystem<S2,I,T2>> |
TSCompositions |
TSCopy |
TSCopyVisitor<S1,I1,T1,S2,I2,T2,SP2,TP2> |
TSTraversal |
TSTraversalAction |
TSTraversalMethod |
TSTraversalVisitor<S,I,T,D> |
Visitor interface for transition system traversals.
TypedADDSolver<L,AP> |
TypedBDDSolver<L,AP> |
UnclosableInputStream |
A delegating input stream that throws an exception when closed.
UnclosableOutputStream |
A delegating output stream that throws an exception when closed.
UndefinedInputsIterator<S,I> |
UndefinedPropertyAccessException |
This specialized exception can be thrown if during the traversal of an automaton or transition system an undefined
property (e.g. a state or a transition output) is accessed, that is otherwise required for returning a valid result.
UndirectedGraph<N,E> |
An undirected graph.
UnionFind |
The well-known disjoint-set forest data structure for dealing with partitions on a fixed-range integer domain.
UnionFindRemSP |
UniversalAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
A universal automaton is a generalized representation of automata, with unified access to the properties of states
and transitions.
UniversalAutomatonGraphView<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends UniversalAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP>> |
UniversalBidirectionalGraph<N,E,NP,EP> |
UniversalCompactDet<I,SP,TP> |
UniversalCompactSimpleDet<I,SP> |
UniversalDeterministicAbstractions |
UniversalDeterministicAbstractions.FullIntAbstraction<I,T,SP,TP,A extends UniversalDeterministicAutomaton.StateIntAbstraction<I,T,SP,TP>> |
UniversalDeterministicAbstractions.StateIntAbstraction<S,I,T,SP,TP,A extends UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP>> |
UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
UniversalDeterministicAutomaton.FullIntAbstraction<T,SP,TP> |
UniversalDeterministicAutomaton.IntAbstraction<T,SP,TP> |
UniversalDeterministicAutomaton.StateIntAbstraction<I,T,SP,TP> |
UniversalDTS<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
Universal deterministic transition system.
UniversalFiniteAlphabetAutomaton<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
UniversalGraph<N,E,NP,EP> |
UniversalGraph.IntAbstraction<E,NP,EP> |
UniversalIndefiniteGraph<N,E,NP,EP> |
A universal graph, i.e., with (possibly empty) node and edge properties.
UniversalTransitionSystem<S,I,T,SP,TP> |
A "universal" transition system, which captures the possibility to assign properties to states and transitions.
UnmodifiableListIterator<T> |
UnorderedCollection<E> |
This class implements a collection for storing objects in no particular order.
VariableNode<L,AP> |
Java representation of an "X" (sub-)formula.
VisitedState |
Enum to use for indicating if a node/state has been visited.
Visualization |
VisualizationHelper<S,I,T,O> |
VisualizationHelper<N,E> |
Helper interface for providing additional styling properties for plotting graphs.
VisualizationHelper.CommonAttrs |
VisualizationHelper.CommonStyles |
VisualizationHelper.EdgeAttrs |
VisualizationHelper.EdgeStyles |
VisualizationHelper.MTSEdgeAttrs |
VisualizationHelper.NodeAttrs |
VisualizationHelper.NodeShapes |
VisualizationHelper.NodeStyles |
VisualizationProvider |
VPAlphabet<I> |
Alphabet definition for visible push-down automata.
VPAlphabet.SymbolType |
Classifies an input symbol either as a call symbol, an internal symbol, or a return symbol.
VPManager |
VPSym<T> |
Utility class used to wrap input symbols of a VPAlphabet .
WeakRef<T> |
A weak reference wrapper, complying to the Ref interface.
WeightedSupplier<T> |
This class implements a Supplier that randomly delegates to one of several (sub-)suppliers.
WitnessTree<L,AP> |
A tree-like Graph that represents the BFS-style exploration of the tableau generated by the
WitnessTreeExtractor .
WitnessTreeState<N,L,E,AP> |
A utility class that represents a current configuration (node property) in the WitnessTree .
WMethodTestsIterator<I> |
Iterator that returns test words generated by the W method.
Word<I> |
A word is an ordered sequence of symbols.
WordBuilder<I> |
A class for dynamically building Word s.
WorksetAlgorithm<T,R> |
WorksetMappingAlgorithm<T,E,R> |
Worksets |
WpMethodTestsIterator<I> |
Iterator that returns test words generated by the partial W method.
WrapperUtil |